View Full Version : Esophageal Cancer From Reflux - Very Worried

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17-02-18, 15:06
Well, I think this may legitimately be the time I have cancer.

A few days ago I had some pain when swallowing. I have also been belching a bit more over the last few weeks. Again this morning it felt weird swallowing like things were moving slow through my esophagus.

I am fairly convinced I have esophageal cancer, probably from undiagnosed chronic reflux. I'm terribly afraid. I was no expecting this at all and it is not anxiety related.

I am even more scared because several years ago I had chronic wheezing at night on most nights. Now I realize that was probably reflux which has gone untreated for years, probably developed into Barret's esophagus, and now has progressed to cancer.

I am despondent. I am extremely depressed about this as I was generally doing OK as far as health anxiety goes until this.

---------- Post added at 09:06 ---------- Previous post was at 08:42 ----------

To add, I can’t really say I’ve had any obvious signs of reflux in a couple of years. But, maybe I’ve been having silent reflux for years and it’s progressed into cancer?

17-02-18, 15:16
Hey, I've also got this worry at the moment, it's making me feel so down and scared. I've had reflux for years and now have got a stinging pain on one side of my throat/esophagus when I swallow certain foods. I've also got chest pressure and a sore/strained voice when I talk. Also lots of burping.

All I can say is that I have had some of these symptoms before a few years ago plus the wheezing you mentioned and they all went away in time. I just hope that happens again. How old are you if you don't mind me asking?

Sorry I can't offer much reassurance but you're definitely not the only one going through this worry!

17-02-18, 15:19
Would esophageal cancer cause pain every time you swallow? I didn’t really notice any pain yesterday during lunch or dinner. Didn’t cross my mind.

---------- Post added at 09:19 ---------- Previous post was at 09:16 ----------

I’m 31. I haven’t had any reflux symptoms that I know of in 2 years or so.

17-02-18, 15:21
I'm not sure, I would think if it was cancer it would be pain every time you swallow and getting worse and not just pain sometimes. What kind of pain is it when you swallow? Mines like a stinging burning pain which only lasts a couple of seconds. I'm trying to tell myself that I've just got an irritated/inflamed patch in my esophagus from the reflux and that's what I can feel. But my HA mind is trying to tell me otherwise!

17-02-18, 15:31
This morning it was kind of the feeling of something moving slow through esophagus, kind of like when you’re eating a peanut butter sandwich and you have that feeling.

---------- Post added at 09:31 ---------- Previous post was at 09:27 ----------

I am so depressed about this. I don’t have another explanation for this really.

17-02-18, 17:08
Guess the melanona/oral/"insert random cancer" cleared up then? You're a walking miracle!

17-02-18, 17:24
I should probably demand an endoscopy. I noticed I was belching more a few weeks ago. This is cancer in my esophagus.

17-02-18, 18:05
It would be nice if you updated all your other "Cancer" posts with what happened.

You are walking miracle really as you have had loads of different cancers over many years.

What are you doing to get on top of the anxiety?

17-02-18, 18:10
Esophageal cancer at 31? Nah. It's incredibly rare at that age. It's a rare cancer full stop. Cases are increasing in line with the rising rate of reflux disease and obesity. but it's still not common. In young people, it's almost unheard of. It generally takes decades of untreated, chronic reflux. Even then, most people with reflux don't get esophageal cancer. Most people with Barrett's Esophagus don't get cancer. It just increases your risk.

It's a very aggressive form of cancer that takes hold very quickly. People with esophageal cancer tend to suddenly find they literally can't get food down. Your esophagus essentially stops working.

Your trouble sounds like reflux. Perhaps you have a bit of esophagitis or, at worst, a hiatal hernia. You do have a condition worth seeing the doctor about, but demanding an endoscopy is a stretch. Have one if the doctor thinks you need one. The doctor will almost certainly want to see if a PPI has any impact before sending you for one, though.

I've just been through the whole thing myself and I'm doing alright now.

17-02-18, 18:22
Ah so the melanoma of the 26/1/2018 cleared up then? I have kept that thread subscribed to as was seeing if you came back to update after making lots of replies on it.

WHY do you instantly jump to cancer on everything? WHY? There are 101 benign reason for everything, yet you pick the most unlikely scenario every single time. Luckily doctors don't work on that premise, otherwise they'd be saying to everyone in surgery 'it sounds like cancer you know'. They work from logical and likely benign explanations FIRST. Honestly, after SO many times of you saying you've had cancer and it not being cancer, even you now MUST see that you've been wrong every single time.

I can’t really say I’ve had any obvious signs of reflux in a couple of years. But, maybe I’ve been having silent reflux for years and it’s progressed into cancer?

Sorry ? So basically you've not even felt heartburn for the last few years, but are convinced this is cancer? This is SO illogical it needs pointing out.

Well, I think this may legitimately be the time I have cancer.Sorry, but what a silly thing to say. Really. I am not usually someone who loses their cool with people with HA, as I know how troubling and difficult it is to beat, however, how long are you going to go on fearing cancer and wasting your life on the worry...until at 70+ you get cancer ? (I just picked a number there by the way)

17-02-18, 18:33
Esophageal cancer at 31? Nah. It's incredibly rare at that age. It's a rare cancer full stop. Cases are increasing in line with the rising rate of reflux disease and obesity. but it's still not common. In young people, it's almost unheard of. It generally takes decades of untreated, chronic reflux. Even then, most people with reflux don't get esophageal cancer. Most people with Barrett's Esophagus don't get cancer. It just increases your risk.

It's a very aggressive form of cancer that takes hold very quickly. People with esophageal cancer tend to suddenly find they literally can't get food down. Your esophagus essentially stops working.

Your trouble sounds like reflux. Perhaps you have a bit of esophagitis or, at worst, a hiatal hernia. You do have a condition worth seeing the doctor about, but demanding an endoscopy is a stretch. Have one if the doctor thinks you need one. The doctor will almost certainly want to see if a PPI has any impact before sending you for one, though.

I've just been through the whole thing myself and I'm doing alright now.

What were your symptoms?

17-02-18, 18:35
Take some rennies and see how you get on I say.

17-02-18, 20:27
Just ate some cheese and apples and tuna. I can’t say I really felt any pain. But I find myself kinda hyper analyzing every swallow now and sometimes I do feel “something” as the food goes down. Maybe there is something there. Almost feels like a pressure or something like I might burp.

17-02-18, 20:33
So what happened with the brain tumour and all the other cancers etc?

17-02-18, 20:42
It would also be courteous if you went back and replied to people who posted to you on this thread, and on the last nail melanoma thread. People who give their time like to know their thoughts have been read.

If you didn't feel anything when eating, then I honestly have NO IDEA how you are jumping to cancer.

17-02-18, 20:43
Well I think I may have felt something small but it wasn’t especially painful.

17-02-18, 20:56
It would also be courteous if you went back and replied to people who posted to you on this thread, and on the last nail melanoma thread. People who give their time like to know their thoughts have been read.

As above

17-02-18, 20:57
What steps are you actually taking to cope with this? Are you doing anything at all to help yourself?

17-02-18, 21:01
To quote Fishmanpa, ,, SSDD :D

17-02-18, 21:03
Yeah, that's very much HIS phrase lol

17-02-18, 21:09
I just don’t know what else to make of the symptoms. No I haven’t felt reflux in years but silent reflux does exist.

17-02-18, 21:20
Since December 2016 (so just over a year ago) these are the illnesses you have had, or thought you had. In order of oldest first.

(Your child) Leukaemia
ALS x2
Spot on hand - melanoma
Spot on palm - melanoma
Headaches, with sinister causes
(Your child - melanoma)
(Your wife - cervical cancer)
Colon cancer
Prostate/bladder cancer
Brain cancer
Anaphylactic shock
Lymph node concerns, with sinister causes
Brain Tumour
Testicular cancer
Wheezing after eating
Skin cancer
'Rubbing in throat', with sinister causes
Nail melanoma
Oral cancer
Painful sore cheek
Brain tumour
DEFINITELY brain cancer
Nail melanoma
Oesophagus cancer

These are just the main ones, other options are given in threads for other illness too.

Can you see the depth and scale of your REAL problem here ?

17-02-18, 21:29
darkside - can I ask why you ignore us all and won't reply to questions we ask. It is coming across as very rude when people are trying to help.

17-02-18, 22:52
I just am mainly interested in info about reflux or esophageal cancer. I’m still feeling some pressure or something deep in my esophagus. I still feel like probably there is a tumor there blocking it. I’m wondering if I have had silent reflux for years and that has led to cancer.

17-02-18, 22:59
You are incredibly ignorant.

17-02-18, 23:08
I just am mainly interested in info about reflux or esophageal cancer. I’m still feeling some pressure or something deep in my esophagus. I still feel like probably there is a tumor there blocking it. I’m wondering if I have had silent reflux for years and that has led to cancer.

Well then this site is not for you - this site is about anxiety which you refuse to accept you have so there is no point asking anything further to be honest.

Go and see your doctor AGAIN and then ignore us AGAIN with whatever we say.

I can't see the point of this thread going on into the hundred of pages and replies again.:lac:

17-02-18, 23:08
You are incredibly ignorant.

Sorry. Am I way off? You seem to know more about esophageal cancer than I do so I'm open to hearing what the symptoms would really be like if you have read about them more extensively.

I'm still feeling something in my chest when I swallow and belching more often. I don't think reflux would cause that pressure sensation when I swallow - only a physical tumor would.

17-02-18, 23:09
Read my reply above

17-02-18, 23:12
But, I do accept I have anxiety. I realize that I often jump to conclusions and I may be doing that now.

17-02-18, 23:15
and what about all the other things that I have said - not replying to people, ignoring them, updating previous threads, thanking people and so on?

18-02-18, 01:36
Since December 2016 (so just over a year ago) these are the illnesses you have had, or thought you had. In order of oldest first.

(Your child) Leukaemia
ALS x2
Spot on hand - melanoma
Spot on palm - melanoma
Headaches, with sinister causes
(Your child - melanoma)
(Your wife - cervical cancer)
Colon cancer
Prostate/bladder cancer
Brain cancer
Anaphylactic shock
Lymph node concerns, with sinister causes
Brain Tumour
Testicular cancer
Wheezing after eating
Skin cancer
'Rubbing in throat', with sinister causes
Nail melanoma
Oral cancer
Painful sore cheek
Brain tumour
DEFINITELY brain cancer
Nail melanoma
Oesophagus cancer

These are just the main ones, other options are given in threads for other illness too.

Can you see the depth and scale of your REAL problem here ?


Ok, so you have admitted you know you have anxiety and that you have trouble with your thoughts. What next?

It's a given that you are going to chase symptoms like everyone else but what action are you going to take? It can be very stressful to take action, I've always had big problems with avoidance so can understand that, but there has to come a point where you start.

The alternative is seeking reassurance on forums like this and never getting any better. If that is the answer, then can you think about everyone else here who is also struggling and why they can't give you this?

18-02-18, 09:18
But, I do accept I have anxiety. I realize that I often jump to conclusions and I may be doing that now. MAY mayyyy? did you read that list from the last 12 months?:roflmao:

You are out of control darkside, you are having 2 serious life-threatening illness a month. You are ignoring everything EXCEPT people who talk about your symptoms that you think are cancer. Your avoidance is so strong, that you are seemingly forgetting that, there are real people who are being offended by it at the other end of the computers. As usual this will run to pages and pages and everyone will try and assist, until you move onto the next life-threatning illness. There is no evidence at all that you are learning anything about your HA, or trying to control it.

Well then this site is not for you - this site is about anxiety which you refuse to accept you have so there is no point asking anything further to be honest.

Go and see your doctor AGAIN and then ignore us AGAIN with whatever we say.

I can't see the point of this thread going on into the hundred of pages and replies again.:lac:This ^

How long do you think you can keep coming to a community and sucking information and reassurance out of people and give nothing back?....not even a thankyou or update on previous threads, nor a response to things that your selective mind decides are not worth responding to. Aren't you as bored with feeling this way as we are with hearing it endlessly, and seeing no attempts to get help ? As for your doctor, they must be saying something to you about these constant visits for nothing, and they must be fed up with it too? You have a young child who must be seeing all of this and being affected in some way, what about their needs?

I suspect you will ignore my reply, and this will be my final reply on the thread.

18-02-18, 09:52
Can I remind everyone of the following please

As admins we feel that a few things needed to be reiterated after occurrences on the forum over the last couple of months.

No More Panic is an inclusive forum, our youngest members can be from the age of 13. We are a large community and every one of our members are different, they have different opinions and different disorders BUT one thing which unites us is mental illness and all the problems that that entails

We have evolved over the years, from a small forum with a few members covering panic and anxiety to one that now covers many types of mental health…. Phobias, Health anxiety, ocd amongst others.

There are many different types of members in different stages of the illness and recovery, and at different readiness to accept advice.

