View Full Version : Tingling in legs and sharp pain in head

22-06-07, 10:35
Hi i get tingling in arms-and legs and sharp pains in head-can this be anxiety-do get panic attacks alot-i take herbs for thsi not meds -never been offered any!
Nigela x

22-06-07, 11:03
i think the trouble when we are anxious about our health we scan our body for any sensation/pain and then analize it, (well I know I do) when something is found, I lock onto it and aware of every sensation it makes. The tingling you are describing I get when I am panicking and not breathing properly, I also get pains in the head. try not to worry, although easier said then done.

22-06-07, 12:56
Numbness in hands or feet is described in "Symptoms" in Problems/Issues. in the main menu.
You have to scroll down quite a long way but it is there and is worth a read. As you will have been told many times, these types of symtom are the "Fight or flight syndrome" in other words fear of fear.
I know this probably sounds like rubbish but tingling legs or jelly legs or weak at the knees - is a common problem. Saying that - when it happens to me i am lost.
Always very easy to explain to others but we never listen to our own advice.
Hope this helps
Best wishes June

22-06-07, 13:59
Hi June the tingling diff erent to the jelly legs tho-thsi ishappening when relaxed at home even!
Nigela x

22-06-07, 15:49

Sounds like nothing you should worry about but can you describe the feelings a little more?
Where exactly is the tingling and is it intermittant?Where are the pains in your head?Do they make you dizzy or anything?

Hunny x

22-06-07, 19:53
hi Hunny
the pains are very stabbing and sharp in head-not actually when i panic-other times really-then there is thsi funny tingling cold sensation that runs down my leg!-feels nice actually-but obviuosly not normal!
nigela x

22-06-07, 19:57

I get the very same things!

The pains in my head are all one side which im so worried about and i get a cold tingling in my head which is awful , its like cold water

Lots of people seem to have the tingling you describe tho

Hunny x

03-07-07, 13:45
Hi everyone
I too get sharp pains in one side of my head, my right temple area, and it's really scary. It comes on and lasts for a while, on and off, then goes again. Naturally I expect an imminent stroke, tumour, whatever! Still here though! Can't relate it to anything, but it's not nice.
I also get what feels like a very fine vibration across the top of my brain, like as if a tuning fork had been hit - not dizzy or painful, just really weird and unpleasant. Only lasts seconds, but comes out of the blue, nothing to do with the stabbing pains or anything I can think of. Anyone know what I mean? Please??!!:shrug:

05-07-07, 13:55
Someone out there is very clever at compiling "boxes " for us to vote on our symptoms.
Could someone organise a vote with a list of "head" related symptoms.
It needs to be that we can tick more than one box because none of us has just one type of pain / ache / sensation in our heads.
sorry to throw this at someone else but it is beyond me - thank you in advance to whoever takes it on
Best wishes