View Full Version : Worried about my child

16-02-18, 22:10
I haven't logged on here in a while but I'm worrying about my daughter. She is 11.
She mentioned the other week about a sharp pain in the left side of her head and then again today too and said it has happened about 4 times in past 2 weeks. We were only at doctors 2 weeks ago and it wasn't even an issue then to mention it.
Of course I googled it and brain tumour comes up which terrified the life out of me.
She was due to have another eye test 6 months ago and I had forgotten it and was calling up anyway to book it in or so booked it for tomorrow but I was looking at her eyes and they don't seem to be moving together and seem to be turning in. I never noticed it before and I don't know if it's my anxiety seeing things.
She did get an eye test last year and was prescribed glasses and the optician noticed something but said her eyes looked really healthy and no problems but she was short sighted but noticed some problem with her eyes not sure what and said if any headaches etc go straight to doctor. It scared life out of me and I called them back up and they reassured me that there was nothing scary like that but now I'm beginning to panic.
Can anyone help please.

16-02-18, 22:41

Just a thought, could it be that her prescription is changing? Headaches can come on if your needing an update in your prescription lenses!

Also teeth can cause some pretty insane headaches! I had to have an upper wisdom tooth extracted once because it was giving me some pains in one side of my head, after they get rid of it I was fine.

Girls around 11 years of age are often beginning to go through puberty, maybe changes in hormones could also be a factor?

What I'm trying to say is that there could be many things that are causing it so don't worry (easier said than done I know). It's good you got her booked in to keep her up to date with her examination, it would be good to talk to the optician about her symptoms and go from there :)

I hope I helped in easing your anxiety!