View Full Version : CA Wildfires and Now I’m Having Trouble Breathing

16-11-18, 01:35
Hi guys. So I live in a area of CA that has been impacted by the fires. There’s a lot of harmful pollutants in the air right now and I’ve been staying inside for the most part. I’ve also been trying to get over a nasty cold so this hasn’t helped obviously. Well today I had to try to go into work and I was only there for maybe an hour because the bathroom vents were pulling in outside air and making me feel like I was choking whenever I’d try to talk. It’s like that tickle but your airway feels cut off. Idk if anyone know what I mean but it’s hard to explain it just feels like I can’t breathe in or out sometimes without having such an intense tickle that it stops me from doing it. I came home in a panic and took my inhaler and then started some Prednisone that I was prescribed on Sunday when I went to urgent care because it felt like I was have construction then but it went away. Now I’m laying in bed crying because it feels like it’ll never go away. I see my doctor tomorrow at 2:20 and I’m so scared I’ll have to go to the hospital before then and what if there is nothing they can do to make it stop. What if I die. What if I just choke and they can’t help me. I’m freaking out. I never should’ve tried to go to work today.

16-11-18, 02:35
It sounds like an irritation. It could be from your cold as tickly coughs are common with them.

Do you take your inhaler for asthma?

Air quality can cause issues with asthma so it's possible if there is smoke around that air quality of poor. Have they given advice out for members of the public with breathing conditions?

16-11-18, 02:46
Have you ever had that feeling I’m trying to describe? When I cough it feels hot like mucus is back there and like some mucus comes out in globs. I know gross.

So the air quality here is very unhealthy. I think we are at around 270...they are saying to wear a mask when outside and to be careful because people with asthma can have problems. I haven’t left my house since we got home from Seattle on Monday night because I’ve been so sick. And today I had to go to work. I thought for sure that the church building would be safe. And I get to work take my mask off and then I smell the smoke smell. My boss said it was from the door opening and closing but nothing was coming through. Then I had to pee so I went to the bathroom and the vent is wide open pumping smoke filled air into the building. After that I had made a few phone calls and my throat was getting that feeling and I had to go home. It’s still so irritated. I’m just super worried and scared. Ya know?

16-11-18, 03:15
Yes, whenever I have things like colds. I had asthma since childhood (I'm 42) but this year they determined it has disappeared (can return later in life though).

Mucus is a reaction to inflammation. So, that could be irritation. Asthma means more mucus gets produced when we have problems hence why we sometimes need some help with things like steroids but usually it can go with time and upping inhaler dosages to help us out.

As long as you are taking precautions you are doing what you can. You may just need more support from your inhalers if you are unwell with a cold. It depends on the inhaler but I was always told to increase my dosages when I had colds that affected my chest.

16-11-18, 12:01
I’m visiting family on a month-long vacation in CA right now. The air has been awful, but today it reached hazardous levels (400+) where we are. I have a lingering cold which had already settled in my chest ... it’s not done me any favours, for sure. I also have three young children with me. Try getting a mask on a 2yo who hasn’t had his daily park walk :roflmao: Definitely take care of yourself, drink a ton of water to help keep your airways hydrated, and follow the precautions as given. I’ve also been showering right before bed to reduce my exposure to the pollutants in my hair and on my face during sleep. The doctor will definitely be able to advise you more, and you will not choke between now and then. Hopefully once the air clears the irritation will fade and you should feel better in a few days.

The effects of the smoke are terrible, but I keep reminding myself that at least I have a house to go into and reduce my exposure. Many around here don’t. Oh, another way I’m meeting my HA head on—I popped a mask on myself, and bought a box of N95 masks to drop at a local senior park. The fire departments here had free masks today, but they disappeared almost immediately, and no one took any to the at-risk community who shouldn’t be going outside anyway. Caring for others at greater risk than myself puts things in perspective. Hope you feel better soon, I could really relate to your post!

16-11-18, 15:43
Anxiety or not, what's taking place in California is horrific and the effects are being felt all over. You and millions of others are in the same boat and are doing what they have to do to cope. You will too. Stay safe!

Positive thoughts