View Full Version : Restless week four, advice please

03-06-18, 21:50
So I am almost 4 weeks 50mg sert. I feel so restless, agitated, sweating a lot and just bloody yuk, like I’m trying so hard to hold my shit together all day long, is this normal, I used to take sertraline and I never felt this bad, I don’t know if I need to stop taking it. Has anyone else felt like this 4 weeks in, surely it should be settling by now. X

04-06-18, 04:40
Hi Laura, you are at 4 weeks, hang on there you should start feeling better soon and see the side effects disappear gradually. For me it takes 5-6 weeks to kick in.

04-06-18, 20:59
Hi Laura, for me the meds are just starting to kick in at 8 weeks. Expect to wait 8 weeks to feel better and if it happens sooner it's a bonus.

05-06-18, 08:30
My first 2 times on Sertraline I had no noticeable side effects. This time I have had the worst experience of any medication I've taken. It was worth it though now I am on the other side. Hang in there for another couple of weeks. You will get there.

Tommo x

05-06-18, 09:09
Hi Tommo, nice to hear that you are better, gives everybody hope !

05-06-18, 11:02
Thank you helena :)

Tommo x

05-06-18, 11:16
I'm day 6 and I don't know if I'm improving or getting worse lmao. Yesterday I had an ok day I was far more productive and less tired. Today I have nausea, and just want to lie in bed. Got woken up at 5.30 by the gf rolling out of bed to use the toilet and then couldn't get back to sleep.

20-06-18, 12:52
Thanks for the replies everyone. I’m now at 6 weeks and tbh I’m still the same which is so frustrating and disheartening. I had an idea that perhaps the brand I was taking wasn’t agreeing so I asked for a new brand which I started yesterday it’s called accord. I’m hoping the next few days I see a glimmer of improvement. X

20-06-18, 13:19
I know exactly how you feel !
I did 6 weeks on lexapro and felt awful so changed to sertraline.
2 weeks on 50mg, 4 weeks on 75mg, 5 weeks on 100mg. I am sick of it to be honest. I’ve just gone up to 125mg. I am improved but still anxious and shaky.
It’s very hard to keep waking up every day trying to remain positive and part of me wished I’d never started on the damn things.
Maybe you should consider 75mg?

Keep on swimming!

20-06-18, 14:20
God it really is bloody hard isn’t it. You just feel like it’s a constant merry go round of symptoms and when they last this long it’s hard to believe they will ever end. I don’t want to increase because I think my brain would actually pop if I strain the poor thing any further. Here’s hoping we both feel benefits soon. Thanks for replying xx

---------- Post added at 14:20 ---------- Previous post was at 13:25 ----------

My first 2 times on Sertraline I had no noticeable side effects. This time I have had the worst experience of any medication I've taken. It was worth it though now I am on the other side. Hang in there for another couple of weeks. You will get there.

Tommo x

Tommo this is my second time taking it and I was like you first time it was nothing like this, perhaps the more you use it the longer it takes but it’s great to hear that you eventually felt better.

20-06-18, 16:51
Hi Laura, how long were you on Sertraline first time around and at what dose?

It's just such a lottery isn't it. My thoughts are you either need to brave an increase or switch to something else. Prozac worked for me before Setraline. Pregabalin also works well for my anxiety.

Tommo x

20-06-18, 23:27
I was on sertraline for 4 years roughly, I think I was 100 at my highest. Now I’m taking 50 and thinking I need to go up to try and get symptoms and side effects under control. It’s a very different experience second time around. I am super sensitive to ssri, I have tried Prozac citalopram and both landed me in hospital with tachycardia and high bp but I was able to take sertraline so I’m kind of stuck with it being the only one I can tolerate. Hope it gets easier for us all x