View Full Version : Think my doctor has cracked it this time :)

09-06-07, 10:00
Yesterday I went to the doctors about the tingling, over tiredness ect. She gave me a standard check over ie blood pressure, breathing, listening to the heart and she told me that I have low blood pressure, not unhealthy low, but low, when she looked over my notes she noticed this is something I've always had. When I was pregnant with my girls a nurse made a comment 'geez if your blood pressure was anymore relaxed we'd be pronouncing you dead' lol. So anyway, she told me that she too suffers low blood pressure and that all the sypmtoms I've been describing for the past two years are a result of it!! Can you believe it!!!

The funny turn I took on holiday with the creeping tingling all over, was because I was smoking, cause on days when your blood pressure is at a paticular low things like smoking, drinking caffine and drinking alchohol are like a rush to the system and you get a rush of adrenaline, which brings on a paniky state and you can faint! turns out what happend to me was a pre-faint, if you've ever heard the like, she asked me to describe what it was like when I got the tingling, so I told her, it felt like a cold, tingling, pins n needles like sensation that came from the legs up, even my tounge and lips were tingling and my head went fuzzy. She said the bit to come after that would of been tunnel vision, white haze and then faint! She thinks that all this time I've just been having pre-faints!!

You have no idea how happy this has made me, for two years I've been in utter denial about my anxiety! I kept saying to doctors 'but the symtoms comes first then I panic!' but none of them listend to me, not one of them!!! I was even put on anti depressants that relax you, ffs no wonder I felt soo awful on them. I honestly burst into tears when she had found the solution, the past two years have been absolute hell for me. But to know that I'm ok, mentally and physically makes me feel sooooo happy :) :) :) !!! I have been told that I should still stay away from smoking, caffine ect as they will make me feel bad, and to try and exercise more, this i'm sure I can do :P

I was unsure if I should post this cause I didn't want to panic people about the possibility of low blood pressure, but then it dawned on me, low blood preasure aint a bad thing, it can actually be a good thing :) So decided to post it in the just incase any of you have experianced the same.

Thanx for reading my rather lenghthy post

Take Care xx


09-06-07, 10:07
Claire, Ive had the low blood pressure thing for years and years, when I went to the doctors last weekend I was told my blood pressure was very low and that doesnt help anxiety.
I remember when i first started getting panic attacks telling my well woman check up at the doctors surgery and she explained it like this.......

If you have low blood pressure, when you feel slightly anxious (like everyone does) your blood pressure goes up BUT when you start to relax again it drops fast and LOW, which gives a dizzy fainting feeling and pins and needles feeling.

But being an anxious person that I am , my brain says whats going here.:blush:

09-06-07, 10:15
I only get the paniky feeling tho after the symptons - all of my panic attacks have started the same, Clamy/sweaty, light headed then short of breath but by that point I usually get up and try to do something. But on the occation when I was on holiday it had gone as far as the tingling and nearly fainting and come to think of it when I look back, my first ever supposid PA I was sitting watching eastenders having a fag! So really for me the diagnosis now is that I don't suffer GAD, it's just low blood pressure! :D Who would of thought someone would of been this happy to have low blood pressure - it's a sign of how laid back I am lol :P oh and it also explains the pins and needles I often get in my hands and feet! All the riddles of all my symptoms have been answerd! the best feeling in the world tbh :)

09-06-07, 10:28
Hi Claire

I'm glad you feel reassured after seeing your doctor. It makes such a difference when everything comes together like this and you are able to make sense of it.

Good for you! :yesyes:

Karen xx

09-06-07, 10:34
I only get anxious and panicky after the symptoms have started too and I also have low blood pressure. I often check my own and it's normally around 90/60. The only time it's any higher is when I am actually having the Dr take it as I get a bit anxious about having it taken.

Although in this country low blood pressure isn't seen as an illness in itself, I know it is on the continent, although I'm not sure what they do about it.

09-06-07, 10:41
I'm so glad for you that you have found your answer. You must be so relieved that someone in the medical profession, at last, has given you an answer. Hope you go from strength to strength after this.

Kay x

09-06-07, 11:13
yeah i get the panicky feeling after I get the dizzyness ect,
i asked my doctor once what can i do to raise my blood pressure ?
he said, eat lots of rubbish and put on loads of weight ,lol.

Im now 1 stone heavier and still have low blood pressure!

It still dont stop the panic attacks with me knowing cos I fear of passing out and feeling suffocated.

09-06-07, 12:15
thanx for all the replies guys :)

Mirry - I'm gonna start my multi vitamin with Iron again, you see I'm also prone to Anemia which can't be good and just eat alot of fiber and high Iron foods. Don't see that putting on weight would help cause I'm clinically obese lol and it's not effected me none. I was also told that exercise is good for it :P Was out at a night club last night dancing - wonder if that counts as a sport hahaha

Thanx for the support guys

Take Care

Claire xx

09-06-07, 12:22

Piglet :flowers: