View Full Version : Meningitis Fears

12-11-17, 20:29
First of all, I must stress that I have had A LOT going on in my life lately. I had a big audit at work on Friday and have moved away from home for the first time this weekend and start a new job tomorrow so I know that my body my well be rebelling because of all of this and my health anxiety is through the roof.

Friday night I ended up getting really sick. Sore throat, throwing up, pounding headache. Didn't get a good night's sleep, woke up feeling achey and lethargic. Tried to eat but ended up throwing up again. Today I have managed to eat normally, haven't felt as nauseous and my head is only a bit throbby (which I have had for several weeks now). However, I seem to have a rash growing by my neck and across my chest. I'm freaking out that it might be meningitis. I can't tell from a glass test and I figure that if it were meningitis then the other symptoms wouldn't have eased up, they'd have continued or gotten worse. But I could really do with some assurances because I'm alone in my new place in a new city and feeling kind of scared and alone right now. Thanks.

12-11-17, 21:10
Hey moondreams, firstly sorry to hear that you are going through all of this! Sounds like a very stressful time with everything going on and now this illness.

The symptoms you describe could be a number of things. Firstly they could be anxiety-related in part. It also sounds very like the flu/ a bad headcold. Does the rash fade for a while before coming back if you press a finger on it? If so this is very unlikely to be meningitis. If it doesn't then it could be, but it's not the only diagnosis there. If you are based in the UK it might be worthwhile ringing nhs24 (Scotland) or nhs direct (England) and they will be able to give you advice on the phone about what to do next (if anything at all). I have phoned many a time just to be reassured by a very lovely nurse on the the end of the line that it is indeed just a bad cold or a weird ache etc.

I'm really sorry again to hear that you are going through this alone, but you are already doing so well already moving away from home and coping with this by yourself so far. I hope you get better soon, and if I can be of any more help please get in touch :) (I should justify the above by saying I am not a doctor (I am in training however) so please don't take what I say as gospel and if you are very worried get in touch with somebody medical locally)

13-11-17, 21:43

From what you've described it definitely isn't meningitis. This is because of the symptoms you have and the fact they have got better so quickly. Meningitis acts fast, and you wouldn't be able to look at the screen you typed this on if you did. I am currently going through the same fear as I have a constant flushing of the cheeks and dizziness so my mind went here too. But I know deep down it is not and I'll be fine just like you will!
