View Full Version : Scared of liver disease

25-09-17, 12:45
I'm soooo anxious at the minute. Ido drink more than I should do. I'm really trying to cut down as it's making my anxiety 100 times worse xx I'm currently worried about my itching arms and legs. It doesn't happen in the summer months but makes an appearance when the weather gets colder. I moisturise after shower but it's back again. I have notice it does seem to get worse when I'm a little stressed or warm. Any advice would be great my brain is working over time xxxx

25-09-17, 17:11

25-09-17, 17:18
Well... While I'm very doubtful it's liver disease as it sounds dermatological based on the seasonal symptoms but the only way to know for sure is to see a doctor.

That being said, to worry about liver disease and drink is a kin to worrying about lung cancer and smoke.

Positive thoughts

26-09-17, 04:24
I drank for 7 years everyday daily No exceptions. From sun up to sun down. All to self medicate. I went to the hospital and medically detoxed. My blood work all came back fine and I am now 74 days sober. Your liver is a tough organ and can with stand alot of crap we throw at it. It can also heal itself. Try to cut back on drinking and you will find your worries gone away