View Full Version : Itīs driving me crazy

Loopy Lisa
17-08-07, 15:21
Hello All

This drives me crazy, sometimes i have really good times and it can last for weeks, but then other times i get panicky and it can last for days. I have noticed that my panic attacks get worse a few days before my period until a week after my period.

I have had a lot of stress in the past, i first experienced panic attacks when i was 15, when i was preparing for my GCSEīs, and how stressful that made me feel. :ohmy: Im now 28, and i still get them, i donīt seek professional help, although i have had professional advice when i was in my teens, but once the doctor told me it was just panic attacks, i thought "is that it", great nothing seriously wrong with me. :D So i just learned to get on with it, with the help of my mother as she was a great sufferer of anxiety and panic attacks, as well as her mother, my GP told me i had obviously inherited it from my family.

But now i have 2 adorable kids and i fear so much that something bad is going to happen to me. Normally when im happy and content, i donīt worry about things, im generally relaxed. But when i feel low, and lonely thats when i start thinking, s**t what if! Who will love and look after my children if anything bad happens to me?

I notice that this happens to me during my period, or when my marriage is getting on top of me. Yes i am having marital problems, i think my husband has a drink problem, i feel scared of him although i donīt think he will ever physically hurt me, but he treats me like a child and i have to give him answers when i have done something wrong, and that puts me under so much pressure. When i hear the car pull up outside the house, i jump up off the sofa and start doing something, because if he saw me sitting on the sofa and dishes hadnīt been washed, then he would go mad. He tells me i should do the house work during the day so that when he comes home from work i have to sit next to him on the sofa and give him the attention he requires, but my problem is that he has probably spent the past 3hrs in the pub after work, and i hate him when he is full of alcohol. I dont work, i am not allowed as he is very insecure, he is 16years my senior. I want to leave but as i dont work i have no money of my own, he would not support me if i left him, he would make my life a living hell, and i know he will because when his first wife left him he took everything off her, he even took the kitchen and the bathroom from thier family home, and they have 2 children together. He never did support his ex wife finacially and with the up bring of thier children.

This week has been great between us, we have been getting on really well. but today for some strange reason, i suddenly felt really light headed whilst i was reading the newspaper, it felt like my head was going to fall to the floor. What was that, it has happened before and i normally put it down to stress, but i donīt feel stressed at the minute, well until that happened.:wacko:

17-08-07, 15:41
Hi there..

I think a lot of women experience more anxiety prior to their period. I am one for sure, i go completely crazy! I feel jittery and uneasy..

Oops...my lift is here, i will finish this later...

Sorry x

19-08-07, 11:25
I experience a lot more anxiety the week before and after my period, I also get times when I feel light headed and not feeling particularly anxious at the time. I'm sorry to hear about your marital problems, I would be very anxious in that situation. Alcohol can cause a lot of trouble. I left my first husband after 7 years together because i was'nt happy, he had a one night stand and i was devastated but I found the strength to leave and now I'm married to the most fantastic man and he makes me so happy.


20-08-07, 06:15
Sounds like you are having a really miserable time and I'm not surprise you are so anxious. If you really want to leave your husband, there is plenty of help, you would get benefit, so it doesn't matter if he won't support you. Don't know what the helping agencies are any more in Britain, haven't lived there for nearly twenty years, but the library or your doctors surgery will have information about who to go to make a start . If he is being really
unpleasant, then Women's Refuge will help if you want to leave in a hurry.
Anxiety symptoms can strike at any time, even when you are not feelig anxious, or even thinking about it, especially if you are such a hard time like you are. have you been to your gp? That might be the place to start.

20-08-07, 15:40
Hi Lisa I Guess As Suffers We Do Worry What If.my Children Get This.well I Have 2 Boys And Both Had Episodes At One Time Or Another....but As Im Experinced I Helped That Right Away....and They Know How To Deal With It When They Do Feel A Tad Of It..not Saying Your Kids Will Its A Toss Up It Does Run In Fams Some Have It Some Dont.and Yes When I Did Get My Period A Week Before Would Be Hell And The Week After And During .......hormones......eeeeeeek.......i Had A Hystorectomy So I Dont Go Thru That Anymore.i Do Have Anxiety Still But Not Like I Use To.....i Wish Ya The Best.........linda Xxx