View Full Version : Difficulty swallowing (have to drink water to flush down)

13-11-18, 01:24
Hi All,

I read Hypo's post regarding his/her journey of esophageal cancer panic. Just want to post mine here as I am currently experiencing some weird symptoms and was hoping some people may be able to shed some light on these symptoms.

I am 27yo male. Some background story, I have always had stomach issue- acid, constant burping and also throat issue such as chronic pain on the left side of throat. Around a month and a half ago, one morning, I suddenly developed a lump in throat feeling. At first I thought it is throat related so i went to see an ENT. who used a scope to see my thoat and didn't find anything. Then I started feeling that I am having a little difficulty swallowing in that every time i swallow something, i feel the urge to burp air out. I then went to see an gastroenterologist who put me on omeprazole. The omeprazole helped with acid reflux, however it didn not help me with this weird sensation of difficulty swallowing.

Fast forward to now, this evening, I went out to have sushi with friends. With every sushi i swallow, i felt like i had to drink water to flush it down or else I felt like it was stuck in the middle of my chest. I would feel better after i drink water. Every time when i drink water, i also would need to burp.

I know there may be a lot of other reasons to explain why i would have this weird difficulty swallowing especially sold foods. But my mind just cant help but resort to possible tumor. I emailed my gastroenterologist today asking for an endosocopy, but he has gotten back to me yet. Anyone can shed some light on what could this possibly be? Thank you guys so much.

13-11-18, 01:45
I've told Hypo this but it went in one ear and out the other. Hopefully this will make a difference for you. I had Head and Neck cancer. Had two sets of tonsils taken out along with biopsies all over the back of my mouth, tongue and throat. Add to that rads 5 days a week for 6 weeks and chemo.

The result of all that has left me with swallowing issues. I can eat soft things like yogurt and such comfortably but everything else? The way I have to eat now is chew, chew, sip, swallow. I cannot walk by a tin of cookies and just grab one to eat because I need liquid to get it down. It also takes me twice as long to eat than a normal person. I have to be very careful and focus on chewing and swallowing because I can choke and have. Scary stuff believe me! I know what real swallowing issues are because I'm living it.

What you describe are not swallowing issues. I don't doubt you're feeling uncomfortable but in no way, shape or form is it remotely sinister in nature. I think it's related to your stomach issue and acid reflux. Add to that anxiety and here you are :shrug:

Positive thoughts

13-11-18, 01:50
Thanks for your quick reply. It's the part where i felt like i had to drink water to flush down solid food like rice or bread thats making me scared. I hope it is not because im paying more attention to it :(. I just feel like something is stuck in the middle of my chest if i dont drink water to flush it down.

13-11-18, 17:28
Just wanna post a quick update. Called up my gastroentorologist and pushed for an endoscopy. Endoscopy is scheduled for next Monday at 7:30am. will keep readers updated on this issue. I am praying for myself.

13-11-18, 21:06

Fishmanpa described it extremely well. When patients truly suffer from dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) whether it be due to oesophageal cancer or similar, they try to swallow, can't do so and then the food literally "projectiles" back up. It's not a case of "hmm, I think I had a bit of difficulty there".

The problem is you're concentrating on your swallowing "problems", thus creating symptoms.


(Besides, oesophageal cancer at your age is practically unheard of)

14-11-18, 09:04
The most likely thing going on here is hyper awareness. I often go through periods of worrying about my swallowing and when I do I can clearly feel food sticking in my chest. It is such an obvious and overwhelming feeling that I cannot understand why I don’t feel it all the time (but I don’t, if I’m not thinking about it). It got so bad I had a gastroscopy, which was clear. So my guess is the same is going on with you.
There are other things - not cancer!! - that could be going on as well. Motility issues, gerd, hiatus hernia, to name but a few.....
you don’t have cancer. I would bet my house on that.

14-11-18, 09:44
Hi All,

I read Hypo's post regarding his/her journey of esophageal cancer panic. Just want to post mine here as I am currently experiencing some weird symptoms and was hoping some people may be able to shed some light on these symptoms.

