View Full Version : Hypnagognic hallucinations? I'm having them most days

19-10-17, 00:16
Hey guys,

I'm just starting to worry/panic.

So my sleep schedule is not great. I think I've been sleep deprived (I'll sleep around 2AM and then wake up ~7:30am or so) and I'll be pretty tired throughout the day. I sometimes might have naps of 1-2hrs.

I never used to get these sleep paralysis, hypnagogic hallucinations but I guess I've been quite stressed with everything.

I feel like I might get it a few times a week or so. I'll just be drifting off to sleep and then I'll hear or see something, and even if I want to physically move I can't, so I feel really scared. I feel like the times when I get these are usualyl when I've been quite worried/stressed (been studying for finals) immediately prior to sleep.

I'm reading this an wondering if I'm going out of my mind or if I've got something like narcolepsy?

Kind freaking out.

19-10-17, 01:41
Anyone can have them, they are all part of normal brain functioning during these sleep stages. Anxiety can make them more frequent.

With anxiety things like this can just be frightening so we react to them unlike non anxiety sufferers. They can really startle you.

I used to get the falling feeling or the sudden jerks & thuds. They don't bother me know if I get them but back then I woukd be jumping out of my skin with them.