Some of us keep ourselves to ourselves and just read the forums and never post, some post occasionally when we feel our worse and others feel the need to post what seems constantly about very minor things.

The latter can cause conflicts when there is constant posting, this can just be the member’s way of trying to cope with their illness and it can be really frustrating for other members when they are trying to give advice and sometimes it appears that the OP isn’t listening to what they have to say.

We would therefore appreciate if the OP could acknowledge the advice given and even thank the members that have given the advice. It is then up to the OP if they take up the advice or not.

OP Have you taken up some of the advice given? did it work for you? I am sure a lot of the people who try to help would like to know how it went, and would go some way to our members feeling appreciated for helping you out and make them more likely to advise you in the future.

If you become frustrated with other members constant posting then the best way to deal with that is to ignore the threads, don’t give the advice if people do not seem to appreciate it, that way it doesn’t add to your frustration.

Public arguments on the forum are really not needed and just serve to cause tension amongst members and increase people’s anxiety which is of course the opposite of what NMP is here for. Verbal abuse of any member is very much frowned upon and you open yourself up to warnings and ultimately a ban from the forum.

If you have problems with what a member is saying on a thread then PM that member to ‘discuss’ it, do not initiate an argument on the thread, if you have a problem with what has been said on a thread then another option is to report the thread/reply using the report triangle at the top right of the thread/post

All of the arguments tend to distract from the original question asked and sometimes the OP never gets the answer/advice they are looking for, please try to keep threads on topic.

99.9% of us on NMP suffer or care for someone with mental health problems, so treat members, how you would like to be treated yourself with your illness

Above all please remember the aim of No More Panic, to give help and support to people who are sufferers of mental health problems.

Thanks for reading and we wish you well in your battle with Mental Illness, please help us keep NMP a happy and supportive place to be

NMP Admin team

18-02-18, 10:07
Noted the above, but also feel that speaking the truth is important to resistant people. No intention to be combatitive, just trying a different route for a person to see their behavioural patterns. I don't think its possibly helpful to insulate prolific HA posters from 'real life responses'.

Anyway.....personally I'm off this thread.

18-02-18, 13:00
I guess I should take my own advice really and back away too. It isn't doing any good so is pointless.

18-02-18, 14:32
Dark side - I wanted to give you my thoughts as I'm currently going through exactly the same thing and struggling with it. I bet you are thinking the other previous illnesses were just anxiety but this is the real one that has been there all along? That's how I feel. Try and look back at the things you previously thought you had but didn't? Your list is much longer than mine but it makes me feel better. I actually wonder how I ever thought I had it. But this one is different, right? Wrong! It will be the same.

If you want to talk symptoms you really don't have anything that suggests oesophageal cancer. Trust me I've googled them all, I literally have every single one and I'm convinced I have it. The only way to know is an endoscopy which I'm having to sort this one way or another.

You have nothing to worry about

18-02-18, 19:07
Dark side - I wanted to give you my thoughts as I'm currently going through exactly the same thing and struggling with it. I bet you are thinking the other previous illnesses were just anxiety but this is the real one that has been there all along? That's how I feel. Try and look back at the things you previously thought you had but didn't? Your list is much longer than mine but it makes me feel better. I actually wonder how I ever thought I had it. But this one is different, right? Wrong! It will be the same.

If you want to talk symptoms you really don't have anything that suggests oesophageal cancer. Trust me I've googled them all, I literally have every single one and I'm convinced I have it. The only way to know is an endoscopy which I'm having to sort this one way or another.

You have nothing to worry about

This one. Actually most people that have EC don't have any symptoms until its far too late to do anything. I think someone posted on here that the narrowing or the tumor starts to block your esophageal junction. I currently have a "benign looking" esophageal lesion in my esophagus that is being tested this coming Friday to make sure it isn't anything. Even with a lump down there that I have an actual picture of (no I'm not posting it), if I didn't know it was there, I wouldn't have any symptoms that would make me jump to EC. My lump was found incidentally on an endoscopy screening for other things. I'm 48, soon to be 49 and its still fairly rare for me. I have a hiatal hernia, no gall bladder, and autoimmune liver disease and it still isn't considered something that is high risk for me. (I don't have Barretts).
The point is, it sounds like you are on a terrible spiral of diseases and anxiety. You aren't taking the very well thought out suggestions to try to get your anxiety under control. I know I am an HA sufferer and also with GAD, I'm worried about my test Friday and have been jumping to the worst conclusions, but I still am not obsessing about the every minute of every day.

What is going to happen is that you are going to continue to be anxious, you are going to pass it along to your children and either you are going to give yourself a real disease from the anxiety or you are going to make your kids have it so bad that they will be the ones to reap the whirlwind if your mania. Go get help.

18-02-18, 23:29
Dark side - I wanted to give you my thoughts as I'm currently going through exactly the same thing and struggling with it. I bet you are thinking the other previous illnesses were just anxiety but this is the real one that has been there all along? That's how I feel. Try and look back at the things you previously thought you had but didn't? Your list is much longer than mine but it makes me feel better. I actually wonder how I ever thought I had it. But this one is different, right? Wrong! It will be the same.

If you want to talk symptoms you really don't have anything that suggests oesophageal cancer. Trust me I've googled them all, I literally have every single one and I'm convinced I have it. The only way to know is an endoscopy which I'm having to sort this one way or another.

You have nothing to worry about

What would I be experiencing if I had EC?

Gary A
19-02-18, 08:19
People are writing you lengthy responses and all you’re doing is ignoring them and trying to talk about cancer.

You are an ignoramous of the highest order and you do not deserve the time that people around here give you.

19-02-18, 10:08
Wow, I came to this thread because I'm having reflux related issues that are giving me anxiety.

Look, I understand that you are having severe anxiety. That there is no reasoning with you at the moment. All your focus is on this symptom that you made into a terminal illness in your mind.


I've been having HA for over ten long years. Currently fearing the worse because of these accid reflux/belching thing that are going on for months now. Before that it was a different kind of cancer.

But I do accept, as you must do, that it is a normal symptom, very common. But we HA people tend to focus too much on the sensations, on everything that is going on in our bodies. Or at least the parts we are worried over (this time around).

May I ask what your home situation is? Do you live alone? Have a partner? Kids maybe?

Please mate, stop Googling, stop researching this common symptom. It will just confirm your worst fears. You sit there analyzing every bite and swallow... Come on man! Grow a pair! Go for a walk. Go for a walk to the nearest psychiatrist and get help. Then you did something today you can be proud of.

---------- Post added at 11:08 ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 ----------

Oh... looks like he got banned... Well... just wasted some time then. Felt good though! :)

19-02-18, 10:12
Oh... looks like he got banned... Well... just wasted some time then. Felt good though! :)

Nope he isn't banned.

19-02-18, 10:16
He isn’t banned and he won’t be banned. I meant I’ll be banned.

It kind of beats the lecture I feel coming. :roflmao:

19-02-18, 10:17
Ah well... could not see the OP post. Hope he/she takes the time to respond. If not Swajj must be right and I (and we) can safely ignore future post from this individual.

19-02-18, 10:25
Ah well... could not see the OP post. Hope he/she takes the time to respond. If not Swajj must be right and I (and we) can safely ignore future post from this individual.

Yep that’s gonna happen.

You’re new aren’t you? lol

19-02-18, 10:30
Yep that’s gonna happen.

You’re new aren’t you? lol

What is your purpose in posting here?

19-02-18, 10:31
Hiyer Gezospan,

Come on over to some other threads (which are less controversial :winks:). There are lots more threads where people are discussing reflux , quite recently, if you do a search you will find them. :D

Hope he/she takes the time to respond.

Sadly he won't, and if he does it will be out of character (based on evidence of the last year). It saddens me to see people wasting their own time in making thoughtful responses, and then to the OP it is as if they are invisible.

19-02-18, 10:37
Hya Carys,

Thanks! Will do.

19-02-18, 16:00
One thing I'm noticing is I'm still having some belching / pressure in my chest. Does anyone else get this? What is causing that? Does Esophageal cancer cause belching?

Gary A
19-02-18, 16:43
One thing I'm noticing is I'm still having some belching / pressure in my chest. Does anyone else get this? What is causing that? Does Esophageal cancer cause belching?


19-02-18, 16:48

Not that it matters but no, that's not the case.

Heartburn, chest pain, hoarseness, excess gas (belching) and even asthma are more common complications of GERD, although persistent belching warrants an examination of the esophagus for GERD.


Gary A
19-02-18, 16:49
Not that it matters but no, that's not the case.

Heartburn, chest pain, hoarseness, excess gas (belching) and even asthma are more common complications of GERD, although persistent belching warrants an examination of the esophagus for GERD.


Ah come on man, I know that, I was just wanting to see if it was that type of response this ignoramous was looking for.

19-02-18, 16:53
Ah come on man, I know that, I was just wanting to see if it was that type of response this ignoramous was looking for.

You know I know ;) That being said, I once posted a detailed response about seeking out a CCC (Certified Cancer Center) for the same reasons you posted "no" and all it did was feed the dragon.

Perhaps admin will step in and deal with this as they have been doing with some others :emot-pray:


19-02-18, 17:08
I think admin have lost the will to live :roflmao:

19-02-18, 17:22
Right, someone give admin a light slap and shake, kind of 'Victorian like', the sort that you do for women with a touch of the vapours.

Well, I don't think people should reply until the OP starts to read and respond to those who have made the effort so far. I wasted ages on the last melanoma thread, as hadn't been round here long, and I doubt any of it was every read and there was certainly not a word of thanks. I've never experienced such complete avoidance on any forum ever, it is astonishing.

20-02-18, 17:28
I'm still pretty concerned about this. I'm not having a ton of pain when I swallow but sometimes when I swallow I'll feel a little twinge kinda near bottom of my breast bone on the right side. I don't know what's up with that. I'm worried it could be a sign that there is a tumor or cancer growing on my esophagus.

20-02-18, 17:30
I wasted ages on the last melanoma thread, as hadn't been round here long, and I doubt any of it was every read and there was certainly not a word of thanks.


22-02-18, 17:40
I am still having belching and some chest uncomfortableness. Could it caused by working out? I don't know what's going on. I had some pressure / uncomfortable sensations when eating a peanut butter sandwhich (no jelly) this morning as well, but, in general, I'm not having much pain at all when swallowing food.

22-02-18, 17:45
Oh Darkside, can I tell you about my problems today......I have a painful muscle in my back caused by too much carting around of heavy tables and chairs where I work. Also, I have had an eyelash stuck in my eye for most of the day, which is making it water and driving me nuts. Hold on....also....I felt a bit pukey and had indigestion after eating 10 shortbread biscuits.

In the words of Gary A -

People are writing you lengthy responses and all you’re doing is ignoring them and trying to talk about cancer.

........and you do not deserve the time that people around here give you.

22-02-18, 18:21
I had some pressure / uncomfortable sensations when eating a peanut butter sandwhich (no jelly) this morning as well

It's all about that peanut butter, peanut butter, no jelly.... (had to ;) )


22-02-18, 21:38
Heartburn like symptoms and belching are pretty bad today. I'll be calling the Gastro doctor tomorrow I guess to get an appointment setup. Unfortunately, the symptoms aren't resolving so it's not just anxiety or something benign. Something is going on with me and it appears to be cancer. I'm sad it is such an incurable form as EC. I really don't know what to do. I'm extremely depressed.

When I just think it through, I don't know what else it could be to be honest.

Gary A
22-02-18, 22:17
That’s nice.

23-02-18, 00:50
You’ve survived more cancers than anyone on this planet, why wouldn’t you beat this one?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

23-02-18, 01:49
Has anyone here had these exact symptoms and had it turn out to be nothing? I'm just worried I've had silent reflux for year and didn't know it and now I have esophageal cancer. I just know it. Or, perhaps I developed Barrett's a few years ago when I was having the wheezing problems. I'm just despondent.

I will not survive this. This is cancer. I am dying. Please someone help me who has had these same symptoms.

23-02-18, 03:11
( I will not survive this. This is cancer. I am dying.)

Heard this before from you many times. I'm fairly optimistic you will survive yet another cancer you have diagnosed yourself to have.


23-02-18, 03:35
Has anyone here had these exact symptoms and had it turn out to be nothing? I'm just worried I've had silent reflux for year and didn't know it and now I have esophageal cancer. I just know it. Or, perhaps I developed Barrett's a few years ago when I was having the wheezing problems. I'm just despondent.

I will not survive this. This is cancer. I am dying. Please someone help me who has had these same symptoms.

I have similar symptoms to you, tons of belching (and farting)! Also sometimes sensation of food going down esophagus and tightness in chest. Occasional regurgitation too. Then there's the lump in throat (sometimes) and tightness there as well.

I'm off to ENT next month. I'm not too concerned as I had a clear gastroscopy 2 years ago. I may have silent reflux caused by low stomach acid. I also have CFS which is likely to complicate things!

