View Full Version : Anxiety: Geographic Tongue (Or Worse?)

15-11-17, 17:36
Hello there everyone! I tend to have pretty good control of my anxiety. It had come to the point where they would jokingly say I had a serious illness and I could just brush it off as a bad joke. As of after my visit with a dentist however...the anxiety seems to have come and gone these last 2 days.

The dentist noticed what seemed like geographical tongue on both side of the bottom of my tongue. What concerned me was the fact that he took pictures because he had never seen that sort of pattern. He said he wanted to keep a eye on it and that got me nervous.

I did speak up though, and asked him if it looked serious. He said he didn't 'think' it was. Afterwards I am pretty sure he noticed I wasn't too reassured so he went on to say the following:

*If he thought it was serious, he'd tell me
*If it was cancerous it would look bad...this actually looked benign to him.
*If it stays looking the same or even comes and goes, then it is nothing to worry about.
*Cancerous ulcers tend to stay on one side of the tongue..this was on both.
*He laughed and said not to worry about it. It was probably nothing.
*Don't Google it. (I have made sure to follow that direction)

All this should make me not worry and my logical mind understands this. Yet my anxiety just takes over. I am not concerned about the sore throat I feel coming on, or about how both sides of my family have lupus, or how I am gonna have a root canal in two weeks. My mind is just focused on this whole thought that the worst is yet to come when it comes to my tongue. Keep thinking it is some fatal disease x.x...

I am not too proud to admit all this. I SHOULD be fine...just keep thinking I am not. Anyone ever experienced this sort of thing?