View Full Version : Now on Pristig for anxiety??

26-09-17, 16:33
Hello there, my doctor just put me on pristig 50ml for a terrible anxiety i was previously on Effexor 150 ml ,i am here because i would like to know if anybody here is on prestig too? and may be can tell me if it is good for anxiety and panic attacks ? and if so , how long would it take to start to work ?
I really appreciate any input on my questions .
thank you so much.

06-10-17, 19:17
curious as to how it has been going for you. I may try that next.

07-10-17, 10:57
https://www.drugs.com/pristiq.html its main job is acute depression ,, you may get anxiety on start up:wacko:

08-10-17, 14:27
Well, brain dead i have so far 2 weeks on the medication and still not working but i think its too soon to give a opinion over the med.

10-10-17, 15:26
I was going to ask my doctor for pristiq. I thought it was similar to Effexor. I'm on Lexepro, which isn't really working well. I still need clonazepam. I wake up with an anxious stomach and then it spirals into something more.

10-10-17, 22:13
Hello there,are you on pristiq too? is it good for panic ,fear? my main problem is anxiety and fear/panic, i have been taking this medication for 2 weeks only i know its to soon for full results but i would like to ask you ,how long it took to start working for you?
and does it work for anxiety /fear/panic?
thank you

13-10-17, 16:06

13-12-17, 21:37
I've been on pristiq for two weeks and so far don't feel any different. Any positive stories on this med?