I've just bought some Gaviscon dual action liquid as I think it works better than the tablets. I do keep a pack of these in my bag. HA makes the symptoms much worse. I don't notice them as much when I'm teaching.

I'm 61 so am at an age where I'm far more likely to develop EC than you at 31! You most likely have Gerd (maybe silent caused by too much stomach acid or some esophagitis). Barrett's takes many years to develop, then some more years to become cancerous, so if your symptoms continue you should have an endoscope at some stage.

If your symptoms wax and wane (like mine do) you can guarantee it's not cancer (which just gets worse)! It's just some other stuff, which can be sorted.

23-02-18, 08:16
Hi Wisemonkey,

Are you going to the ENT instead of a gastro doctor for this? I've been waiting for an appointment for an endoscopy and just got the date through - 7th March which is now less than two weeks away. I don't know about others on here but my anxiety ramps up a lot when I have a test or a deadline to aim for. I do have a lot of symptoms though so this is the only way to find out what's going on either way.

Doctors tell me at 32 it's very unlikely its OC but I'm convinced it is. I even wrote letters to all of my friends and family in case something happens to me - that was in one of my worst moments.

Thankfully I also have my first appointment with a psychologist today which I can't wait for. It's my first step to dealing with anxiety - even if this isn't just anxiety I've not dealt with it well at all. I'm in tears every night worried that I wont make it to my own wedding (recently got engaged) or be able to have kids and leave my young fiancé alone. Guilt about how I'm being with everyone at the moment is my hardest thing to deal with, the health anxiety makes it awful for everyone else too.

Darkside - I replied to you earlier and I see you have an extensive list of previous HA issues related to cancer, this is no doubt just the current issue that you will be over soon. Your mild symptoms look like GERD and I'm sure your doctor will agree. Why not go and see them to confirm then you can be over this?

23-02-18, 09:00
You sound like a very kind and considerate man, Chris. I'm sure your friends and family just want you to get well as soon as possible. You are very much doing the right thing by seeing a psychologist and having the endoscopy will help you understand some of the symptoms which you are having (I'm sure you don't have OC but the endoscopy will give you peace of mind which you need). It will be stressful waiting for the endoscopy but try to see it as a means to an end-putting your fear of OC to bed once and for all. Then you will be able to look forward to your wedding and happy times ahead. Having the psychological support to help you manage your HA will be invaluable and I'm sure you will make the most out of the therapy.

23-02-18, 09:03
Hi Chris,

Yes, my Dr's referred me to the ENT as the gastroscopy I had 2 years ago showed no stomach or esophageal issues.

However, the ENT specialist can still do a Trans-Nasal Esophagoscopy as well as looking at the throat and larynx. My appointment is on the 6 March. I'm also going to ask her for a test for H-Pylori as that can cause similar symptoms.

At 32 you won't have EC, it will be something else benign which is treatable. It's good that you're seeing a psychologist about your HA. Soon you will be able to look forward to your wedding :)

I've just purchased a book about dealing with HA using CBT techniques.
It was recommended on Cary's book list, so will get into this soon. My HA comes from the stress of being brought up by a personality disordered mother and also having CFS (autoimmune disorder).
I've had counselling before which did not help, but haven't tried CBT before. I kind of know what I have to do to help myself but I need some solid techniques to fall back on when I hit a speed bump.

Let's know how you get on :)

23-02-18, 09:20
Hi Pulisa,

Thank you - I like to think I am! I just wish it was sooner, the GP said it would be within the two weeks as I was having red flag symptoms but that will be nearly 4 weeks by the time I actually have it. Nothing I can do now but wait. I think with my HA it is very much worry about other people - I don't actually fear any sort of illness to myself or even dying - I just feel horribly sad that if something happens to me my fiancé is alone just at the time we are going to get married and start a family. That makes me upset the most.

I want to start planning my wedding but can't face it as anything future related scares me. I'll tell all this to my psychologist today I'm just getting it out there - I think I will be on here a few times over the next week and a half before my endoscopy. Would it be a bad idea to post any bad news on this forum? I wouldn't want to cause anxiety to others that have nothing wrong with them.

Wisemonkey - ah I see. That's good then, and you will have your results the day before me! Could I ask what the list of books were? I might get some suggested today by the doctor but other suggestions that have helped people would be good too. That is what everyone says and thinks (that at 32 I don't have OC), I am literally the only one that thinks this is OC, and the longer my symptoms get worse the worse the fear gets - if they went away or came and went I would be able to get over this!

Anyway sorry for venting more than usual - I can usually calm myself down while writing on here but it all seems to be coming out today.


23-02-18, 09:25
Hey Wisemonkey,

Wishing you the best of fortune for your appointment on 7th WM. Having tests is the most nerve-wracking thing and can really psychologically knock you, but you are taking the bull by the horns, having them AND still dealing with your mental health problems. That's very courageous. We all know that having your head in the sand won't help anything, but taking your head out of the sand is really hard at times and takes much strength. I so hope, that this is something that can easily be sorted and you can move on with healing your mind.

Hey Chris,

You'll be celebrating your wedding just fine I'm sure. Same as WM, you are being so strong (despite tears and fears) and dealing with HA at the same time as needing tests done. Thats tough, but you are doing it and will come out of this whole thing a much stronger person.

23-02-18, 09:26
Good luck with your ENT appointment, WiseMonkey. You have a great attitude and approach to HA. We must do whatever we can do to help us manage our fears and both you and Chris are great examples of how to address this distressing condition successfully.

23-02-18, 09:40
Ditto ! You are both such wonderful caring people on this forum, and bring many considerate and wise thoughts to your posts. You are both working so hard on your mental well-being, and I think you will move on from this as stronger people.

---------- Post added at 09:40 ---------- Previous post was at 09:30 ----------

So one of you is having an appointment on March 6th and one on the 7th?

Would it be a bad idea to post any bad news on this forum?

Personally, I think you should and can post anything you want about this. Not that I think you'll have bad news, but its life - people have illnesses like this out in our communities and we can't and shouldn't shield people from reality of things. Yet again, kind of you to think so much of others, ironic on this thread !!!!!!!!!!

23-02-18, 10:20
Hi Carys,

Yes my endoscopy is on the 7th March and WM has an ENT app on the 6th. I'll make sure I post my results no matter what, I don't know if bad results will be good for anyone on here but I guess that would be the reality of the situation if it were to be.

Hopefully the appointment today will help me deal with things for the next couple of weeks until my endoscopy. I've been really lucky that my work have been fine with all of this as I've not been working as I usually would. My boss suffered from anxiety years ago so knows what I am going through, and someone else in the office had similar issues while going through lung cancer at the age of 19 so has been good to talk to. It is amazing how many people have issues that you would never know about until you start talking about your own anxiety etc.

I feel we have kind of hijacked this thread but I didn't want to start a new one for a similar theme, there seems to be enough threads on OC/EC already by the looks of it!

23-02-18, 11:01
I feel we have kind of hijacked this thread

Ha ha ! Really don't worry about that, its good to write something on this thread that is acknowledged by people who deserve to have replies. :blush:

23-02-18, 13:02
Ha ha ! Really don't worry about that, its good to write something on this thread that is acknowledged by people who deserve to have replies. :blush:

Isn't it a refreshing change and it's what this forum should be all about.

---------- Post added at 13:02 ---------- Previous post was at 12:56 ----------

Hi Pulisa,

Thank you - I like to think I am! I just wish it was sooner, the GP said it would be within the two weeks as I was having red flag symptoms but that will be nearly 4 weeks by the time I actually have it. Nothing I can do now but wait. I think with my HA it is very much worry about other people - I don't actually fear any sort of illness to myself or even dying - I just feel horribly sad that if something happens to me my fiancé is alone just at the time we are going to get married and start a family. That makes me upset the most.

I want to start planning my wedding but can't face it as anything future related scares me. I'll tell all this to my psychologist today I'm just getting it out there - I think I will be on here a few times over the next week and a half before my endoscopy. Would it be a bad idea to post any bad news on this forum? I wouldn't want to cause anxiety to others that have nothing wrong with them.

Wisemonkey - ah I see. That's good then, and you will have your results the day before me! Could I ask what the list of books were? I might get some suggested today by the doctor but other suggestions that have helped people would be good too. That is what everyone says and thinks (that at 32 I don't have OC), I am literally the only one that thinks this is OC, and the longer my symptoms get worse the worse the fear gets - if they went away or came and went I would be able to get over this!

Anyway sorry for venting more than usual - I can usually calm myself down while writing on here but it all seems to be coming out today.


I hope you will feel better by letting your thoughts out on here and with the psychologist. I hope also that we can help you in the lead up to your endoscopy-I've had a couple of endoscopies and know how anticipatory anxiety can overwhelm you. Just talking about it may help a bit..

23-02-18, 14:20
Sorry I don't deserve replies everyone. Hopefully I will just die of esophageal cancer and be out of your hair.

23-02-18, 14:25
Thanks Pulisa,

It is good just to get some of your worries out whether that's down on here or talking to someone.

What was it you had an endoscopy for?

I'm back from my first psychologist appointment now. It was good to get the ball rolling but I think it will take a while to get proper results. Slow but good to get started.

Fishmanpa I'm really really hoping you can bring out the whole "I told you so" gang for me, you have no idea how delighted I will be! At the moment I can't see that though.

23-02-18, 14:26
Sorry I don't deserve replies everyone. Hopefully I will just die of esophageal cancer and be out of your hair.

Lovely thing to say when you have a wife and children.

23-02-18, 14:28
Darkside what are you doing to help yourself? Are you going to your doctor or trying some help for anxiety?

24-02-18, 08:42
Sorry I don't deserve replies everyone.

This isn't about you, this is about US. It seems WE don't deserve replies and are ignored if we don't feed you with information about your bi-monthly illegitimate terminal illness. Each and every one of us on this thread, and on many other threads, has been ignored, had their posts not commented on and been treated with contemputous disregard despite putting in effort. It is not acceptable to expect replies if you treat people this way. Learn it.

Hopefully I will just die of esophageal cancer and be out of your hair.

I honestly can't believe a grown man would say this. It is so immature, with its overtones of emotional blackmail, manipulation and trying to 'punish' people. Its the sort of thing we used to see parodied on television here by a guy called Harry Enfield, in his stroppy teenaged character called Kevin.

24-02-18, 08:49
This isn't about you, this is about US. It seems WE don't deserve replies and are ignored if we don't feed you with information about your bi-monthly illegitimate terminal illness. Each and every one of us on this thread, and on many other threads, has been ignored, had their posts not commented on and been treated with contemputous disregard despite putting in effort. It is not acceptable to expect replies if you treat people this way. Learn it.

I honestly can't believe a grown man would say this. It is so immature, with its overtones of emotional blackmail, manipulation and trying to 'punish' people. Its the sort of thing we used to see parodied on television here by a guy called Harry Enfield, in his stroppy teenaged character called Kevin.

I know..Toys well and truly out of the pram.

24-02-18, 16:46
Now I’m not having pain at all when swallowing really but I always feel like I have to burp and can’t get it out sometimes. Then sometimes I will burp a lot. Does anyone else have this?

24-02-18, 17:50
I don't know if this will reassure you or not, but I'd recently (past month or so) been having quite bad heartburn issues and I was worried as to the cause. But after speaking to my GP she said it was probably down to the anxiety and pain relief tablets I'd been prescribed a few weeks prior and she prescribed new tablets to help my stomach (not sure if I can name medications on here?), which I now take once per morning along with my anxiety tablet. Result? No more heartburn :D

I don't know if that is the case for you (are you on any medications?) but just thought I'd throw it out there, in case my experience is reassuring.

Also as for the pain/lump/food moving slowly when swallowing feeling, I actually do get that from time to time (and have had it on and off for years) but only when I eat certain foods (bread being one culprit :lac:). I quickly googled this to find the name and it is called Dysphagia. In my case it is probably caused by the genetic illness I suffer from but, I think it can occur on it's own as well.

Again something that may help you, especially if you only notice the trouble swallowing / lump in throat feeling after certain foods.

These are only my experiences which may or may not help you, but when I see a post that I can relate to I want to try and help if I can.

24-02-18, 18:33
Thanks for sharing your experiences.

---------- Post added at 12:33 ---------- Previous post was at 12:24 ----------

Blah. Guess I spoke too soon. I did feel some pressure / tightness / discomfort in my chest when eating lunch today.

24-02-18, 21:17
Good luck with your ENT appointment, WiseMonkey. You have a great attitude and approach to HA. We must do whatever we can do to help us manage our fears and both you and Chris are great examples of how to address this distressing condition successfully.

Thank you pulisa, will be good to get it sorted :)


I get burping all the time. I also sometimes get the sensation of food going down my esophagus (it's uncomfortable, not painful) other than that I can can swallow fine. If it was EC you wouldn't be able to swallow the food down, it would get stuck and then come back up!

