View Full Version : Scared to go back to the doctor after blood test

13-11-17, 12:35
Hi guys, this will probably sound so silly and I've been putting off writing this as I know seeking reassurance only helps for a little while (if it even helps at all) but I have my appt in 2 days and I don't want to chicken out of it again so I just need to vent and get some advice

I had blood work done a month ago - full blood count, ESR, CRP, thyroid, liver, kidney etc. This was due to a swollen lymph node in my neck that came up a few weeks before when I had a bad cold and I was also having joint pain that the doc thought was maybe the start of psoratic arthritis since I have pretty bad psoriasis. I was worried about my results since I have extreme HA so I made a phone appt for the nurse to call me 2 days later when my results were in. She said everything came back fine but my CRP was very slightly raised. I don't know the exact number it was. She said she didn't know why she had to call me since the doctor didn't leave any notes on my blood work and then I had to tell her I made the appt with her because I was worried about the results. She told me ERP wasn't back yet as that can take a bit longer. This was about 3/4 weeks ago now and I haven't called up for that result plus haven't heard anything back about it.

The doctor asked me to make an appt for a months time when she felt the lymph node just to see how it is but she said it was too small to refer me, just have some blood work to check on things. I was meant to have this appt 2 weeks ago but had to reschedule to this week since I was getting furniture delivered that day.

I know it sounds silly but I am terrified to why my CRP was slightly raised as my cold was away by this point. I keep trying to tell myself that maybe psoriasis can raise it since its all about inflammation. I also keep trying to tell myself that if it were sky high like it was when I had glandular fever as a kid, the doc would have called. Anxiety keeps telling me that maybe the doctor is worried about my results but since I have an appt booked, they wont call, they will just wait to see me.

Urgh. I was doing very well with HA since starting therapy again recently but I keep having big blips like this and its starting to take over my life again. Doesn't help that a few of my loved ones are sadly going through health scares at the moment either.