View Full Version : My Achey-Breakey Heart...

18-09-17, 20:22
It's been a while since I've posted here.

It's been a while since I've needed to, really. I had a really bad bout of HA back in 2014, and have managed, thus far, to manage it and to be honest, since then, until now, I've not had much issue with it.

My dad suffered a heart attack in April. He was OK, but needed a stent fitted, and it was understandably a very scary and stressful time for everyone. Given my history with HA, it is perhaps "harder" on me to cope.

Well, since Thursday, I've been suffering with chest pains, along with slight jaw pain and arm pain. I've also been experiencing a little bit of nausea, and acid reflux. I have been putting the pains down to acid reflux because I do tend to suffer with it (not normally like this...but I know it can manifest in chest pain).

It always comes on at evening/night time. The chest pain has disappeared aside from a slight twinge every now and then, and the pain was never "crushing" or anything major. Just felt like someone was pressing their fingers into the centre of my chest, if that makes any sense. The arm pain is similar-mild, and not enough to stop me functioning. The jaw pain is ridiculously mild.

I've had a recent chest X-Ray to identify a cause of a long-running cough back in May that came back perfectly normal. I'm 30. I know that chances are, I'm not having a heart attack. Sometimes, when I experience the chest pain, I stand up and it disappears immediately. I know that pain that is from something serious doesn't usually just manifest at specific times of day. Which is why I'm erring towards the acid reflux route.

However, even though I know all of this, and I know that chances are I'm not having a heart attack, I can't help fearing it. I also know that my HA may be causing some of the symptoms which is why they may occur most frequently at times when I'm at rest and not doing much to take my mind off it. I know all of these things-but I suppose the burden of HA is that knowing it doesn't stop you fearing the worst.

Should I go to the doctor just to be safe? I don't want to go to an emergency room-or anywhere like that. It's just you hear so much about "any kind of chest pain, accompanied by arm/jaw pain you must rush to the hospital right away with flashing lights on." So it makes me think am I being incredibly foolish not going? I feel like putting an appointment on with my GP just to check and make sure nothing is happening and then if that is confirmed, then I can rest easy. I don't know.


25-09-17, 23:00
So sorry you are feeling that. How are you doing now?

I am suffering today in a similar way. It's super hot here and humid and making me feel worse.

Hugs to you

26-09-17, 20:55

I'm feeling much better now. I went to the doctor after it kept returning for a few days, and it was as I suspected, acid reflux. I have some antacids to take when I need them now.

I hope you feel better soon. Drink plenty of fluids, and try your best to keep cool. :flowers:

26-09-17, 22:28
OMG are you me?

My dad had a heart attack too, had to get a stent in, but it pretty much traumatized me for life. This was back in 2011, so I've been on/off with these heart struggles for a while. I had multiple tests done, even wore a heart monitor for a week. So far no doctor or cardiologist has told me there's something off with my heart. But I keep worrying.

Last year I started getting similar symptoms, jaw pain, radiating to arm and some chest tightness and chest twinges. They're enough to stop me on my tracks and make me panic because I keep thinking it's my heart. Im 27, so yes, our odds are super low. I also recently started exercising to keep my risks down as much as possible. But I get a lot of heartburn, shortness of breath, and burp a lot. I am starting to think it is reflux but I haven't gone to my doctor about this yet.