For me the most annoying thing is at night when I have to sit up in bed and wait for small burps to come up (or subside)! I've had this on and off for many years but it's become much more prevalent in the last months. I think in my case it's esophageal spasms causing motility issues.

24-02-18, 21:36
Yes that feels very similar to what I am experiencing. Like small burps that want to come out. Then sometimes I’ll get some big ones. Also that uncomfortable swallow feeling.

bin tenn
24-02-18, 22:32
GERD. Ask your doc about a daily PPI. Problem solved.

25-02-18, 22:57
These feelings like a burp is going to come out then it never does are driving me crazy. I can feel a little shift in my stomach and pressure build like a burp is coming but it never comes.

25-02-18, 23:10
Just a thought here, can't remember if I mentioned it or not but have you been tested for Helicobactor Pylori (H-Pylori) as it can produce lots of burping issues?

It's a bacterium that gets into the stomach lining. It can be treated successfully.

bin tenn
25-02-18, 23:23
These feelings like a burp is going to come out then it never does are driving me crazy. I can feel a little shift in my stomach and pressure build like a burp is coming but it never comes.

That happens with GERD.

26-02-18, 04:16
I searched the forum today as I too have this set of symptoms. Also stressing out about esophageal cancer, my main concerns are I am grossly overweight, and have had acid reflux off and on for years, but since Tuesday nothing helps it, not Rennies, Nexium, Zantac. My throat burns constantly, I also constantly feel I have something in my throat, and I find it hard to swallow sometimes. Often when I lie down I feel I am going to choke if I don't swallow, as it feels something is pooling in my throat and getting more and more, so I am swallowing every 20 seconds whether I am sat or lying down just to clear my throat of this. Being 39 I am also not that young which concerns me, also I have been over 24 stone for nearly 20 years, I even went up to 34 stone for a few years. I first went to the docs in 2013 with bringing up blood with white foam, but was told it was probably allergies, but antihistamines don't help, nor did antibiotics. Fast forward to now, and suddenly since Tuesday this begins with nothing helping, I have never had it like this before. I can totally relate how jumping to cancer is done, especially when we suffer from anxiety. I don't think I have cancer, but it still plays on my mind as a valid possibility, especially when 2 of my school friends have died of cancer already (not EC though).

I will tell you how crazy I am, I had a panoramic dental x-ray the day this began, and I have been paranoid ever since thinking the radiation has burnt some of my already damaged esophagus as the scan goes around the neck and teeth, I know, ridiculous, I hate my brain and the way it works. Also I wore a special "99% removal of all viruses respirator mask" (I know, I know) all the way to the dentist as the person driving me there had a bad chest and head cold and I was terrified of catching it as my tinnitus goes crazy with a cold for a month, so I am also worried the mask has in some way scarred my throat as it was a pressure to breath against, so my stupid brain is thinking the pressure from breathing so hard against the mask has damaged something. I also chickened out of having my lower wisdom tooth removed due to the fear of nerve damage, so I went there for no reason in the end, I am just a damn nervous freak, I hate it. I definitely know this acid reflux is real, so I don't believe I am imagining it, but I sure am not helping it by wondering all sorts. No idea why tablets are not helping though, that adds some worry, coupled with the swallowing problems.

Do people here with anxiety find it hard to swallow sometimes even without acid reflux ? So if you chose to swallow multiple times, could you do it without a problem each and every time ? Or would some times be hard to do ? I seem to be able to swallow every other time basically. First time usually not, then 2nd time yes.

This only started Tuesday so I haven't been to a doc yet, I will do if I still have this in 7 days time. Good luck to Chris for your 7th March appointment, are you having a modern style transnasal esophagoscopy ? Or the old style "lie on side" endoscope ? I desperately would want to the newer style TE style, if you get the choice and the doctor says both are as good as each other, then choose the TE style.

26-02-18, 09:41
Hi Jonny,

Nobody on here will be able to give you a diagnosis of your symptoms, yes they can say they also had this or that but if you really want to know about your particular case you have to visit a doctor. They are the only people that can properly tell you. I've had all sorts of strange symptoms but I don't think listing them on here will do me any good.

As for the other reasons you are worried that sounds like anxiety to me. With my current worry I've been through things like 'what if I gave myself oesophageal cancer by always eating too quickly' or 'maybe when cleaning the bathroom I inhaled some bleach' or I was even convinced it was because I had a filling replaced a few months ago that the dodgy tooth must have given me cancer. These are all anxiety playing with our minds.

Thank you with regards the endoscopy, it's just the old fashioned throat version but I've been offered either sedation or throat spray which I can just decide on the day. At the moment I am thinking throat spray but I might chicken out later!

---------- Post added at 09:41 ---------- Previous post was at 09:24 ----------

Also Jonny, have you had anxiety before? Is this your first worry? IF not have you tried anything to help your anxiety before?

26-02-18, 14:26
I still have the belching and stuff this morning.

I don't seem to have any pain when swallowing and can eat and drink fine. I guess I will call gastro doctor today and setup an appointment. Unfortunately, I do still believe I have cancer as all my symptoms seem to currently point towards that.

26-02-18, 15:18
Best get to the doc then. :)

26-02-18, 15:19
Do you believe my symptoms point to cancer?

26-02-18, 15:28
I'm no doctor so I don't know. What I do know is that anything anxiety related affects the digestion - Big brain little brain.
See a doctor and get it checked out, then get help with your anxiety.

26-02-18, 15:33
No I don't think they do, at all. I have a lot worse and more specific symptoms and I'm dealing with it by having an endoscopy next Wednesday. If you really think you have this then that is your only way to prove it either way. Nobody on here can tell you if you have it. A doctor can make an informed guess but the endoscopy is the gold standard.

Worry less - you will not have Oesophageal Cancer (this coming from someone convinced they have it themselves)

26-02-18, 17:23
I hope reading this thread isn't causing you more anxiety, Chris? You are certainly doing the right thing and giving the right advice but don't jeopardise your own mental health when you have enough to deal with yourself? (I mean in terms of HA of course). I doubt whether the OP will pay a blind bit of notice to your insightful advice.

26-02-18, 18:59
Hi Jonny,

Nobody on here will be able to give you a diagnosis of your symptoms, yes they can say they also had this or that but if you really want to know about your particular case you have to visit a doctor. They are the only people that can properly tell you. I've had all sorts of strange symptoms but I don't think listing them on here will do me any good.

As for the other reasons you are worried that sounds like anxiety to me. With my current worry I've been through things like 'what if I gave myself oesophageal cancer by always eating too quickly' or 'maybe when cleaning the bathroom I inhaled some bleach' or I was even convinced it was because I had a filling replaced a few months ago that the dodgy tooth must have given me cancer. These are all anxiety playing with our minds.

Thank you with regards the endoscopy, it's just the old fashioned throat version but I've been offered either sedation or throat spray which I can just decide on the day. At the moment I am thinking throat spray but I might chicken out later!

---------- Post added at 09:41 ---------- Previous post was at 09:24 ----------

Also Jonny, have you had anxiety before? Is this your first worry? IF not have you tried anything to help your anxiety before?

I'm there with you. I have an endoscopic ultrasound on March 16 to follow up on something they saw on my last endoscopy. Mine, if cancer, would probably be more of a soft tissue sarcoma in the muscle, not normal EC.

26-02-18, 19:06
Coldhands, I thought your endoscopic ultrasound was last Friday? I replied to your other thread asking how you got on. How come the date change?

Pulisa, it's okay I'm trying my best with the anxiety but I don't think it will change much until after my endoscopy next wed - I have real symptoms that worry me a lot. I'm going back for another session with the psychologist this Friday (expensive couple of weeks!) So that should help me somewhat...

I dont mind commenting on here about other people, it's much easier to see anxiety in others than yourself!

26-02-18, 19:08
Coldhands, I thought your endoscopic ultrasound was last Friday? I replied to your other thread asking how you got on. How come the date change?

Pulisa, it's okay I'm trying my best with the anxiety but I don't think it will change much until after my endoscopy next wed - I have real symptoms that worry me a lot. I'm going back for another session with the psychologist this Friday (expensive couple of weeks!) So that should help me somewhat...

I dont mind commenting on here about other people, it's much easier to see anxiety in others than yourself!

I have a pretty bad sinus infection and they chose to reschedule. Unfortunately it was three weeks before they had another date. I'm actually feeling better, though still not over all of it

---------- Post added at 14:08 ---------- Previous post was at 14:07 ----------

Coldhands, I thought your endoscopic ultrasound was last Friday? I replied to your other thread asking how you got on. How come the date change?

Pulisa, it's okay I'm trying my best with the anxiety but I don't think it will change much until after my endoscopy next wed - I have real symptoms that worry me a lot. I'm going back for another session with the psychologist this Friday (expensive couple of weeks!) So that should help me somewhat...

I dont mind commenting on here about other people, it's much easier to see anxiety in others than yourself!

I also, have no trouble on here commenting on others. Its much harder when its yourself though.

26-02-18, 19:58
Ah okay. That's a shame you couldn't have it and have to wait another three weeks. I think I would have forced them to do it if I'd turned up for it!

27-02-18, 15:32
OK, so now I'm REALLY freaking out.

Today when I went to the bathroom and wiped there was some black on the toilet paper. Now, I did take a small dose of Pepto-Bismol yesterday. I know that will turn your stool black. However, that was only about 20 hours ago. I'm not sure it would have had time to make it all the way out? Also, the stool wasn't black. I only noticed small amounts of black on the toilet paper.

So, now I'm basically really worried I have some upper GI bleeding. Possibly from the esophageal cancer or maybe even stomach cancer. Meanwhile, I'm still having a "full" feeling in my stomach as well as belching. I am not having any pain when swallowing.

This is the most depressed and scared I have ever been in my life.

27-02-18, 15:37
I am pretty sure this is not the most depressed and scared you have been based on your previous dramatic threads.

20 hours is long enough to pass through.

You do not have cancer either so there is no need to keep saying that.

27-02-18, 17:09
20 hours is plenty long enough, as said above. I had an iron tablet 'show' at the other end in less time than that. Anyway, what you could be seeing is dark undigested food, lots of things shows like that - raisins or spinach for example.

I honestly am not sure why I'm even writing this......as you won't have the decency to acknowledge people. What you DO have is an incredibly over active hypochondriac's imagination.

27-02-18, 21:03
Well, I just kinda forced myself to go again and there wasn't any black marks. This makes me even more worried because it must be bleeding off / on and is not something consistent like taking Pepto-Bismol. Unless all of the black from the Pepto-Bismol came out the first time I went to the bathroom today.

I'm so scared and confused.

I'm kinda wondering if this is more of a case of a stomach cancer than esophageal cancer.

Overall, I would say I have burped a little less today but still quite a bit more than I normally would. Also stomach still gurgling / disgestion sounds and a little gassy.

27-02-18, 22:37
Well you have so many cancers it is hard to keep up really.

28-02-18, 00:11

So, now I'm basically really worried I have some upper GI bleeding. Possibly from the esophageal cancer or maybe even stomach cancer. Meanwhile, I'm still having a "full" feeling in my stomach as well as belching. I am not having any pain when swallowing.

This is the most depressed and scared I have ever been in my life.

I've said it before but once more ... you haven't got either esophageal cancer or stomach cancer. Your issues wax and wane and that's not the pattern of cancer. I think I asked you this before but you didn't answer have you had a test for Helicobacter Pylori?

It is a bacterium which gets into the stomach lining and can cause the same symptoms that you have.

28-02-18, 07:35
You KNOW you are frustrating and discourteous - when - Wisemonkey starts to get slightly more assertive in pointing out your errant behaviour. WM is the gold standard of 'patience'. :roflmao:

28-02-18, 10:59
You quite clearly don't have stomach cancer! I think that's even more rare then oesophageal. How old are you? I don't think anything anyone says on here actually helps you at all? What would help you?

One thing that has helped me after I've wasted days and days thinking non stop about anxiety is to think what is it I'm worried about - dying of a terminal illness was mine. Well in worrying about this every second of every day I wasn't living. I was actually dealing with anxiety worse than some people who have an actual terminal illness. It's easier said than done because I'm struggling with it big time at the moment, I just thought I would share that with you as it always manages to make me feel better even for a small amount of time

28-02-18, 11:03
Well in worrying about this every second of every day I wasn't living. I was actually dealing with anxiety worse than some people who have an actual terminal illness.

SPOT ON ! I've said similar myself; I visit some terminally ill people in a community role, and they are living happier, less stressuful lives than many of the most sever HA posters here.

28-02-18, 11:21
SPOT ON ! I've said similar myself; I visit some terminally ill people in a community role, and they are living happier, less stressuful lives than many of the most sever HA posters here.

Exactly. My Auntie passed away a year and a half ago in her early fifties from pancreatic cancer and dealt with everything so well, so much better than I am even dealing with my worries and anxiety it makes me ashamed!

If it ever gets to the point where I am in the same position as her I would want to be as strong and battle as hard as she did

28-02-18, 21:29
I'm 31 years old. Stomach cancer is not more rare than esophogeal cancer. About 1.7% of all stomach cancers are in my age group so that means about 4 people in my age group (20-34 years old) in my particular US state will get stomach cancer this year. I could be one of those people.

I'm still having more belching then usual today, though I'm not sure if it's as bad as a few days ago. But, definitely still more than I used to have before all this started.

I did not notice any black when I went to the bathroom today. I'm not really having many other symptoms at the moment other than the more than usual belching. Thoughts?

28-02-18, 21:44
Not sure why you are asking for thoughts? We have given you hundreds of pages of replies and no acknowledgment or thanks or anything.

My thoughts are get help for your HA and stop wasting your life worrying about cancers you don't have.

28-02-18, 21:59

Why? You won't listen? You will only pick out what you want like you did my last post and ignore any help from anyone.

If you are indeed not a troll then please get help for your HA. I'm done. Good luck

28-02-18, 22:05
Why? You won't listen? You will only pick out what you want like you did my last post and ignore any help from anyone.

It was kind of you to try Chris, but sadly most of us have been there and done that (on various threads) with the same outcome. :wacko:

28-02-18, 22:17
It was kind of you to try Chris, but sadly most of us have been there and done that (on various threads) with the same outcome. :wacko:

I thought he might relate to my situation but alas I was wrong! If anyone knows how he is feeling it's me, that didn't seem to work either though. I don't think anyone on here can help him. I hope maybe my good or bad news a week today might!

Catherine S
28-02-18, 23:33
So let us count the years...and the threads.


01-03-18, 09:13
I thought he might relate to my situation but alas I was wrong! If anyone knows how he is feeling it's me, that didn't seem to work either though. I don't think anyone on here can help him. I hope maybe my good or bad news a week today might!

I'm not sure he wants help though, Chris. At least not "help" in the way we know it.

01-03-18, 09:20
Yep Chris, thats the problem here, most of us would want help and would listen to anything said and take it in....he doesn't acknowledge that or respond to it. The 'help' he wants is repetition of physical symptoms and I'm starting to think and wonder if its - to be told he has cancer.

01-03-18, 14:08
I am thankful for everyone's responses here and the time they take to respond. I know I am a tough case of hypochondria. I share my symptoms in hope someone else will have had the same symptoms and turned out fine. I'm sorry that I can be so frustrating. :(

I had moderate belching yesterday and am already having more belching this morning - once when I burped this morning some reflux came up as well. I'm still torn on if this i san esophogus problem or a stomach problem. I'm leaning towards stomach since I'm not having any swallowing symptoms really.

Again, my main symptom seems to be belching a lot throughout the day.

01-03-18, 14:28
You said it you have hypochondria not cancer.

What about the 15 mins you promised each day to help people who also suffer HA?

01-03-18, 15:29
I know I am a tough case of hypochondria.

Yes, you are, so why not get some help for this. There's no point sharing symptoms, of course people have had your symptoms and its been 'nothing', as an IBS sufferer I have what you have often. You can guarantee that for 99.9999% of the population (ok the stat I made up) what you currently have is nothing to be concerned about.

01-03-18, 17:10
Another thing I've noticed is kind of a gnawing hunger type pain even when I have just eaten recently. I'm really worried this is stomach cancer to be honest... :/ ... I'm not and never have been a smoker which is one risk factor but that doesn't mean I don't have it. I have been eating a lot of pickles over the last few months and I'm worried this has given me stomach cancer.

I dunno, something just isn't right. I don't think it's as simple as IBS or anxiety. I think something is actually physically wrong.

01-03-18, 17:16
OK, then go to the doctor.

01-03-18, 17:18
Snap Carys I was just about to say the same thing :)

01-03-18, 17:18

01-03-18, 17:19
Cut the pickles out. You've got acid reflux/indigestion.

01-03-18, 17:21
Anxiety plays havoc with the old digestive system, acid for example
And burping
And windypops

01-03-18, 17:43
And windypops

:roflmao: That's a new one on me!

Positive thoughts

01-03-18, 17:49
:D oh yeah windypops. Used to say it to the kids when they were very small.
Here's a strange but true thing...... I actually cannot burp. Maybe once a year a little tiny one will escape me and I get very excited and tell people :D :D. Apparently it's a real thing but rare not to be able to burp.

01-03-18, 17:54
:D oh yeah windypops. Used to say it to the kids when they were very small. Here's a strange but true thing...... I actually cannot burp. Maybe once a year a little tiny one will escape me and I get very excited and tell people :D :D. Apparently it's a real thing but rare not to be able to burp.

Interesting... so even after a carbonated drink, nothing happens? Isn't that uncomfortable? I have something called photic sneeze reflex (PSR) where if I feel a sneeze coming on, I can make it happen by looking at the sun or a bright light. Only around 20-35% of the population has it. I like it as I hate that feeling when you can't!

Positive thoughts

01-03-18, 18:10
Interesting... so even after a carbonated drink, nothing happens? Isn't that uncomfortable? I have something called photic sneeze reflex (PSR) where if I feel a sneeze coming on, I can make it happen by looking at the sun or a bright light. Only around 20-35% of the population has it. I like it as I hate that feeling when you can't!

Positive thoughts

Sometimes when i sneeze a bit of wee pops out. So i was diagnosed PSR. In the UK it's known as p#ss sneeze reflex:ban:

bin tenn
01-03-18, 18:29
Interesting... so even after a carbonated drink, nothing happens? Isn't that uncomfortable? I have something called photic sneeze reflex (PSR) where if I feel a sneeze coming on, I can make it happen by looking at the sun or a bright light. Only around 20-35% of the population has it. I like it as I hate that feeling when you can't!

Positive thoughts

I have that as well, but didn't know there was a name for it. :-D

01-03-18, 18:42
I have that sneeze thing as well:) .
And no if I eat too much or drink fizzy pop, which I rarely do now, I just look about 6 months pregnant lol

01-03-18, 18:53
Sometimes when i sneeze a bit of wee pops out. So i was diagnosed PSR. In the UK it's known as p#ss sneeze reflex:ban:

And when you have a "windypop" and a bit of poo comes out, that's called a "shart". Also... when you really have to go and you feel it starting to come out, that's called "prairie dogging" :roflmao:

Positive thoughts

01-03-18, 19:03
Ahem....ladies present.....

somewhere ?

01-03-18, 19:06
I just popped on here to say Chris - I really hope everything turns out well for you. I'm keeping me fingers and toes crossed. :hugs:

And as for the last few posts... you're all sullying my innocent mind! :roflmao:

01-03-18, 19:07
See, one turned up ^

01-03-18, 19:27
See, one turned up ^
Haha I must have posted before I saw your 'ladies' comment :yesyes:

01-03-18, 19:36
And when you have a "windypop" and a bit of poo comes out, that's called a "shart". Also... when you really have to go and you feel it starting to come out, that's called "prairie dogging" :roflmao:

Positive thoughts

I must have lead a very sheltered life....:D

01-03-18, 19:39
Ahem....ladies present.....

somewhere ?

Hey... at least it's about poo and not cervical discharge! :roflmao:

Positive thoughts

01-03-18, 19:45
Hey... at least it's about poo and not cervical discharge! :roflmao:

Positive thoughts

Give it time.....

01-03-18, 19:45
Nope. It's not happening, there will be NO slimey goings on here ! I forbid it.

01-03-18, 20:17
I just popped on here to say Chris - I really hope everything turns out well for you. I'm keeping me fingers and toes crossed. :hugs:

And as for the last few posts... you're all sullying my innocent mind! :roflmao:

Hi chocolatebutton,

Thanks for the message. Less than a week to go now so I'll have some answers either way in a few days. The hardest part for me is when nobody else seems worried about it, they attribute everything to anxiety and I get annoyed as I am in some physical pain that is beyond anxiety! I also realise how powerful anxiety is and can cause many symptoms. I'm lucky I have an amazing fiance who is a psychology graduate, every morning and night she comforts me when I'm a mess! She understands more than most what I'm feeling so is a really big help.

Unfortunately the weather up in Scotland has meant my psychologist appointment for tomorrow has been cancelled! I was really looking forward to it after starting just last week.

01-03-18, 20:18
Yeah, of course, you are on that 'first ever' met office read warning aren't you - is it really bad where you are ?

01-03-18, 20:19
Give it time.....

Wait for the pictures..........:doh:

01-03-18, 20:33
Hi chocolatebutton,

Thanks for the message. Less than a week to go now so I'll have some answers either way in a few days. The hardest part for me is when nobody else seems worried about it, they attribute everything to anxiety and I get annoyed as I am in some physical pain that is beyond anxiety! I also realise how powerful anxiety is and can cause many symptoms. I'm lucky I have an amazing fiance who is a psychology graduate, every morning and night she comforts me when I'm a mess! She understands more than most what I'm feeling so is a really big help.

Unfortunately the weather up in Scotland has meant my psychologist appointment for tomorrow has been cancelled! I was really looking forward to it after starting just last week.

Hi Chris,
I've found the waiting for appointments is the worst thing! What I did once I knew the date of a scary test was tell myself that by such-and-such date (i.e. the day after the appointment) it will be over. Maybe that will help you too.

It's good you've got a special person in your life who understands. My husband is amazing even though I try not to burden him too much with all my worries (I post 'em on here instead!), I don't know what I'd do without him.

Oh dear that's unfortunate about your appointment, but it's maybe best not to be travelling to it anyway in this weather.

We couldn't get the car out from the driveway this morning so had to walk to work :unsure: - couldn't use my crutches with the snow so hubby found a pair of our hillwalking poles which suited me fine! The snow was up to my knees.:wacko:

01-03-18, 20:33
Yeah, of course, you are on that 'first ever' met office read warning aren't you - is it really bad where you are ?

Red warning here yes! I've got a couple of feet of snow in the garden and couldn't get to work the last couple of days. Tomorrow will be much the same. Not seen this much snow in 15 years or so

01-03-18, 20:33
Wait for the pictures..........:doh:

Don't give them ideas!

01-03-18, 20:39
Hi Chris,
I've found the waiting for appointments is the worst thing! What I did once I knew the date of a scary test was tell myself that by such-and-such date (i.e. the day after the appointment) it will be over. Maybe that will help you too.

It's good you've got a special person in your life who understands. My husband is amazing even though I try not to burden him too much with all my worries (I post 'em on here instead!), I don't know what I'd do without him.

Oh dear that's unfortunate about your appointment, but it's maybe best not to be travelling to it anyway in this weather.

We couldn't get the car out from the driveway this morning so had to walk to work :unsure: - couldn't use my crutches with the snow so hubby found a pair of our hillwalking poles which suited me fine! The snow was up to my knees.:wacko:

At least you made it to work! I live in Edinburgh but work in Falkirk so no chance.

I do exactly the same with tests. I dont have the sort of HA where I dont beleive results, once I've had a test I'm over it. I've never quite been this bad before or had such specific symptoms for anything.

I am very lucky, also with my family as my mum and dad are amazing. I'm 32 but they still do anything for me like I was a kid!

Is it health anxiety you suffer from too?

01-03-18, 20:45
Chris, anxiety can throw up some very weird and wonderful physical symptoms which you wouldn't believe could be possible. I know you already know this though and it's no consolation as you will only be reassured by a clear endoscopy result next week
I guess work would have been a distraction for you as you must feel very restless waiting for the 7th to come. at least the snow should have gone by then..Haven't all non-urgent hospital procedures been cancelled in Scotland? If you'd been having it this week that would have been awful.
I'm glad you have such a supportive family-I hope this nightmare is soon over for you.

01-03-18, 20:48
At least you made it to work! I live in Edinburgh but work in Falkirk so no chance.

I do exactly the same with tests. I dont have the sort of HA where I dont beleive results, once I've had a test I'm over it. I've never quite been this bad before or had such specific symptoms for anything.

I am very lucky, also with my family as my mum and dad are amazing. I'm 32 but they still do anything for me like I was a kid!

Is it health anxiety you suffer from too?

I was born in Falkirk and lived in Kincardine.

Love Scotland!

01-03-18, 20:56
Chris, anxiety can throw up some very weird and wonderful physical symptoms which you wouldn't believe could be possible. I know you already know this though and it's no consolation as you will only be reassured by a clear endoscopy result next week
I guess work would have been a distraction for you as you must feel very restless waiting for the 7th to come. at least the snow should have gone by then..Haven't all non-urgent hospital procedures been cancelled in Scotland? If you'd been having it this week that would have been awful.
I'm glad you have such a supportive family-I hope this nightmare is soon over for you.

Thanks pulisa,

I do appreciate your replies, it's good just to get things out there for me. You are right though, the 7th will be the only thing that will properly fix this for me (along with the professional help) either way. I think they have all been cancelled, so in a way it is good I dont have it this week! I just hope that doesn't have any knock on effect for my app!

---------- Post added at 20:56 ---------- Previous post was at 20:55 ----------

I was born in Falkirk and lived in Kincardine.

Love Scotland!

Why on earth would you leave..?!

01-03-18, 20:57
At least you made it to work! I live in Edinburgh but work in Falkirk so no chance.

I do exactly the same with tests. I dont have the sort of HA where I dont beleive results, once I've had a test I'm over it. I've never quite been this bad before or had such specific symptoms for anything.

I am very lucky, also with my family as my mum and dad are amazing. I'm 32 but they still do anything for me like I was a kid!

Is it health anxiety you suffer from too?

Ah you are right in the red bit then! That would be a difficult commute at the moment, hopefully you got to enjoy the snow instead? Or would you rather have been at work? :)

I'm just below the red area, in the amber area :shades:

I suffer from Anxiety (general anxiety I guess it's called, only recently been diagnosed and started medication which has helped somewhat) but I only realised from reading this forum that I guess I have some HA too. I'm kinda like you, once I have a test if they say it's ok then I believe them and I'm relieved. I feel so sad for the people on here who have it so bad that they can't see that.

I know what you mean about not having as bad worries before. Last summer I started having some very worrying symptoms and although they think they know what is wrong I'm still going through tests and I'm still worried about the outcome. Feels like one long nightmare that never ends. Before all of this I'd occasionally worried about a symptom but I was able to quickly realise it wasn't a worry. Only since last summer have I suddenly felt like "no, this is different, this really is something" and it scares the living daylights out of me. I believe it was down to all of this that my anxiety and HA really kicked off.

But, as someone told me a long time ago, "this too shall pass". I'm sure it will for you too.

Stay safe in the snow!

01-03-18, 21:02
Thanks pulisa,

I do appreciate your replies, it's good just to get things out there for me. You are right though, the 7th will be the only thing that will properly fix this for me (along with the professional help) either way. I think they have all been cancelled, so in a way it is good I dont have it this week! I just hope that doesn't have any knock on effect for my app!

---------- Post added at 20:56 ---------- Previous post was at 20:55 ----------

Why on earth would you leave..?!

My Dad moved around with his work. Moved down to SE England in 1984 and been here ever since. Been back many times playing golf.

01-03-18, 21:11
I'm in my late fifties and at an age when my GP says that things can go very wrong and symptoms need to be investigated etc etc. When he said this I said that he might as well put me out to grass and shoot me because I was obviously so decrepit etc etc. He runs a fancy private botox clinic as well as being an NHS GP for the commoners...I avoid him if I can-not good for my HA management which is creaking at the rafters at the moment!:D

---------- Post added at 21:11 ---------- Previous post was at 21:06 ----------

My Dad moved around with his work. Moved down to SE England in 1984 and been here ever since. Been back many times playing golf.

I am of Scottish descent but have never been to Scotland. My OH is a golfer (not professional but an addict!) and loves visiting St Andrews, Muirfield, Troon etc when the Open is played there.

01-03-18, 21:15
My Dad moved around with his work. Moved down to SE England in 1984 and been here ever since. Been back many times playing golf.

If only it was the weather for golf now!

01-03-18, 21:17
If only it was the weather for golf now!

My OH is indignant because his golf has been cancelled on Saturday! Outrageous!:D

01-03-18, 21:20
Ah you are right in the red bit then! That would be a difficult commute at the moment, hopefully you got to enjoy the snow instead? Or would you rather have been at work? :)

I'm just below the red area, in the amber area :shades:

I suffer from Anxiety (general anxiety I guess it's called, only recently been diagnosed and started medication which has helped somewhat) but I only realised from reading this forum that I guess I have some HA too. I'm kinda like you, once I have a test if they say it's ok then I believe them and I'm relieved. I feel so sad for the people on here who have it so bad that they can't see that.

I know what you mean about not having as bad worries before. Last summer I started having some very worrying symptoms and although they think they know what is wrong I'm still going through tests and I'm still worried about the outcome. Feels like one long nightmare that never ends. Before all of this I'd occasionally worried about a symptom but I was able to quickly realise it wasn't a worry. Only since last summer have I suddenly felt like "no, this is different, this really is something" and it scares the living daylights out of me. I believe it was down to all of this that my anxiety and HA really kicked off.

But, as someone told me a long time ago, "this too shall pass". I'm sure it will for you too.

Stay safe in the snow!

I'm quite happy not to be at work as I've been struggling a bit recently, not been my usual self and had to explain to my biss etc. They have been really good with me and know all about my endoscopy and anxiety.

Did you get any help with your anxiety? That's true. Everything will pass! You too. Lets hope the snow goes soon

---------- Post added at 21:20 ---------- Previous post was at 21:19 ----------

I'm in my late fifties and at an age when my GP says that things can go very wrong and symptoms need to be investigated etc etc. When he said this I said that he might as well put me out to grass and shoot me because I was obviously so decrepit etc etc. He runs a fancy private botox clinic as well as being an NHS GP for the commoners...I avoid him if I can-not good for my HA management which is creaking at the rafters at the moment!:D

---------- Post added at 21:11 ---------- Previous post was at 21:06 ----------

I am of Scottish descent but have never been to Scotland. My OH is a golfer (not professional but an addict!) and loves visiting St Andrews, Muirfield, Troon etc when the Open is played there.

Pulisa you seem so together on here I didn't realise you currently suffered from HA. Have you ever gone through cbt or anything?

01-03-18, 21:26
I'm quite happy not to be at work as I've been struggling a bit recently, not been my usual self and had to explain to my biss etc. They have been really good with me and know all about my endoscopy and anxiety.

Did you get any help with your anxiety?

Glad you've got an understanding boss, so at least you don't have to worry about your job on top of everything else.

As for help with my anxiety, I have an understanding and supportive husband, tablets from my GP and talking to people on here :)

01-03-18, 21:29
Well, another thing to cause me worry. I went to the bathroom today. There was a small black spec on the stool. I used a Q-Tip to poke it and it kinda dissolved off in the water a little bit, making me think it is possibly blood. Perfect.

I dunno. It seems pretty obvious to me at this point I have an upper GI bleed in my stomach or esophogus from cancer. Reflux doesn't bleed.

01-03-18, 21:37
Well, another thing to cause me worry. I went to the bathroom today. There was a small black spec on the stool. I used a Q-Tip to poke it and it kinda dissolved off in the water a little bit, making me think it is possibly blood. Perfect.

I dunno. It seems pretty obvious to me at this point I have an upper GI bleed in my stomach or esophogus from cancer. Reflux doesn't bleed.

How would you know it is blood just because it dissolved in the water? And why are you even poking at it in the first place? :scared15:

Please get some help for your anxiety - everyone keeps telling you but you just seem to ignore them. It saddens me, it really does, to see someone affected this badly.

01-03-18, 21:40
I'm in my late fifties and at an age when my GP says that things can go very wrong and symptoms need to be investigated etc etc. When he said this I said that he might as well put me out to grass and shoot me because I was obviously so decrepit etc etc. He runs a fancy private botox clinic as well as being an NHS GP for the commoners...I avoid him if I can-not good for my HA management which is creaking at the rafters at the moment!:D

---------- Post added at 21:11 ---------- Previous post was at 21:06 ----------

I am of Scottish descent but have never been to Scotland. My OH is a golfer (not professional but an addict!) and loves visiting St Andrews, Muirfield, Troon etc when the Open is played there.

I worked in the golf industry for 22 years 1989-2011.
Don't really play now though. You can't beat Scotland for golf and the Open. I've also played in France, Spain, Potugal and Sweden.

01-03-18, 21:42
How would you know it is blood just because it dissolved in the water? And why are you even poking at it in the first place? :scared15:

Please get some help for your anxiety - everyone keeps telling you but you just seem to ignore them. It saddens me, it really does, to see someone affected this badly.

At least it turned into a poo thread instead of a discharge thread :winks:

Positive thoughts

01-03-18, 21:49
At least it turned into a poo thread instead of a cervical discharge thread :winks:

Only on here would that be considered a blessing :D

01-03-18, 21:54
I'm sorry, I'm just very worried. The symptoms are just all adding up to something sinister now im my head. Various abdominal cramps / pains, belching, reflux feeling, gassy, now possibly bleeding from my upper GI as there was a black speck on the stool that was not totally solid. I'm sooo depressed about this. It's very, very dark in my mind.

I just am running out of other alternatives at this point when the symptoms keep combining.

01-03-18, 22:01
At least it turned into a poo thread instead of a discharge thread :winks:

Stop it ! :scared15:

---------- Post added at 22:01 ---------- Previous post was at 21:55 ----------

I'm sorry, I'm just very worried. The symptoms are just all adding up to something sinister now im my head. Various abdominal cramps / pains, belching, reflux feeling, gassy, now possibly bleeding from my upper GI as there was a black speck on the stool that was not totally solid. I'm sooo depressed about this. It's very, very dark in my mind.

I just am running out of other alternatives at this point when the symptoms keep combining.

I can see and hear you are very worried, but you only have two choices/alternatives here. You leave it, put it down to an over active HA imagination OR you get it checked. The midway useless and harmful place to be is doing what you are doing - thinking its something awful, stressing about it to an obsessive level and not seeing the GP.

01-03-18, 22:09
Stop it ! :scared15:

OK... I'll stop...pass the toilet paper and a Q tip :shades:


01-03-18, 22:14
I already made an appointment with a Gastro doctor but I have to wait 2 more weeks until the appointment. The cancer could seriously be much worse by then.

01-03-18, 22:37
I'm sorry, I'm just very worried. The symptoms are just all adding up to something sinister now im my head. Various abdominal cramps / pains, belching, reflux feeling, gassy, now possibly bleeding from my upper GI as there was a black speck on the stool that was not totally solid. I'm sooo depressed about this. It's very, very dark in my mind.

I just am running out of other alternatives at this point when the symptoms keep combining.

See the purple bit up there? ^ That says it all. This is the anxiety, giving you these worries in your head. You're never going to be able to stop worrying about it until you take some decisive action.

I know, believe me, how scary it is to face up to asking a doctor about a worrying symptom. But think on:
* if you never get your health anxiety under control you will have worries like this for the rest of your life. Is that what you want?
* if - by some very slim chance - you did have a serious illness, surely the best thing to do is to tell a doctor so they can examine you and do tests etc as soon as possible so that you could begin treatment?

NOTE: I'm NOT saying you do have a serious illness. But keeping on asking about your symptoms on here is not going to make your problems go away, whatever the underlying reason for them.

So make an appointment to see your GP. Do it to-morrow. And when you see him/her, tell him about your anxiety as well as your symptoms. Trust him/her to decide what needs to be done.
That's all you need to do. Just that first step of going to see your GP.
And then take it from there.
Best wishes.

---------- Post added at 22:29 ---------- Previous post was at 22:23 ----------

I already made an appointment with a Gastro doctor but I have to wait 2 more weeks until the appointment. The cancer could seriously be much worse by then.

You don't know you have cancer. Try not to keep focusing on that. I know waiting for an appointment is hard, and it makes anxiety worse while you're waiting, but just try to put it out of your mind if you can.

And in the meantime, see your GP about your anxiety issues. Because if, or more likely when, you find out that you don't have cancer, you will need to get your anxiety under control before you start getting a whole new set of symptoms.

---------- Post added at 22:37 ---------- Previous post was at 22:32 ----------

OK... I'll stop...pass the toilet paper and a Q tip :shades:


Carys - Fishmanpa - don't make me come over there and separate the pair of you :yellowcard:

You want your heads banging together, you do.

01-03-18, 22:57
Carys - Fishmanpa - don't make me come over there and separate the pair of you :yellowcard:

You want your heads banging together, you do.

Just some light hearted fun :D I know Carys gets a little queasy thinking about mucous from down under so..... as long was there's no pics of either that or poo we're both good :)

Positive thoughts and Q tips

01-03-18, 23:00
Just some light hearted fun :D I know Carys gets a little queasy thinking about mucous from down under so..... as long was there's no pics of either that or poo we're both good :)

Positive thoughts and Q tips

I read that bit and thought to myself "when did Australia come into the conversation?"

I clearly need some sleep. :D Try and behave while I'm gone. :winks:


Oh and don't think I haven't noticed that you've added Q Tips to your signature!

02-03-18, 01:57
:D oh yeah windypops. Used to say it to the kids when they were very small.
Here's a strange but true thing...... I actually cannot burp. Maybe once a year a little tiny one will escape me and I get very excited and tell people :D :D. Apparently it's a real thing but rare not to be able to burp.

