View Full Version : Heavy feeling after having alcohol

18-12-18, 19:51
I’m really hoping someone else has this. .

So after I take the first sip or few sips of alcohol I get this heavy sensation mainly in my legs but can be all over the body. It’s sort of like I’ve done heavy excercise, like it’s a build up of lactic acid. It’s like a heavy/cramp/ache sensation. It doesn’t last too long and I can continue with my drink. But it’s strange and now freaking me out!

Anyone else experience this . . I hope I’m not alone!

19-12-18, 17:07
To me that normal but I don’t like drinkingbfor those symptoms

19-12-18, 17:12
I get that, yep, along with burning skin. Since I started citalopram it's got a lot better; this is why I want to continue taking citalopram.

19-12-18, 18:13
Yes this is normal

And in certain individuals like me - it's dangerous!! (but not in the way you think)

I had problems with alcohol abuse a few years ago. That heaviness in my legs was also accompanied by an intense euphoria. I LOVED the heaviness in the legs, I LOVED the euphoria. I loved it all. You sound like you don't enjoy that sensation, so it's not dangerous in your case lol. But it was dangerous in mine and resulted in me drinking every night.

As people with health anxiety (or anxiety in general really) are more prone to alcohol/substance misuse I say to everyone on here who reports issues after drinking, to be careful, and if you find you're enjoying alcohol 5oo much to speak to your GP.

Good luck