I am 27yo male. Some background story, I have always had stomach issue- acid, constant burping and also throat issue such as chronic pain on the left side of throat. Around a month and a half ago, one morning, I suddenly developed a lump in throat feeling. At first I thought it is throat related so i went to see an ENT. who used a scope to see my thoat and didn't find anything. Then I started feeling that I am having a little difficulty swallowing in that every time i swallow something, i feel the urge to burp air out. I then went to see an gastroenterologist who put me on omeprazole. The omeprazole helped with acid reflux, however it didn not help me with this weird sensation of difficulty swallowing.

Fast forward to now, this evening, I went out to have sushi with friends. With every sushi i swallow, i felt like i had to drink water to flush it down or else I felt like it was stuck in the middle of my chest. I would feel better after i drink water. Every time when i drink water, i also would need to burp.

I know there may be a lot of other reasons to explain why i would have this weird difficulty swallowing especially sold foods. But my mind just cant help but resort to possible tumor. I emailed my gastroenterologist today asking for an endosocopy, but he has gotten back to me yet. Anyone can shed some light on what could this possibly be? Thank you guys so much.

I just come on the forum to post asking for help/advice and came across your post and it’s the exact same thing I’m having trouble with!

For months now I been having trouble with swallowing food and when I brought it up to the doctor she said “it’ll just be your anxiety” so I’ve been trying to just get on with it but I can’t tell you just how many times I have actually nearly choked on my food because of it!

Last Friday was the point where I decided I just couldn’t take it any longer. I was eating a stir fry and I was using water to help wash down the food but then one of the mouthfuls I swallowed just didn’t go down right and I couldn’t wash it down or bring it back up no matter what I did and I went into severe panic. I had to go to my brothers house and sit with him so I wasn’t on my own because I was so scared. I had a lump in my throat all night and felt so worried. I went to the out of hours doctors the day after and he diagnosed me with dysphagia and prescribed me omaprazole and said I would need a camera down the throat to see what’s causing it. I rang my doctors Monday morning and they won’t refer me for the camera until I’ve been in to see the nurse and next appointment is Thursday. I’ve hardly eaten anything at all since Friday night and when I do I can swallow it properly and it’s getting stuck. Im so sick of this.

How did you get an appointment for a camera so quickly? Are you in the UK?

14-11-18, 12:39

Fishmanpa described it extremely well. When patients truly suffer from dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) whether it be due to oesophageal cancer or similar, they try to swallow, can't do so and then the food literally "projectiles" back up. It's not a case of "hmm, I think I had a bit of difficulty there".

The problem is you're concentrating on your swallowing "problems", thus creating symptoms.


(Besides, oesophageal cancer at your age is practically unheard of)

Thank you Radiogaga. I know it is very rare people at my age get this kinda C*. But you know how we think, we always think we are the worst. I am just trying to eat slow and eat soft right now until i get my endoscopy done next Monday.

---------- Post added at 12:36 ---------- Previous post was at 12:34 ----------

The most likely thing going on here is hyper awareness. I often go through periods of worrying about my swallowing and when I do I can clearly feel food sticking in my chest. It is such an obvious and overwhelming feeling that I cannot understand why I don’t feel it all the time (but I don’t, if I’m not thinking about it). It got so bad I had a gastroscopy, which was clear. So my guess is the same is going on with you.
There are other things - not cancer!! - that could be going on as well. Motility issues, gerd, hiatus hernia, to name but a few.....
you don’t have cancer. I would bet my house on that.

omg...I would want my health than your house lol! I hope it is just hyper-awareness. Its just whenever i eat rice or meat, i feel like pressure building on my chest and that drink water to flush down will alleviate it... thats whats scary for me! I just really really hope there isnt anything growing there. I actually have had an endoscopy back in 2016 december, and my esophagus was normal per my doctor.

---------- Post added at 12:39 ---------- Previous post was at 12:36 ----------

I just come on the forum to post asking for help/advice and came across your post and it’s the exact same thing I’m having trouble with!

For months now I been having trouble with swallowing food and when I brought it up to the doctor she said “it’ll just be your anxiety” so I’ve been trying to just get on with it but I can’t tell you just how many times I have actually nearly choked on my food because of it!