They say if you lose one of your senses the others become more attuned. Does this mean the other end is "busy"? :blush::D

---------- Post added at 01:57 ---------- Previous post was at 01:54 ----------

I am thankful for everyone's responses here and the time they take to respond. I know I am a tough case of hypochondria. I share my symptoms in hope someone else will have had the same symptoms and turned out fine. I'm sorry that I can be so frustrating. :(

I had moderate belching yesterday and am already having more belching this morning - once when I burped this morning some reflux came up as well. I'm still torn on if this i san esophogus problem or a stomach problem. I'm leaning towards stomach since I'm not having any swallowing symptoms really.

Again, my main symptom seems to be belching a lot throughout the day.

But do you understand that's just reassurance seeking behaviour?

And you don't actually share your symptoms because you focus on things like this and leave out all the others symptoms that would potentially disprove what you ae worrying about...the worry itself, the obsessive thinking patterns, the skewed bias, the obvious Cognitive Distortions.

02-03-18, 03:10
Thing is, I've actually had the same symptoms as this poster. I even explained that to him. What he describes could have been written by me. It sounds exactly like what I've been experiencing. But I bet that doesn't actually help.

02-03-18, 03:14
I'm sorry, I'm just very worried. The symptoms are just all adding up to something sinister now im my head. Various abdominal cramps / pains, belching, reflux feeling, gassy, now possibly bleeding from my upper GI as there was a black speck on the stool that was not totally solid. I'm sooo depressed about this. It's very, very dark in my mind.

I just am running out of other alternatives at this point when the symptoms keep combining.

If you had bleeding from the stomach the whole motion would be black (tar-like) not just one tiny speck! I get dark bits too, probably seeds or pips, not an issue.

02-03-18, 04:46
Thing is, I've actually had the same symptoms as this poster. I even explained that to him. What he describes could have been written by me. It sounds exactly like what I've been experiencing. But I bet that doesn't actually help.

No, and even if it does it will be fleeting since that's the nature of the beast. He chases what he thinks will help him but obsessive-compulsions patterns, just like the panic cycle, only serve to reinforce an issue, to continue giving it importance.

What he should be far more interested in should be what you have gone through. Going from a good place to a bad place, seeing how your posts mirrored many on here stuck in the cycle, and then look at you now on the mend sounding totally different and like the old SE.

It's a hard journey but it does help to see those further ahead as it gives you some hope you will get there too. I found that at self help groups where those further on reassured new people like me that it gets better when you put the work in. And it did.

02-03-18, 11:15
Tut tut Terry ladies don't do that sort of thing. .... :D :D

02-03-18, 12:52
Thing is, I've actually had the same symptoms as this poster. I even explained that to him. What he describes could have been written by me. It sounds exactly like what I've been experiencing. But I bet that doesn't actually help.

Were you belching every few minutes?

02-03-18, 18:23
Given what I said, what do you deduce the answer to be?

02-03-18, 18:39
Why don't you look at your diet and keep a diary?

03-03-18, 00:46
Were you belching every few minutes?

Yep and always feel that I have a burp waiting in my esophagus to come up!

03-03-18, 01:18
I am thankful for everyone's responses here and the time they take to respond. I know I am a tough case of hypochondria. I share my symptoms in hope someone else will have had the same symptoms and turned out fine. I'm sorry that I can be so frustrating. :(

I had moderate belching yesterday and am already having more belching this morning - once when I burped this morning some reflux came up as well. I'm still torn on if this i san esophogus problem or a stomach problem. I'm leaning towards stomach since I'm not having any swallowing symptoms really.

Again, my main symptom seems to be belching a lot throughout the day.

But do you understand that's just reassurance seeking behaviour?

And you don't actually share your symptoms because you focus on things like this and leave out all the others symptoms that would potentially disprove what you ae worrying about...the worry itself, the obsessive thinking patterns, the skewed bias, the obvious Cognitive Distortions.

Do you?

03-03-18, 08:16
It would be progress if darkside actually answered your very relevant question, Terry, but I suspect the response will be another post of his own symptoms/gloomy prognosis.

03-03-18, 08:24
Yes, pulisa, it would be nice. Him putting some time into the answer rather than something brief and then back onto symptoms again as we all know he's looking in the wrong direction.

If only he would put his time into comparing his mental health to that of others rather than his symptoms, he may see how his patterns are common. If he saw how someone like ServerError can fight his way back out of his spiral then it may encourage him too...

03-03-18, 08:26
That's if he wants to make progress of course...

03-03-18, 13:45
This morning I still have the burping and also now feel like I’m going to throw up, etc. I woke up in middle of the night nauseous as well. It’s stomach cancer.

03-03-18, 13:50
It would be progress if darkside actually answered your very relevant question, but I suspect the response will be another post of his own symptoms/gloomy prognosis.

This morning I still have the burping and also now feel like I’m going to throw up, etc. I woke up in middle of the night nauseous as well. It’s stomach cancer.

That's a told ya so if I've ever seen one...


03-03-18, 13:59
Spot on. Predictable as always.

03-03-18, 14:22
Well, just now I burped (again) and some food and acid came up too. I’m done. This is CANCER. This has been going on for over 2 weeks now. It is not anxiety. PPIs don’t help at all. Nothing.

Can anyone actually relate to this on the symptoms and what was your diagnosis. Did you have these EXACT symptoms: burping constantly. Regurgitation.

03-03-18, 14:22
Sorry to :D, but I just have to, at Pulisa and FMP.

You've said its CANCER (in capital letters) Darkside. Best go get it diagnosed properly and treated then. Loads of people, loads have told you they've had the same.....as an IBS anxiety person I have had this for weeks myself. You don't want to listen though, you just go straight back to CANCER (again, 30th time this year ?).

03-03-18, 14:32
Well, just now I burped (again) and some food and acid came up too. I’m done. This is CANCER. This has been going on for over 2 weeks now. It is not anxiety. PPIs don’t help at all. Nothing.

Can anyone actually relate to this on the symptoms and what was your diagnosis. Did you have these EXACT symptoms: burping constantly. Regurgitation.

You are positive you have cancer so why ask what others on here with the same symptoms have been diagnosed with? You know what you have so why post on an anxiety forum especially when you say it isn't anxiety?

03-03-18, 14:42
Just go to the doctor and get help then for the cancer.

03-03-18, 15:01
Just go to the doctor and get help then for the cancer.

Exactly. If it was cancer then nobody on here can help you. You would need to go get treated. This is for people with anxiety - which deep down you know you have

03-03-18, 17:18
Well, just now I burped (again) and some food and acid came up too. I’m done. This is CANCER. This has been going on for over 2 weeks now. It is not anxiety. PPIs don’t help at all. Nothing.

Can anyone actually relate to this on the symptoms and what was your diagnosis. Did you have these EXACT symptoms: burping constantly. Regurgitation.

My husband has regurgitation with reflux. But since you have cancer, best to get off this board and go get treatment. I find your post darkside to be offensive. My aunt has cancer and my father in law died from it. Neither one of them ever questioned if they had it. Your post is nothing but ridiculous and silly. But if you insist, go get treated. Enjoy your treatment. Hopefully you won't get too sick like
my aunt has whom is laid up from chemo getting ready for her stem cell treatment. Just hope your cancer treatment goes well.

03-03-18, 19:55
So you're still here repeating the same old tired pattern: trivial symptoms, dramatic self-diagnosis. Total denial of your apparent psychological problems and disregard/avoidance of any replies which don't suit your agenda.

Plus ça change :lac:

03-03-18, 20:11
I don’t deny the psychological problems and I am truly sorry I’m such a pain and a severe case of hypochondria. I just can’t deny that I’ve had this burping and relux for two weeks now.

I’m worried. I’m scared. Today I imagined having to tell my kids I have stomach cancer. It’s so depressing.

03-03-18, 20:14
Well do something about it rather than just keep posting on here and telling us you have cancer.

Only you can change this.

03-03-18, 20:20
I do have an appointment in a week and a half with a gastro doctor. I’m so scared. I just don’t know that this could be anything benign at this point. It’s been going on too long IMO.

03-03-18, 20:24
Well that is half the problem - you want it to be cancer.

I suggest getting some help for the HA to be honest. What are you doing about that?

Maybe stay off here until after your appointment and update us then.

03-03-18, 20:25
I don’t deny the psychological problems and I am truly sorry I’m such a pain and a severe case of hypochondria.

You've been in this spiral for years Darkside. The saddest part about it is that your family has already lost you to the illness you do have, and that's worse than any real physical illness. Living like you are dying is not living at all. Imagine telling your family that!


03-03-18, 20:42
I'm sure your children are well aware of how your perceived terminal cancer diagnoses affect you. They must have been through a lot.

03-03-18, 20:45
Actually venting my concerns and fears here keeps me from venting much at all to my wife or kids.

03-03-18, 20:53
I don’t deny the psychological problems and I am truly sorry I’m such a pain and a severe case of hypochondria. I just can’t deny that I’ve had this burping and relux for two weeks now.

I’m worried. I’m scared. Today I imagined having to tell my kids I have stomach cancer. It’s so depressing.

So it's gone from EC to SC!! You've only had the symptoms for 2 weeks, I thought it was longer??

Have had mine for going on 4 months, but no change really, symptoms wax and wane, so I know it's noting really serious.

You need to get a grip and get real about your symptoms, they're something benign.

03-03-18, 21:15
At first I thought it was EC because of weird swallowing sensations but those went away. Then I remembered I had been belching more and the belching continued to get worse. It has stayed the same for a couple weeks now. So, that is what lead me to stomach cancer.

I am not overweight and have never smoked and am 31 years old. However, this last year I have eaten more pickles than usual. I’m worried that could have caused the cancer. Or, maybe I’ve had H Pylori since childhood or something and it has turned into cancer.

WiseMonkey: how many times would you burp a day? I must be burping 50-100 times a day.

03-03-18, 21:45
At first I thought it was EC because of weird swallowing sensations but those went away. Then I remembered I had been belching more and the belching continued to get worse. It has stayed the same for a couple weeks now. So, that is what lead me to stomach cancer.

I am not overweight and have never smoked and am 31 years old. However, this last year I have eaten more pickles than usual. I’m worried that could have caused the cancer. Or, maybe I’ve had H Pylori since childhood or something and it has turned into cancer.

WiseMonkey: how many times would you burp a day? I must be burping 50-100 times a day.

I suggested that you get an H-pylori test in an former post! Most people have H-pylori all their life without developing symptoms yet alone SC.
Mine was picked up incidentally and was treated (15 years ago).

"this last year I have eaten more pickles than usual. I’m worried that could have caused cancer" I think you're taking the piss with this comment, darkside so no reply on this one!

I don't count my burps but it would be in the range you stated, maybe more! Then there's the swallowed air that comes back as burps!

I've had stomach trouble on and off since I was in my teens and I'm still here at 61 and yes I've had tests. You really are trying to teach your grandmother to suck eggs with your cancer nonsense! It only exists in your mind. At the risk of sounding boring I'll say it again ... you do have symptoms but they are something benign.

What you definitely have is HA, you need to seek help for it. Remember .. you need to set a good example for your children, you don't want them to have HA also.

03-03-18, 21:54
However, this last year I have eaten more pickles than usual. I’m worried that could have caused the cancer.

:roflmao: I'm so sorry, I've read some truly fantastical things on this site but that just made me ~LOL~! I LOVE pickles! I grew up in S. Jersey/Philly area and deli pickles (the kind in the barrel) were a staple growing up. My dad used to take me to the local deli and we always got a couple of them to munch on. I especially love spicy kosher dills. When I moved to VA., it took me a while to find a pickle worthy of my upbringing but I found a brand that deserves justice. Pickles in a jar are just wrong IMO :winks: OMG! Pickles causing cancer... Dude! Really?! :doh:

Positive thoughts and pickle juice :D

03-03-18, 21:58
:roflmao: I'm so sorry, I've read some truly fantastical things on this site but that just made me ~LOL~! I LOVE pickles! I grew up in S. Jersey/Philly area and deli pickles (the kind in the barrel) were a staple growing up. My dad used to take me to the local deli and we always got a couple of them to munch on. I especially love spicy kosher dills. When I moved to VA., it took me a while to find a pickle worthy of my upbringing but I found a brand that deserves justice. Pickles in a jar are just wrong IMO :winks: OMG! Pickles causing cancer... Dude! Really?! :doh:

Positive thoughts and pickle juice :D

Could this be termed a veritable Condiment Distortion?

03-03-18, 22:04
Could this be termed a veritable Condiment Distortion?

Toche' Pulisa... Toche' :emot-worship:


03-03-18, 22:10
:roflmao: I'm so sorry, I've read some truly fantastical things on this site but that just made me ~LOL~! I LOVE pickles! I grew up in S. Jersey/Philly area and deli pickles (the kind in the barrel) were a staple growing up. My dad used to take me to the local deli and we always got a couple of them to munch on. I especially love spicy kosher dills. When I moved to VA., it took me a while to find a pickle worthy of my upbringing but I found a brand that deserves justice. Pickles in a jar are just wrong IMO :winks: OMG! Pickles causing cancer... Dude! Really?! :doh:

Positive thoughts and pickle juice :D

Just to add to this joviality, all sorts of pickled food is great for stomach issues, especially pickled cabbage as it has lots of glutamine, which helps normalise stomach acid PH :D

Catherine S
03-03-18, 22:21
Fish, one of my favourite movies from way back was called 'Crossing Delancey Street', and it was about a Jewish community in New York. It focused on a man who worked in the family pickle store where all the pickles were on display in big barrels...first time I'd ever seen that.

