View Full Version : Lump on outside of jawbone

25-07-18, 00:37
First time poster here. Usually just reading old posts is enough to soothe my health anxiety or calm me down but it isn't doing the trick this time.

Today I discovered a small lump (maybe dime sized) on the outside of my jawbone located right around the same level as the gap between my teeth on the right side. The lump is hard, not visible, and very slightly movable. I can sort of move it across the bone but am unable to do much else. I can't find anything similar on the left side of my face.

About 3 months ago I had some fairly severe jaw pain in this area. I went to urgent care where the doctor thought I had fluid build up. I was given flonase and referred to an ENT. I saw the ENT two days later and he was unable to see any issues. The flonase had seemed to fix the pain at that time.

I am still not experiencing any pain but am worried this bump could be a tumor of some sort. I'm quite frustrated I did not notice this before the ENT appointment or before a dentist appointment I had last month. I am trying to avoid visiting the doctor again but I feel I may need to go just to calm myself down.

25-07-18, 00:49
Sounds like a lymph node/gland

25-07-18, 02:36
I thought lymph nodes in the neck/jaw area were generally under the jawline? This lump is definitely more in the cheek area. A salivary gland seems possible, the lump itself seems sort of fixed to the bone though.

29-07-18, 22:41
Guess I'll keep this updated in case anybody stumbles upon it.

Saw my current GP two days ago after I started experiencing jaw stiffness in the area of the lump. I had also been experiencing some stiffness in the front of my neck about an inch above my adam's apple. I felt around in that area and discovered a 1 cm diameter, hard, somewhat movable lump in the front right portion of my neck. Although there is something similar on the left side it is nowhere near as large.

My GP was unable to feel anything out of the ordinary in my jawbone and thought it could just be asymmetry in the two sides of the jaw. This seems more and more likely to me the more I feel it.

I was referred to an ENT for the lump in my neck although my GP did not seem to think it was anything to worry about. My GP suggested possibly getting some imaging done to ease my mind.