Last Friday was the point where I decided I just couldn’t take it any longer. I was eating a stir fry and I was using water to help wash down the food but then one of the mouthfuls I swallowed just didn’t go down right and I couldn’t wash it down or bring it back up no matter what I did and I went into severe panic. I had to go to my brothers house and sit with him so I wasn’t on my own because I was so scared. I had a lump in my throat all night and felt so worried. I went to the out of hours doctors the day after and he diagnosed me with dysphagia and prescribed me omaprazole and said I would need a camera down the throat to see what’s causing it. I rang my doctors Monday morning and they won’t refer me for the camera until I’ve been in to see the nurse and next appointment is Thursday. I’ve hardly eaten anything at all since Friday night and when I do I can swallow it properly and it’s getting stuck. Im so sick of this.

How did you get an appointment for a camera so quickly? Are you in the UK?

We almost have the same symptoms wow...i dont know how you feel. Now i am kinda dready eating food cuz im afraid i will have the stuck feeling in my chest again... and every day i still feel lump in my throat particularly on the left side.

I am in the US. the reason why I could get an appointment so fast, i think its because ive seen my gastroenterologist over the past two years and ive seen him twice regarding this lump in throat, acid reflux and swallowing issue. So i just contacted him and he agreed to do it for me... he can tell how anxious i am..

14-11-18, 18:47
Was just eating Quesadilla for lunch... tried to eat them without drinking water, but as two of them go in to my stomach, i just started feeling pressure building on on my chest area and that i need to drink water. I just can't help but thinking i might have a tumor growing :(. Every time i eat, i also feel nauseous... im so scared now.

14-11-18, 18:59
i just started feeling pressure building on on my chest area and that i need to drink water. Every time i eat, i also feel nauseous... im so scared now.

For what it's worth since you are obviously in a spiral and didn't take on any of what I said, it sounds like reflux/GERD. Mexican food is a well known trigger.

Anyway... let us know what the medical professionals say. The "Told Ya So Gang" will be on standby :winks:

Positive thoughts

14-11-18, 19:04
I really hope so. I have been taking omeprazole and have not felt much acid tho.... so i dont know why it is still not helping my swallowing issue.

14-11-18, 20:32
I really hope so. I have been taking omeprazole and have not felt much acid tho.... so i dont know why it is still not helping my swallowing issue.

From liver/pancreatic/gallbladder cancer, to now esophageal cancer.

You do see what the real problem is right? It’s above your shoulders and very treatable. You just have to be willing....

15-11-18, 00:48
From liver/pancreatic/gallbladder cancer, to now esophageal cancer.

You do see what the real problem is right? It’s above your shoulders and very treatable. You just have to be willing....

i know how it looks... I was convinced i might have those cancers before.... and now i am convinced i might have esophageal C because of this nausea and food stuck in chest feeling

15-11-18, 01:05
Hi All,

I read Hypo's post regarding his/her journey of esophageal cancer panic. Just want to post mine here as I am currently experiencing some weird symptoms and was hoping some people may be able to shed some light on these symptoms.

I am 27yo male. Some background story, I have always had stomach issue- acid, constant burping and also throat issue such as chronic pain on the left side of throat. Around a month and a half ago, one morning, I suddenly developed a lump in throat feeling. At first I thought it is throat related so i went to see an ENT. who used a scope to see my thoat and didn't find anything. Then I started feeling that I am having a little difficulty swallowing in that every time i swallow something, i feel the urge to burp air out. I then went to see an gastroenterologist who put me on omeprazole. The omeprazole helped with acid reflux, however it didn not help me with this weird sensation of difficulty swallowing.

Fast forward to now, this evening, I went out to have sushi with friends. With every sushi i swallow, i felt like i had to drink water to flush it down or else I felt like it was stuck in the middle of my chest. I would feel better after i drink water. Every time when i drink water, i also would need to burp.

I know there may be a lot of other reasons to explain why i would have this weird difficulty swallowing especially sold foods. But my mind just cant help but resort to possible tumor. I emailed my gastroenterologist today asking for an endosocopy, but he has gotten back to me yet. Anyone can shed some light on what could this possibly be? Thank you guys so much.

Hey man,

Firstly, I'm still kicking, and never ended up with an esophageal C diagnosis, so since we shared the same "symptoms" you can take solace in that.

Secondly, you re just hyper aware of your food traveling like I was. After a lot of doctors visit and an eventual ultrasound, I realized that I was just focusing a ton on the process of eating my food, something I never would have done had I not been triggered earlier.

