View Full Version : Health Anxiety Very Severe - can you have too many ultrasounds

13-11-17, 16:04
I am sorry to be posting again.
My health anxiety has reached a peak.
In the last 3 months I have had 3 ultrasounds of my breasts - I paid privately for these and arranged them myself.
I am now terrified that I will have caused something bad to happen to my breasts from these. This never occurred to me until today.
I have an ultrasound of my pelvis scheduled aeter I said I was worried about irregular bleeding nd an Mri of my knee for pain. Tomorrow I see another specialist about my neck lump. All these appointments have been arranged by me.
My first fear is can the ultrasounds cause cancer? Please could someone help me with this - if I need a neck ultrasound this will be a potential fifth ultrasound in 3 months for me. This would be five ultrasounds and an Mri instigated by me. Please could someone advise me - i
hadnt taken in the enormity of all the tests i have had until today.
Secondly, how do I stop this? My CBT worker will no longer work with me until I get support with my medication, she feels it is not helping me. I have been to the GP 3 times in the last week and to out of hours twice asking for a referral to Community Mental Health. I am now terrified I have damaged myself with all these ultrasounds and caused the very thing I have been trying to avoid.
I know I need help and I am calling the dr every other day chasing my mental health help up. I have called the crisis team also.
I have a grumbly tummy and feel I need the toilet all the time. I have pain by my upoer right ribs. I can see where my anxiety is headed and I am trying desperately to get professional support but I can't get it.
Please could I ask for some reassurance and advice again. I am sorry. I know i need help but I am not getting anywhere.

Angelica Schuyler
13-11-17, 21:09
As mentioned above, ultrasounds use sound waves and don't produce the type of radiation that would harm your body. You should be safe to have all of your tests.

However, I'm concerned about your anxiety treatment. Is there any other way to try new medications? Can your GP prescribe them for you? Is there a private clinic you can go to without a referral, even if only for the time being, so you can get back into CBT?

13-11-17, 23:04
Thank you for the replies.
Yes - I really need to get the anxiety sorted. I have asked about private CBT but the nearest is 40 miles away. I am going to try the online resource mentioned in the forum.
My GP won't alter my medication without input from Community Mental Health and they have sent my emergency referral back twice saying CBT through the Anxiety service is what I need but the service won't see me and have sent me back to the GP.
I am in a real spiral and I know I need to do this myself but am struggling. Thank you for your advice and I will keep trying. It just seems so difficult to get support here. Thank you for your kind replies.