View Full Version : Scared of mycotoxins/mold

01-12-18, 20:36
I was cleaning up my room just recently and I found a bowl of instant ramen with green blue and i think white mold i cleaned it up and i thought about mycotoxins now I'm scared that somehow i inhaled mycotoxins. Now I'm not really feverish but i feel kinda cold in the head and im coughing a bit also my eyes are irritated

It has been around an hour and nothing much has happened Dr. Google is at it again. But it would be nice to have some facts to counteract the anxiety next time I see something moldy

02-12-18, 20:46
I'm not too knowledgeable on mycotoxins except knowing that they're harmful, so I'm not sure of your specific health worry. But I have the misfortune of living in a property that has severe mould/damp issues so I've no doubt been breathing them in for several years (I don't have the option of moving). And I'm still alive, although starting to suffer from it now - but not the symptoms you have described.

I guess my point is that you are unlikely to have anything happen to you because you left a bowl of food to go a bit mouldy. It happens to people all the time and they suffer no ill effects.