Fish is a great guy to help out on this, as he's face an actual head and neck C diagnosis, and despite what he says about whether or not I listened to him those years ago, he really helped me a lot. So you should take his word on this.

15-11-18, 03:09
I am trying my best to calm myself down and telling myself that it's unlikely and rare to have esophageal C. Thank you for the kind words. Next Mondays endoscopy just seems so far away...
Hey man,

Firstly, I'm still kicking, and never ended up with an esophageal C diagnosis, so since we shared the same "symptoms" you can take solace in that.

Secondly, you re just hyper aware of your food traveling like I was. After a lot of doctors visit and an eventual ultrasound, I realized that I was just focusing a ton on the process of eating my food, something I never would have done had I not been triggered earlier.

Fish is a great guy to help out on this, as he's face an actual head and neck C diagnosis, and despite what he says about whether or not I listened to him those years ago, he really helped me a lot. So you should take his word on this.

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15-11-18, 12:12
Woke up feeling nauseous.. no appetite. Scared to eat because of the swallowing feeling .. I just don't know how I can pull through to Monday. And I have work too:blush:

15-11-18, 13:10
work might be better, keep your mind off it. I know its hard. I have to say I have had a similar feel, just past few days felt like I had something stuck in chest and throat. Had it before, went away so I think its anxiety (which I know I am having majorly because other issues).

15-11-18, 14:59
When you have had acid reflux for a while, it can cause irritation in the oesophogeous. It's a bit like, if you gave yourself a papercut or burn on your arm, every time something rubbed against it, it would hurt. Until the omneprazole is given time to work to reduce the acidity (which can take quite a few weeks), you will still have the feeling of things being stuck in the throat
Even if they are not. You would be regurgitating them. Also, anxiety can exacerbate this feeling, this is known as globus.

15-11-18, 18:28
work might be better, keep your mind off it. I know its hard. I have to say I have had a similar feel, just past few days felt like I had something stuck in chest and throat. Had it before, went away so I think its anxiety (which I know I am having majorly because other issues).

I dont think its anxiety :(

---------- Post added at 18:28 ---------- Previous post was at 18:27 ----------

When you have had acid reflux for a while, it can cause irritation in the oesophogeous. It's a bit like, if you gave yourself a papercut or burn on your arm, every time something rubbed against it, it would hurt. Until the omneprazole is given time to work to reduce the acidity (which can take quite a few weeks), you will still have the feeling of things being stuck in the throat
Even if they are not. You would be regurgitating them. Also, anxiety can exacerbate this feeling, this is known as globus.

my issue is not lump in troat, my issue is i feel like solid food is going down very slowly and that i need to drink water to get it down :( :(

15-11-18, 18:46
Yes, but the area will be very sensitive due to the damage done by acid reflux (which you say you are being treated for), which means you will feel the sensation of things going down your throat and when the food rubs against the sensitive parts, it will throb and you will thing it is there, stuck, but it won't be. When I was going through my post natal health anxiety, mainly focused on a fear of oesophogeal cancer, food often felt 'stuck.' I found it extremely difficult to swallow, almost impossible at times. I lost over a stone in weight in under three weeks, I was eating so little and breastfeeding my baby as well. One time, I felt a piece of apple was stuck and freaked out and went up to A&E. The Dr told me that it wasn't stuck and it was due to the acid reflux that it felt like that. It took a good month before the PPIs really started to have an effect on the reflux. Plus my anti anxiety meds helped calm me down (further reducing acidity).

15-11-18, 20:53
I dont think its anxiety :(

Then why, if I may ask, are you posting about this on an anxiety/HA forum? :huh:

Positive thoughts

16-11-18, 01:17
[QUOTE=Fishmanpa;1836903]Then why, if I may ask, are you posting about this on an anxiety/HA forum? :huh:

Positive thoughts[/QUOTE

I do have anxiety, but anxiety doesnt mean i won't have illnesses right... i just hope and am praying that this time it is just anxiety and nothing serious. I hope I didnt run out of luck this time

17-11-18, 04:02
Just post a timeline of my symptoms for the past week as I have been thinking this whole evening.

