View Full Version : Worried about wieght loss

19-12-18, 16:47

I have been having ongoing issues with my guts for a year now. Diagnosed with a fatty liver back in March, started working out and dropped approx 27 lbs by mid November, and was approx 12lbs away from where I needed to be.

We went on vacation for 12 days, and I gained approx 7lbs by Nov 23rd taking me to 189ish. For the last 5-6 weeks I haven't really worked out and my diet was bad, and I was drinking a lot on the weekends. I just started to work out again for the last 2 days, and only had drinks on last Friday and not on the weekend because I didn't feel good.

I stepped on the scale this morning because I felt puffy expecting to see me over 190lbs, but I have dropped weight, and am down to 185.7 so I am a little nervous because I really haven't done anything to lose the weight that I gained back from my trip, although I have started up my training for the last two days, and it is High Intensity Interval Training.

I guess I am scared because I have been having a burning feeling in my upper back for the last week and a bit, and have been bloated, but I have not lost my appetite at all, I am actually hungry.

I am trying to think rationally about this, but I am having a hard time to explain not gaining weight and actually dropping a few lbs.

Can someone please talk me off the HA ledge before it gets out of hand?

19-12-18, 17:21
Dave, first of all, what you describe (+/- 5 lbs) is within a margin of daily fluctuation, especially for someone near 200 lbs. You take a good dump and there's already 2-3 lbs right there. I wouldn't even call it weight loss quite frankly. You are at a stable weight, that's all.

If you are worried about weight loss from cancer, we are talking 30 lbs a month kind of weight loss. You won't miss it.

19-12-18, 17:29
Thanks DR.

I've just been having these issues with my guts and now my upper back so my mind starts to race. you know how it is.

Thanks again!

19-12-18, 18:02
You're 190lbs?

The only weight loss to be worried about is: >10% 9f body weight in a very short period AND without intention AND with a normal diet

You need to lose 19lbs or more before you worry in a VERY short period WITH a NORMAL appetite.

You don't have anything to worry about

Good luck

19-12-18, 18:36
Thanks RGG.

I am actually 185.7 thank you very much lol.

I know its stupid, but I've been feeling off lately, and my job has a lot of down time at the computer, and I just focus on every little thing.

I need to focus on other things but I have a hard time.

I have a gastro appointment in February(it sucks here in Canada to get in to see a specialist) so hopefully everything gets fixed once I go see him.

19-12-18, 20:43
If you've been working out recently your BMR can go up quite a lot, in other words you can eat more calories without putting weight on. It's not just how much you weight, it's the muscle/fat ratio that matters.

Bad food and alcohol won't put weight on unless you're in a calorie surplus, so unless you're eating more calories than you're burning, then you just won't put weight on.

And yes, a fluctuation of 4-5lbs over a 24-48 hour period is nothing.

19-12-18, 22:26
I drank beer every day for a week while on vacation over the summer....weighed 178 the day I got home. 2 days later (after abstaining from booze) I was down to 170. It happens, totally normal

19-12-18, 23:51
It's not the weight gain, its the 5- 6 week layoff from working out and then putting on 7 lbs when I first got back to now weighing 2lbs less when I have been very naughty these last 5-6 weeks since being back from vacation. I ain't complaining, but think I should have gained weight although it could be due to my body balancing out after the initial weight gain? I have started to work out again for a couple of days so maybe that has something to do with it. I wouldn't be worried if it weren't for the fact that I am having cramps, upper back pain, and acid reflux.

20-12-18, 00:03
It's not the weight gain, its the 5- 6 week layoff from working out and then putting on 7 lbs when I first got back to now weighing 2lbs less when I have been very naughty these last 5-6 weeks since being back from vacation. I ain't complaining, but think I should have gained weight although it could be due to my body balancing out after the initial weight gain? I have started to work out again for a couple of days so maybe that has something to do with it. I wouldn't be worried if it weren't for the fact that I am having cramps, upper back pain, and acid reflux.

So you have a net weight GAIN of 5 lbs?

That's an approximate surplus of 15,000 calories, over 5-6 weeks? That means you've been 'naughty' to the tune of about 400 calories a day for that period?

Sounds about right to me? :shrug:

20-12-18, 01:41
Dave, let's put this to rest. I'm a survivor. I lost over 70 pounds in around 4 months. That's over 17 pounds a month!. There's nothing going with you except normal body weight fluctuations"." (period!)

Positive thoughts

20-12-18, 02:41
I wouldn't be worried if it weren't for the fact that I am having cramps, upper back pain and acid reflux.

So you have been eating crap and now you are surprised that you have acid reflux and other GI issues?

---------- Post added at 21:41 ---------- Previous post was at 21:36 ----------

Cancer doesn't cause weight loss until it is advanced. But when it does, it does so fast and vicious. You won't be losing just 5 lbs. It would be much faster and dramatic than that. There are countless other possible causes for what you experience. Maybe you have stomach ulcer, or pancreatitis for example? Gallbladder issues?

20-12-18, 02:51
Dave, first of all, what you describe (+/- 5 lbs) is within a margin of daily fluctuation, especially for someone near 200 lbs. You take a good dump and there's already 2-3 lbs right there. I wouldn't even call it weight loss quite frankly. You are at a stable weight, that's all.

If you are worried about weight loss from cancer, we are talking 30 lbs a month kind of weight loss. You won't miss it.

^ Exactly this.

If you read about the errors made in weight loss they state this as one of the reasons. Going to the toilet can account for 1lb alone. Remember how much food actually weighs for a start. Whilst that changes once digested (water may be coming out via urine, sweat, etc) after a meal it's only like you are standing on the scale with the food in your hands. It's still weight.

When I was diagnosed with Hypertension in Feb I've started losing weight and monitoring the fluctuations. I have done a lot of daily readings so I have an understanding of why they may change and also varied the times with some to spot it. I tend to vary by up to 4lbs across the day, 5lbs on the occasional day (most likely the day after a large meal).

And the more you have to lose, the quicker the change. Initially it can be water weight rather than fat.

Also don't forget muscles will pull in water. That means more weight. For instance, if you took Creatine to help it will add a few pounds fairly quickly but it's all water weight because it forces the muscles to suck in more water hence making muscles larger but puffy.

20-12-18, 03:14
Alright alright, you guys win lol. It’s been a long year and a half with these gastric issues and I am looking forward to get seen by a specialist. It’s funny because with Ha you know the rational answer but it’s that voice in the back of your head saying “what if” so it’s nice to have the support from you guys. Thanks again!