It was about a woman's grandmother trying to match her up with this pickle guy, who the granddaughter thought was a bit beneath her, and whenever he knocked on her door for the arranged meetings he would smell of vanilla, because that's apparently what those pickle sellers used to remove the smell from their hands. I'm not doing it justice really because it's a lovely movie :D

However, more recently, they do still sell pickled gherkins from barrels in Germany and my OH misses them muchly. ..he'd agree with you that they don't taste the same from a jar.

Cath ☺

03-03-18, 23:59
Actually venting my concerns and fears here keeps me from venting much at all to my wife or kids.

Well be a bit more respectful and thankful to those trying to help you then please.

I do think you should talk to your wife though - does she even know about all your various cancers and how much you drain people on here by not even replying to most posts that are trying to help you?

04-03-18, 01:43
Just to add to this joviality, all sorts of pickled food is great for stomach issues, especially pickled cabbage as it has lots of glutamine, which helps normalise stomach acid PH :D

I love pickles too.

Sauerkraut is very easy to make and has healthy bacteria in too.

04-03-18, 09:59
So, because its gone on for 2 WEEKS it has to be cancer, as its SOOOOOOOo long. Yet, in that time frame of two weeks you've changed the cancer type anyway, so its probably only been 1 week you've had stomach cancer. That is not even long for some stomach bugs, even anxiety indigestion can last much longer !!!

YOU are making yourself scared with this repetition of bizarre and frankly breathtakingly improbable ideas, which are entirely off the radar of probability - pickles (are they gherkins?) causing cancer. Look at that list I posted of serious or terminal illnesses you thought you had this year, LOOK at it,none of them were what you thought...NONE of them.

---------- Post added at 09:59 ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 ----------

(Your child) Leukaemia
ALS x2
Spot on hand - melanoma
Spot on palm - melanoma
Headaches, with sinister causes
(Your child - melanoma)
(Your wife - cervical cancer)
Colon cancer
Prostate/bladder cancer
Brain cancer
Anaphylactic shock
Lymph node concerns, with sinister causes
Brain Tumour
Testicular cancer
Wheezing after eating
Skin cancer
'Rubbing in throat', with sinister causes
Nail melanoma
Oral cancer
Painful sore cheek
Brain tumour
DEFINITELY brain cancer
Nail melanoma
Oesophagus cancer

These are just the main ones, other options are given in threads for other illness too.

Can you see the depth and scale of your REAL problem here ?

EXCEPT now we can add another to the list - you've already moved on to stomach cancer. What a sad life you lead, and you just won't get help for it.

04-03-18, 13:21
Maybe darkside doesn't want to get "better" though. Maybe he is comfortable in his role as the attention-seeking hypochondriac. He's got a large "audience" on his threads and plenty of responses- both reassuring ones and frustrated ones-so what's in it for him to change his situation and get help for his HA?

04-03-18, 13:30
Maybe. :wacko:

04-03-18, 14:33
Maybe darkside doesn't want to get "better" though. Maybe he is comfortable in his role as the attention-seeking hypochondriac. He's got a large "audience" on his threads and plenty of responses- both reassuring ones and frustrated ones-so what's in it for him to change his situation and get help for his HA?

Hopefully living his life without HA would be what's in it for him. Actually enjoying life - we only get one after all no point in wasting it

04-03-18, 23:56
I’m feeling very nauseous today after I eat as well as the usual burping. I’m so scared. I’m sorry I know I am annoying but I just feel so uncomfortable and am scared it’s stomach cancer. :(

---------- Post added at 17:56 ---------- Previous post was at 15:22 ----------

I don’t think I’ll even be able to eat dinner. That’s how bad it is.

05-03-18, 00:02
Have you not been given something for indigestion/reflux to take?

It is not stomach cancer - please stop saying everything is cancer.

05-03-18, 01:29
I took a PPI for 7 days. It was no help. I also just don't know why I would all of a sudden have random reflux / indigestion problems when I've NEVER had that in my entire life.

I give up to be honest. This time it's something more than just "anxiety" or "over-reacting". It is something real and scary and malignant.

05-03-18, 01:58
I took a PPI for 7 days. It was no help. I also just don't know why I would all of a sudden have random reflux / indigestion problems when I've NEVER had that in my entire life.

I give up to be honest. This time it's something more than just "anxiety" or "over-reacting". It is something real and scary and malignant.

What would you say to someone who goes through a spiral over cancer and says this at the end but then comes back with a completely different cancer worry, the previous one seemingly vanished, and goes into the same patterns of spiralling and ends with statements like this again?

Would you be able to read their threads to come up with a conclusion? Would you be able to pick out similarities between their threads?

05-03-18, 03:24
PPIs can sometimes take a lot longer than seven days to be effective. And even then, you've got to find the right dose or even the right PPI.

I know this won't help you, but I'll reiterate that I've had the same symptoms as you for about three months now. And I do mean the same symptoms.

It did worry me, but not to the extent it's worrying you. Mainly because I knew the red flags for serious illnesses weren't there.

Since getting my diagnosis, I've stopped worrying about it and the symptoms have eased off considerably. I'm still taking a PPI and I'm looking into the FODMAP diet.

The thing is, you really don't have the red flags for something like cancer. You'd be vomiting. You'd find it more or less impossible to get food down. You'd have no appetite and the weight would be falling off you. You'd be a very ill man.

As it happens, you are a very ill man. You're an ill man with an anxiety disorder that is not being adequately addressed. You also have a nasty case of reflux disease, which is almost certainly being exacerbated by worrying about it.

05-03-18, 03:27
Thanks ServerError for your feedback. It helps knowing someone had the same symptoms and came through OK. I guess you had the nausea and regurgitation too?

05-03-18, 06:09
Gerd can cause nausea, so can anxiety, I've had them both.

ServerError is correct, if you had EC or SC you would be very sick right now and so would I.

I read that by the time you have swallowing difficulties (caused by cancer), the tumour would have been there for 6 months, so your symptoms would be getting steadily worse, very quickly. This knowledge puts things into perspective.

05-03-18, 09:09
it is something real and scary and malignant. Then go to the doctor.

05-03-18, 09:48
Then go to the doctor.

05-03-18, 10:08
I don't know if this will help but looking at statistics for age 31 for stomach cancer, there are approx. 3 men diagnosed yearly in the whole of Scotland which has around 5 million people. For cancer of the oesophagus its one man per year at that age. It is very rare.

05-03-18, 10:40
I don't know if this will help but looking at statistics for age 31 for stomach cancer, there are approx. 3 men diagnosed yearly in the whole of Scotland which has around 5 million people. For cancer of the oesophagus its one man per year at that age. It is very rare.

Hi Rainbow, can I ask where you found the stats for Scotland? I found the UK wide stuff on cancer research that said 9 cases (I think) of people aged 30-35 with oesophageal cancer in 2014/2015. So very very rare. But obviously I always think I'm that one!

05-03-18, 11:22
Statistics are irrelevant when you are convinced you have OC. Doesn't matter how old or young you are. Having the endoscopy on Wednesday is what you need to focus on, Chris. All the facts and figures in the Universe won't convince you until after Wednesday.

05-03-18, 11:27
Hi Pulisa, I know I'm just interested more than using it to make me feel better - as you say nothing will sort me out until the results on Wednesday. My fiancé is busy at work that day so my retired dad is taking me to the hospital in case I decide I want the sedative and need driven home. Thankfully the snow is clearing so there should be no problems with my appointment (phew)

05-03-18, 12:07
I know we're all different, but my advice as somebody who recently had a gastroscopy is have the sedation.

05-03-18, 12:23
I know we're all different, but my advice as somebody who recently had a gastroscopy is have the sedation.

Thanks for the advice, I think I will go for that option. I'd like to be awake straight away to hear what the outcome is but with my anxiety the sedation is probably best

05-03-18, 12:32
I'd advise sedation too and you won't be told anything until you are "with it" afterwards and able to take in what is being said to you. You'll probably be taken to the recovery room and the doctor will come and talk to you after you are fully awake and have had something to eat and drink.

05-03-18, 13:44
Thanks Pulisa. Do you know roughly how long it takes to come round from it? It's mainly because my dad will be with me and I don't want him getting any possible bad news by himself while I'm still out of it....

05-03-18, 14:05
It generally doesn't take more than half an hour. It's a strange experience. I only have hazy memories of it all now. I don't remember being wheeled from the room back to the ward at all. I do recall them bringing me some water and within another ten minutes I was with it enough to be trusted with a coffee! It took me about half an hour to be back in the real world. It probably took about two hours for the effects wear off completely, but we're all different. It's all fine, though.

05-03-18, 14:25
Thanks ServerError. That makes it sound fairly pleasant and easy, I think that's what I'll probably go for unless I'm feeling particularly brave on the day - which is unlikely! Thanks for sharing your experience

05-03-18, 15:08
What's concerning to me is the progression of the symptoms over the last 2 weeks. Started out with a little pain when swallowing. Then burping. Now nausea and less appetite. Things are progressing, similar to how stomach cancer would progress.

05-03-18, 15:12
Go to the doctor then. If it is getting worse then you need to get it checked out. If you actually think it is something then you are wasting time on here when it needs treatment - go to your GP

05-03-18, 15:14
I mentioned I already have an appointment but it is not until next Wednesday.

05-03-18, 15:18
What's concerning to me is the progression of the symptoms over the last 2 weeks. Started out with a little pain when swallowing. Then burping. Now nausea and less appetite. Things are progressing, similar to how stomach cancer would progress.

Or similar to how reflux acts up.

Just because you take medications for it doesnt mean it won't act up.My husband has reflux and still has symtoms after taking medications

Gary A
05-03-18, 15:39
I mentioned I already have an appointment but it is not until next Wednesday.

I can see another “the doctor didn’t examine me properly so I can only assume the cancer will spread further now” type post when you do go.

You really need to stop this rubbish.

05-03-18, 16:05
It could be ovarian cancer?:shrug:

Joking apart, surely you must see it's one cancer after another?

05-03-18, 16:36
Thanks Pulisa. Do you know roughly how long it takes to come round from it? It's mainly because my dad will be with me and I don't want him getting any possible bad news by himself while I'm still out of it....

They will probably give you midazolam which isn't like a GA but makes you feel relaxed and sleepy. It doesn't take long to feel more with it but you may drift off from time to time and wonder how you have managed to lose track of time!
There is NO WAY that your dad would be given "bad news" or "good news" for that matter due to patient confidentiality. You will be the first to know your results.

---------- Post added at 16:34 ---------- Previous post was at 16:25 ----------

I already made an appointment with a Gastro doctor but I have to wait 2 more weeks until the appointment. The cancer could seriously be much worse by then.

Good that you've managed to bring your appointment forward then.

---------- Post added at 16:36 ---------- Previous post was at 16:34 ----------

I mentioned I already have an appointment but it is not until next Wednesday.

Always best to see the doctor rather than ruminate.

05-03-18, 16:50
I can see another “the doctor didn’t examine me properly so I can only assume the cancer will spread further now” type post when you do go.

You really need to stop this rubbish.

Of course! Or a brief respite (for us), then another form of "cancer" based on trivial and questionable "symptoms".

So the show will go on :lac:

07-03-18, 18:17
Just catching up...

Thanks for the advice, I think I will go for that option. I'd like to be awake straight away to hear what the outcome is but with my anxiety the sedation is probably best

Was your appointment today, Chris? I do hope it all went well for you. :hugs:

07-03-18, 19:55
Just catching up...

Was your appointment today, Chris? I do hope it all went well for you. :hugs:

Hi chocolatebutton, yes it was today. It went well thanks - got the all clear! All looks normal and nothing dodgy seen at all. Some standard biopsies taken but nothing to worry about. Delighted and mega relieved! Now to get the HA sorted big time

07-03-18, 19:57
Onwards and upwards, Chris! Wonderful news!

07-03-18, 20:12
Brilliant ! I bet you are feeling so good tonight :D

07-03-18, 20:47
Brilliant ! I bet you are feeling so good tonight :D

Sure am!!! Hopefully my good news can help others on here. I was convinced they were going to find cancer, was so sure of it. But nothing!

07-03-18, 21:05
Hi chocolatebutton, yes it was today. It went well thanks - got the all clear! All looks normal and nothing dodgy seen at all. Some standard biopsies taken but nothing to worry about. Delighted and mega relieved! Now to get the HA sorted big time

Well done Chris:D Great news!

Chris i've got to have one soon, did you have sedation? How long did it take?
