View Full Version : In an absolute panic, this must be it...

16-11-17, 21:28
Hi everyone,

Tonight has taken a turn for the worst! As I said before my left leg's thigh muscle at the front was achy when I moved it before, now my ankle and foot is cold in comparison to the other. I've also had shooting pains and aches in this leg, this must be DVT!!!:scared11: I'm going to the doctors tomorrow 100% and if I can't get in I'm going to the urgent care centre. I'm scared I won't make it through the night.

17-11-17, 12:00
Well, if anyone else has a fear of a blood clot or similar, then there’s no need to panic even if you have a cold foot. Luckily this morning I woke up and my foot was normal temperature. Still went to see the doctor and he says I’m worrying over nothing and to continue exercising and just enjoy life aha!