View Full Version : Should I see a doctor or wait and chill for a bit??

10-05-18, 23:28
~I can't catch a break lol~

So, I have had this annoying sensation in my throat since April 3rd. It is a sensation of tightness, a lump, and I can't pinpoint where exactly in my throat it is. Doesn't affect eating or drinking, in-fact both take my mind off of it. Talking for longer than 2 min makes my throat a bit irritated, and sometimes I just get a random sandpaper throat.

Some days it is worse than others, and of course when my mind jumps to "what if it's something sinister", it makes it worse (until I calm myself down and be rational anyway.) In fact, I went to ER on April the 6th because I thought my throat was closing and the doctor checked my lymph nodes etc and said I seemed fine.

After really paying attention to my body and how I feel, I know I am stressed on a subconscious level. I feel fine but my body is stressed. I get a racing heart at times for no reason, I have horrid acid reflux at the minute which I constantly feel burning up my throat, and it all comes down to the really bad breakup I had in late march along with health anxiety flare ups.

It is driving me NUTS. I know it isn't anything sinister, but my mind says 'let's get a doctors opinion, because then I will calm down and it'll go away' but I REALLY do not want a camera stuck down my throat. :(

Any advice? Go to the doctors or just wait it out for maybe another couple of weeks while I meditate and keep going to yoga? :shrug:

10-05-18, 23:46
Don't know where you're at in the US, but where I'm at the pollen and allergies are brutal! My truck is literally covered in yellow dust. My "guess" is it's allergy related. I'd try an OTC allergy med and see if that helps before running to the doctor, especially since it's not affecting your eating and drinking.

Positive thoughts

11-05-18, 12:18
sounds like globus to me

11-05-18, 12:19

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