View Full Version : Panic Attack Today While At Movies

19-05-18, 00:24
Hello all, I had a very good week, until today, I felt so good today that my husband and I went to the movies to see Dead Pool 2, I got into the movie, it wasn't that crowded, I sat down, looked for the exits, and planned a way out incase of emergency, I tend to do this now after what happened in Colorado years ago. The movie starts ten mins in , I am looking around and I notice that the place is fuller than it was, I immediately think what if someone gets up and starts shooting, or what if someone comes in and starts shooting, I feel my chest get tight, I start to shake and I feel my heart start to race and I feel a pain in my breast,for 10 mins I was in a panic and I had to talk myself down, I come home and I read that some 17 year old in Texas kills ten at his school today, I am like no wonder I am in a panic mess and always look for exits and plan out where to hide or run if something like this should happen, I hate that this happens all because of all those shootings that are taking place here in the US. I hate that I am scared sometimes or expect something to happen when I am sitting somewhere like the movies or eating out someplace.

19-05-18, 02:40
Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. It's like over here how in some places in the UK there is the worry of terrorism.

One of the problems is looking for those exits as it's creating importance for the need to escape. I can understand this because I had the same as my breakdown happened in a large open plan office so anywhere that resembled a deeper space I would have difficulty escaping from was an issue for me for some time.

Did you stay for the movie? You mentioned 10 mins and talking yourself down so I got the impression you stuck it out. Well done for that. How did you feel through the rest of the movie? Did the panic/anxiety subside? So, could you handle that again & again until it reduces further & further?

19-05-18, 05:29
Than you for your reply Terry,. Yes I was able to stay for the movie and was okay, I haven't laughed like that in a long time, After hubby and I walked out, I felt great and was ready to go see it again. Lol oh and yes the panic and anxiety went away

19-05-18, 10:29
I think it would be a pretty normal reaction in the first place to panic especially with all these mass incidents taking place in the USA You coped and handled this situation very well so well done and keep on that road to recovery:hugs: ATB

19-05-18, 20:53
Hi if it's any comfort the last three times I've been to the cinema twice Ive sat in total panic through the whole film for no reason , we haven't had shootings so it's not that , I think it's all a bit loud and overwhelming and sends the senses into overload , the one time I was relaxed the film was shite , still I'll keep going I'm not a quitter .:D

20-05-18, 02:31
Brilliant! :yesyes::yahoo: You could have bolted for the exit at the start but you stuck it out, found it subsided and even enjoyed it!

So, you have proof you can do this. Even if you have a wobble one time, don't kick yourself and remember you have done it before and will do again.

Like Buster I sometimes found it was me noticed my body and linking it to anxiety. The same happening with exciting TV programmes. It was just reaction to normal adrenaline and thinking "what if this is anxiety, oh nooooo!!!" and then the fight or flight starts taking hold. But you learn to stop it and say to yourself that it's ok, it's just feeling a bit sensitive to feelings and will pass.

20-05-18, 04:10
Hey all thanks for chiming in, yes I was able to do it yay me!