View Full Version : Strange anxiety thoughts

03-10-18, 16:35
Anybody ever has any strange thoughts like what it would be like if we just floated away and there was no gravity? Also I read about space travel with Virgin sounds interesting but would probably only make me feel more anxious feeling weightless :ohmy:

03-10-18, 17:40
Do you feel the need to look for things to make you anxious, Phil?

03-10-18, 19:48
Do you feel the need to look for things to make you anxious, Phil?

Yes I seem to be searching for stuff to feel anxious about

Like I have a sore stomach it went away and came back

But my anxiety seems quite high right now I don’t know why :shrug:

03-10-18, 20:41
Judging by the fact you're flitting through a dizzying amount of random worries across all subsections of this forum, and like Pulisa says seemingly looking for new things to worry about and letting yourself get hung up on every thought you have, you need to try and give therapy another go. I see from another thread you seem to have written it off after 6 sessions. It's not a magic bullet and doesn't work like that.

03-10-18, 20:51
I wonder whether you are just bored with your own life and so research stuff which scares and confuses you?

03-10-18, 21:24
Get some exercise and meditate.

05-10-18, 01:40
I wonder whether you are just bored with your own life and so research stuff which scares and confuses you?

I think I had my mid life crisis when I hit my mid thirties. My relapse had a lot of depressed thoughts going on in it.