View Full Version : Lip ulcer fear

19-03-18, 15:26
Hi there,

Last week, I bit my lip and it was sore and then turned into an ulcer :( it is still there 6 days later and I’m getting rather worried that it could be something more sinister. I am used to ulcers and get them from time to time and they don’t last that long and I can always feel or see them healing however this one doesn’t look like it is even attempting to heal and I’ve used Bonjela, Iglu, tcp to stop the soreness although it doesn’t hurt that bad I just done like it there! I’m really worried guys and I’ve been crying a lot I really thought it would have disappeared by now but hasn’t and I’ve read that if it is there for longer than 2 weeks I should see a doctor as it could be the start of cancer and that is what I’m fearing right now. Anyone had same problem problem? Please help!

19-03-18, 15:48
Hey there, i get alot of mouth ulcers and they can last up to 2 weeks for me and sometimes get very big. The best way i find for them to heal is by getting plenty of sleep.
6 days isn't really that long, as it came from the result of a bite that is a typical mouth ulcer. If after 2 weeks it's not showing signs of healing a visit to the doctor may be worth while but im sure it will be fine. Hope this helps from another mouth ulcer suffer.

19-03-18, 15:57
I get them too....and had a major deep one a few months ago that didn't totally resolve for 5-6 weeks. (caused by me accidentally jabbing the metal end of an interdental brush into my lower gum at quite a force) I didn't go and see anyone because I read up that as long as they are improving, albeit slowly, then they are self-limiting and will get there. Two weeks is my usual time-scale for any ulcer healing, so 6 days is really nothing at al to be concerned about.

19-03-18, 16:09
I get these from time to time and depending where they are they in my mouth they can last a couple of weeks for me. I find if it's somewhere where food is in contact they go on for longer. If you get one after something you did (bit your lip, damaged your mouth with food or something) and an ulcer forms that is normal. Also normal for me to get them when I'm run down after a bug. Oraldene mouthwash is good for getting rid of them.

19-03-18, 19:17
Thank you everyone for taking the time to reply it’s very kind of you all. I think I’m just being really inpatient and having health anxiety doesn’t help with that. It’s so weird because I get ulcers in my mouth all the time and I think nothing of them and they come about for reasons I don’t know of but this one I know how it came about but it’s terrifying me. I will wait another week and see how it goes I just want it to hurry up and go.

21-03-18, 08:40
My ulcer has seemed to reduce in size and is getting smaller and it’s no swollen anymore I’m assuming this is a good thing and I’m going to be ok? If it was cancer it would get worse? Am I right?

21-03-18, 10:25
You can answer this without us, read the above replies to remind yourself. :winks: