View Full Version : Some wedding advice needed!

21-02-18, 19:18
Good evening, everyone.

After a little bit of advice, next month one of my good friends is getting married, a reason to be cheerful if ever there was one.

Thing is, this will be my first such outing with my wobbly world syndrome. I don't know about everyone else but when I'm in a confined space and know that I can't remove myself, such as the ceremony and meal to follow, I always feel really panicked and dizzy. Worrying myself silly over this!

I'm planning on Kalms, low caffeine and lots of chamomile tea!

Any thoughts or advice would be very welcome. :yesyes:

21-02-18, 20:18
I used to be the same, so I understand your fears.

I do think that you’ll be fine once you’re there & you’re suitably distracted by the occasion. But, get some tools on board to help! I used to suck on a polo, or have some Bach’s rescue remedy (they do sweet versions too now, which are a bit more discreet).

I’d start practicing progressive muscle relaxation now (YouTube), so that by the time the wedding is here you can use it.

But also, don’t worry. If you have to leave the room (even in the middle of the wedding) that’s FINE! People don’t really care what you’re doing, they’ll be watching the bride.

You will be fine! Please let us know how you get on x

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21-02-18, 20:28
Thanks so much @scass! Really very reassuring, and I think you're totally right, if worst case does happen and I need to pop out it should go unnoticed! Thankfully their a lovely couple who are aware of my HA so that helps too.

Very interested in the progressive videos, I've never heard of that so I'm about to embark on my first YouTube now.

I look forward to reporting back with good news! :D

21-02-18, 20:36
I’m sure you’ll do brilliantly. Stuck with the videos. They may seem pointless or you can’t concentrate on them, but they will still get in. I used to listen to them every day & now years later I still apply the same tactics when I realise I’m stressed.

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