View Full Version : please help- possible polyp or something else?

21-11-18, 19:28
I have had long menstrual bleeding and clots during my cycles (which are always regular) for the past couple months. I just had an ultrasound of my uterus. The doctor called and said my endometrial linking was very thick. She wants me to have another ultrasound after my period to compare the two. I just got my period today, so she said the lining could be thick due to me getting my period right after the ultrasound. She says if it doesn't disappear after my period (she ordered an ultrasound for after my period), then she may need to biopsy. She said something about polyps, etc... which scared the crap out of me. I asked her if it could be cancer and she said no, she honestly does not believe that and she would not lie to me. Why is this happening??? I'm so terrified I'm going to die!

21-11-18, 19:49
You have one major advantage being in America, and that is because you have private health insurance. **Generally speaking** in the American health care system, they wouldn't "watch and wait" if they even suspected cancer for a split second. You'd be referred for the appropriate diagnostics right away.

Irrespective of this, your doctors lack of worry is very reassuring. Doctors don't hide it when they have doubt.

21-11-18, 19:57
I hope you are right. I don't know how I am going to get through the next week or two. I'm terrified.

21-11-18, 20:09
In a case like this you have to try to believe your dr. She knows far more than we ever could, and she has said she doesn’t believe it is cancer

21-11-18, 20:30
You are right, i need to trust the doctor. She is in her 60's and has been been an gyne for 30+ years. I'm sure she's seen this before. Ughh. I had the waiting, the anxiety, and the over thinking.

21-11-18, 20:53
Yeah please do not panic or give this undue attention. Follow up as directed by your doctor.

If anything, in America patients are over-investigated... So please rest assured :) Your consultant knows what she's doing.

But, having been through a mole worry a couple of months ago (which, alas, turned out to be nothing) I know how hard it is to NOT worry!

21-11-18, 22:28

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


22-11-18, 15:04
I am trying to trust my doctor and am thankful if she did find something. IF on the off chance, I'm hoping it was caught earlier, it can be removed, and i can move on. Times like this make me thankful to be alive.

30-05-19, 07:34
Hi what happened with this after