Around the end of September: Started having lump in throat feeling, still existing right now.
Around Mid October: Started having horsey and raspy voice
Around Mid November: Started having difficulty swallowing symptom- Solid food travels slowly, feeling of food stuck in the middle the chest to the upper side of throat, also constantly belching and feeling nauseous

Went to ENT twice and Gastroenterologist twice during this past two months. Having my endoscopy on 11/19 @7:30. All these symptoms seem to point to Esophageal C, at an advanced level because of horsy voice. I hope and pray for another explanation for my symptoms. I am only 27 years old, the chance should be minimal plus 2 years ago my esophagus only had minor irritation. I just dont know what to think of these symptoms anymore and im constantly on an emotional roller coaster ride.

I will update everyone on my scope result and if its good result, it can help future readers to feel somewhat relieved.

17-11-18, 20:27
A lump in the throat is so common with anxiety that there's even an actual term for it which you may know - globus hystericus - which tells how common this is since there are dozens upon dozens of other anxiety physical manifestations that don't have their own term. So if that's been cleared by your doc you shouldn't even consider that a "past/current issue".

As for the feeling of food getting stuck, this is also common with anxiety. Especially when you think about it over and over again.

I had that feeling for a week or two a couple of years ago, and I don't remember most of the details of how it developed but I remember what resolved it. One day I accidentally swallowed a large throat lozenge whole before it dissolved at all. Much larger than any bite of food I was eating. I of course instantly panicked but then after a minute of not choking, dying, etc., realized that it went down just fine. Never had the stuck in throat feeling again after that moment. I told my therapist about that at my next session and she just smiled and said, "yeah, you just practiced exposure unintentionally and you see that it works!". Now I'm not necessarily saying you need to go swallow a big lozenge but I'm just sharing how the brain thinking that something is happening does not necessarily mean that the thing is actually happening, and in fact the brain could be making the feeling happen!

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17-11-18, 23:07
Thanks for your kind word. I know all the conditions you mentioned above. When the lump in throat feeling occurred, i accepted that it might be globus. But now combining my other symptoms, this is when i got panic and really get scared of EC. The whole day i have been in a very bad place, every time i eat solid food, i feel nauseous and i feel its not going down correctly and that i need to drink water to flush it down to feel better...

A lump in the throat is so common with anxiety that there's even an actual term for it which you may know - globus hystericus - which tells how common this is since there are dozens upon dozens of other anxiety physical manifestations that don't have their own term. So if that's been cleared by your doc you shouldn't even consider that a "past/current issue".

As for the feeling of food getting stuck, this is also common with anxiety. Especially when you think about it over and over again.

I had that feeling for a week or two a couple of years ago, and I don't remember most of the details of how it developed but I remember what resolved it. One day I accidentally swallowed a large throat lozenge whole before it dissolved at all. Much larger than any bite of food I was eating. I of course instantly panicked but then after a minute of not choking, dying, etc., realized that it went down just fine. Never had the stuck in throat feeling again after that moment. I told my therapist about that at my next session and she just smiled and said, "yeah, you just practiced exposure unintentionally and you see that it works!". Now I'm not necessarily saying you need to go swallow a big lozenge but I'm just sharing how the brain thinking that something is happening does not necessarily mean that the thing is actually happening, and in fact the brain could be making the feeling happen!

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17-11-18, 23:24
From a post you made...

I had my abdominal ultrasound around 3 weeks ago. All were clear..... overlying bowel gas.

That speaks volumes! Been farting much? :whistles:Do you seriously think they would have missed something like cancer? When I went for physical exams and scans, it was obvious something was up. Go ahead and get your test. I'll keep the "Told Ya So Gang" on standby :winks:

Positive thoughts

17-11-18, 23:26
From a post you made...

That speaks volumes! Been farting much? :whistles:Do you seriously think they would have missed something like cancer? When I went for physical exams and scans, it was obvious something was up. Go ahead and get your test. I'll keep the "Told Ya So Gang" on standby :winks:

Positive thoughts

but ultrasound would not be able to detect stomach or esophageal issue tho..

18-11-18, 00:21
but ultrasound would not be able to detect stomach or esophageal issue tho..

I beg to differ :lac: If there were a tumor or obstruction, it would have been seen. I had cancerous nodes in my neck. It was seen by US and CT Scan.

