View Full Version : Quick question does anybody go from ok to very cold

30-12-17, 19:03

As said,

I can be ok and the suddenly become very cold, heating is on I’ve got t shirt and wollen jumper on but literally feel cold.
This happens quite a few days, especially anytime between 4-8pm
I’m not shaking with cold but feel cold within, usually a bath or hot water bottle sorts it out. But weird.

I don’t know if it happens when I’m more anxious(maybe nothing to do with it)
I’m going to keep a check, to see if it happens again when I’m anxious( which won’t be a long wait lol)

Does Anybody else get this ?.

30-12-17, 19:44
For sure Clio, our 'flight or fight' response firing off all the time can create all sorts of symptoms. Not only suddenly feeling cold but hot too, sudden sweats when the room temperature isn't that high. Oh what joy anxiety is :lac:

30-12-17, 20:18
Yep, all the time. It's like being cold inside and no amount of extra clothing helps. Couldn't live without my hot water bottle!