View Full Version : More Anxiety today

08-08-07, 17:35
I think I had more anxiety today as I was in the town and I felt all funny. I felt weak and just not myself. For the last few days I have been a bit stressed and getting annoyed easy can anxiety cause this and is it normal to feel like this from time to time? I might be losing my job this week so I think this could be part of it. I have not thought about it much when I get stressed though…I just worry it's my manic depression coming back even though it's probably not as I am on tablets and have been fine. I have not even been anxious much for a while now I am fed up of how it just comes back :huh:

09-08-07, 22:21
Hello :)

Sometimes when I'm in town I feel a bit weak and go all 'funny'. I sit somewhere quiet and sip some water (I always carry a bottle of water with me) and it helps.

I wouldnt worry your depresion is coming back, worrying gets you nowhere only makes you feel worse.

It could have just been a 'funny turn' x

09-08-07, 23:53
Hi there,

Ohhh hun, please, please, don't worry about your depresion coming back on, this will only fuel your anxiety.

It sounds to me like your worrying about losing your job, its only natural to feel a stress when you are unsure about what is going to happen with your job.

This concern is causing you a little anxiety, just let it be there, try hard NOT to fear it, its NOT your depresion coming back.

I am soo sorry to hear you may lose your job.

What I find helps when I hit major probs in my life is to make positive pathways try to look to the future in a positive way not matter which way my problem goes.

You job,

If you job is safe, then thats great, but if you lose it, try dame hard to look for a positive way in moving on, changing you mental attatued helps lots, eg, if it happens I will surivive, I am strong.

I have been panic free for a long time now, but when I an faced with life probs I can get some anxiety symptoms, they don't bother me that much anymore, I know what they are, so I just let them pass, they always do.

Are bodys responds to life's stresses, even people who have never had pa's, anxiety, its a natral response, but they don't notice. WE DO, so we fear falling backways. What I have tought myself is, if anxiety symptom happen's, just reasure myself, carry on doing what I am doing, DON'T question it, just let it pass.

Now getting abit stressed and angry, this can happen to anyone, my goodness me, you may not have a job, anyone would get stressed and angry over that, its only natural, be kind to yourself, don't be to hard on yourself, give yourself a bit of slack to have some feelings, EVEN, the little anxiety one's, every human being gets it from time to time.

Please let us know how you get on with your job, and I hope your fears of losing it does not come true.

You take care


10-08-07, 00:52
Hiya phil,
try not to over analyse things.
Treat this as blip as we all have them from time to time and look at it for what it is,just a blip.Try and focus doing things a day at a time at the moment.
If you look too far ahead you step in dog poo.