IMO as an armchair doctor and 5+ years of reading similar posts on this forum, you have GERD or reflux exasperated by anxiety. And... you're 27yo. It's virtually unheard of at your age. I belonged to a Head and Neck cancer forum. In the time I was there, there was no one under 40 on there. "Told Ya So Gang" on standby :winks:

Positive thoughts

18-11-18, 00:27
Thank you! I haven't fell into such dark place for a long time. I have been a hypochondriac for a long long time and each time I am usually able to sooth myself. But this time, these symptoms are completely petrifying me and reminds me that something serious is going wrong. I am so scared of Mondays endoscopy. I'm so scared doctor is gonna come out and deliver me really bad news. I remember I have had a dream a year ago with this sort of content and I woke up abruptly.

Anyways... I really really really hope it is just minor issue like reflux...
I beg to differ :lac: If there were a tumor or obstruction, it would have been seen. I had cancerous nodes in my neck. It was seen by US and CT Scan.

IMO as an armchair doctor and 5+ years of reading similar posts on this forum, you have GERD or reflux exasperated by anxiety. "Told Ya So Gang" on standby :winks:

Positive thoughts

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18-11-18, 05:46
I had a lump in throat feeling for a while...want to guess what it was...allergies.

18-11-18, 15:14
If you had EC you would be progressing fast not being able to swallow in just a short time. It took me a long time to realize how irrational this fear is especially at our age I’m 29. Worst case scenario it’s probably esophagitis which can cause food getting stuck hoarseness etc.

18-11-18, 18:29
If you had EC you would be progressing fast not being able to swallow in just a short time. It took me a long time to realize how irrational this fear is especially at our age I’m 29. Worst case scenario it’s probably esophagitis which can cause food getting stuck hoarseness etc.

Glad you have moved on! I cant really judge this by time yet because my difficulty swallowing and nausea symptoms occurred about 1 week ago. I have my endoscopy tomorrow, and im already convinced something abnormal is going on, be it hernia or ...

18-11-18, 22:58
Having endoscopy tomorrow morning at 7:30 and my anxiety is through the roof. I can't stop thinking/imagining the worse case scenario, I can't stop thinking tomorrow will be the worst day in my life. I don't know how I can handle it tomorrow. All these really, physical symptoms are not like before where I can explain to anxiety. I just felt this difficulty swallowing and nauseous is not anxiety but really something sinister. I have had stomach issues for years and I'm afraid this time something bad is really going on. [emoji120][emoji120][emoji120][emoji120][emoji120][emoji120]

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19-11-18, 01:19
What if tomorrow is a great day in your life because the results show everything is normal? And then you don't get to enjoy it because you've worried yourself sick tonight and are too exhausted?

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19-11-18, 01:32
Thank you for your kind words! I'm mentally preparing for the worst news... My heart is constantly racing right now. But still there is a chance i could get good news right? There has to be...
What if tomorrow is a great day in your life because the results show everything is normal? And then you don't get to enjoy it because you've worried yourself sick tonight and are too exhausted?

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19-11-18, 11:26
On my way to endoscopy, I'm so scared [emoji24][emoji24]

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19-11-18, 11:37
It’s going to be fine

19-11-18, 11:52
Thank you! [emoji120]
It’s going to be fine

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19-11-18, 13:40
Prayers to you, but I bet it’s gonns be fine.

19-11-18, 14:53
Hi everyone, I just give a quick update. I just had my endoscopy under anesthesia. I've had multiple before and each time I was knocked out and don't remember anything. But this time I felt the discomfort of the tube going in and doctors wiggle around...

Anyways, everything came back normal for now! And I just have to wait for their routine biopsy results!

Thanks everryone for everything. This has been one of the worst in years.4267

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19-11-18, 17:58
Of COURSE it did!!!!
Now to get the anxiety under control otherwise you’ll be back for another one in 18 months!!!
Happy for you though!

19-11-18, 18:03
I know!!! When the nurse was giving me iv, I sa small air bubbles in the iv line. She said don't worry your body will absorb it. It seemed like there were a lot of bubbles. I was worried a little bit. But now trying to not think about it and just move on!!!
Of COURSE it did!!!!
Now to get the anxiety under control otherwise you’ll be back for another one in 18 months!!!
Happy for you though!

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19-11-18, 19:08
Hi everyone, I just give a quick update. I just had my endoscopy under anesthesia.

Anyways, everything came back normal for now! And I just have to wait for their routine biopsy results!

For what it's worth since you are obviously in a spiral and didn't take on any of what I said, it sounds like reflux/GERD. Mexican food is a well known trigger.

Anyway... let us know what the medical professionals say. The "Told Ya So Gang" will be on standby :winks:

Here's your well deserved....


Time to work on the real issue ;)

Positive thoughts

19-11-18, 19:19
The results say likely 'anxiety induced' symptoms. So to deal with the anxiety now. Congratulations on the good results.

19-11-18, 19:27
[emoji106]. Good results. Now that you have the all clear you can work on the anxiety to reduce/prevent future freakouts! I know all clears were always helpful for me but even better is not to need it in the first place.

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19-11-18, 19:43
Haha thank you! I prayed for your "I told you so" gang yesterday!
Here's your well deserved....


Time to work on the real issue ;)

Positive thoughts

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---------- Post added at 19:40 ---------- Previous post was at 19:39 ----------

Yeah. Im looking in to buying a book for self-healing. It's called Overcoming Health Anxiety: Letting Go of Your Fear of Illness

The results say likely 'anxiety induced' symptoms. So to deal with the anxiety now. Congratulations on the good results.

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---------- Post added at 19:43 ---------- Previous post was at 19:40 ----------

I know... Believe it or not, I have been better for a long time in that I have been able to control myself not to get into a full panic. But for the past 2 days for this issue, I couldn't control myself. I was so convinced that my heart rate today when I was at the procedure room was 130, I remember hearing the anesthesiaologist said to the doctor "his heart rate was 130, I had to give him more relaxer"...
[emoji106]. Good results. Now that you have the all clear you can work on the anxiety to reduce/prevent future freakouts! I know all clears were always helpful for me but even better is not to need it in the first place.

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28-11-18, 12:48
Hi everyone,

I posted my fear of esophagus cancer 2 weeks ago and then got an endoscopy. The biopsy results came back yesterday showed segments of barrets eaophagus. I don't know what to think anymore and I'm so sad that at such a young age (27), I am diagnosed with such condition :(. Am I doomed down the road? I just don't know...

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6003 using Tapatalk

28-11-18, 13:26
You are not doomed... You will now be watched more closely and if any changes occur they will be picked up before they turn nasty. It's those that don't have a diagnosis that are more worrying.

28-11-18, 14:29
It's not cancer nor is it a serious situation as the biopsies were clear. You've had reflux for a while and have some damage from stomach acid. That's what Barrett's is. It's very treatable and with proper diet and meds, you're good. Besides, now that it's been determined, your doc will keep an eye on things but you have to do your part too.

Positive thoughts

28-11-18, 16:24
Hi everyone,

I posted my fear of esophagus cancer 2 weeks ago and then got an endoscopy. The biopsy results came back yesterday showed segments of barrets eaophagus. I don't know what to think anymore and I'm so sad that at such a young age (27), I am diagnosed with such condition :(. Am I doomed down the road? I just don't know...

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6003 using Tapatalk

That sucks man. I can see how you'd be upset, as anything associated with the big C, no matter how remote, causes us to worry like crazy.

The good news, like everyone else said, is that you don't have esophageal cancer, and in a recent study, only 0.12% of patients with Barret's ever develop EC.

So I'd say you're good, especially since this means you'll be screened way more often.

28-11-18, 21:36

Think I answered your question(s) recently as I recognise your screen name, as the 'Del Rey' part is the name of a singer I'm a huge fan of, Lana Del Rey!

Anyway, to reassure you like the others have done (excellent advice from them) you're in the "zone" now and they'll monitor you for any changes etc.

As someone else said, the progression from BE to oesophageal cancer is low.

Just take those PPIs (omeprazole, lansoprazole, whichever you're on) and follow up with your doctor as directed.

Good luck

28-11-18, 21:42
Recent studies estimate only about 0.12 percent, much less than previously thought. Plus people with Barretts get much more closely monitored, so any changes will be caught extremely early, at a precancerous stage and yhen treated. Like others have said, very, very rarely does Barretts develop anyway.

28-11-18, 22:22
This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.
