View Full Version : Is 10mg okay?

06-09-17, 23:28
I was prescribed 20mg for panic attacks, anxiety, and depression. I started with 10 mg and I think I am getting some side effects but people just tell me it is all in my head I am building up on anxiety that is already there which I can defiantly see

Can 10mg be effective? I am scared to make the jump. It took me so long to start 10 anyways thanks for reading this hope someone has good experiences I am sick of being stuck at home with anxiety

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07-09-17, 10:27
Hey, i took years 10mg daily and i felt super :) i have gad and undiagnosed ocd. It helped much. I was on 15 mg few weeks and i felt sick. So for me best was 10 and even 5mg worked :) in this year i have started ciraset 5 times every time when i go 5to 10mg i get sick.

---------- Post added at 09:27 ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 ----------

But, ifyou dont feel change in month with 10mg it would be better you to incrase dosage 15 mg.

07-09-17, 16:52
Hey, i took years 10mg daily and i felt super :) i have gad and undiagnosed ocd. It helped much. I was on 15 mg few weeks and i felt sick. So for me best was 10 and even 5mg worked :) in this year i have started ciraset 5 times every time when i go 5to 10mg i get sick.

---------- Post added at 09:27 ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 ----------

But, ifyou dont feel change in month with 10mg it would be better you to incrase dosage 15 mg.

Did you feel any side effects at 10 during the first few weeks?

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08-09-17, 03:50
With the exception of a few nights at 20mg, I've been taking 10mg for 4 weeks and it has worked for me. This is the first long term prescribed drug I've ever taken - so my body is more sensitive to meds. My baseline mood [today] is neutrally positive for the most part and I'm able to deal my [social] anxiety level a lot better.

What kind of side effects have you been experiencing?

Side effects I had the 1st week:

- lack of motivation
- lack of appetite
- dry mouth
- insomnia [1st 2 nights]
- vivid split second nightmares [night 3 and 4 when I tried 20mg]
- since I take the med before bed - I've slept through drowsy/nausea part
- anxiety/night sweats

09-09-17, 10:41
I went up to 20mg and it was too much for me, so i went down to 10mg again. Of course I still get anxiety but its much more able to ignore.
I think I had the worst side effects the first 5 days and then things became manageable. My anxiety was very heightened but i think i got too obsessed over side effects and it wasnt the citalopram it was just me gettinf in a state over it!

09-09-17, 12:53
I was first put on 20...it was to much for me...now I take 10.been on 10 for one year and a half ...it suits me.

20-09-17, 19:33
No, it's not all in your head. The evidence says that side effects are to be expected. I've been taking 10mg for a week now. Saying that, some side effects are indeed in our heads, but it becomes obvious with time what's working and what's not.

I've had extreme social anxiety and agoraphobia for years and had a complete melt down a few weeks back. My panic attacks were going on for days so I decided to take citalopram that has been in my cupboard for a year.

I was terrified to take it. In fact I was howling just before taking it (a tad dramatic, but I was in a panic state. lol).

Since then I have left the house almost every day. In fact I could feel the medication calming down the anxious thoughts on the first day.

My side effects have been:

Sweating feet (weird because they never sweat before this).
Forgetting words (But that could be the anxiety itself)
Trouble falling off to sleep.
Nausea. Just putting food to my lips sometimes makes me feel ill. But it comes in waves so I'm still eating.

The positive effects have been:

Less obsessive thoughts.
Less teary. I cried at everything before citalopram. Good and bad.
I was worried I'd lose my ability to enjoy music. But earlier today I listened to Woodkid and still got goosebumps, but didn't cry. Usually even music would make me cry.
I'm not afraid around people any more. Social anxiety clouded my mind when out in public. Now I find myself standing in queues, chatting with people and looking in their eyes without being scared they're judging me or I'm saying something wrong.

I hope that helps and just ask away if you have any questions :)

20-09-17, 21:51
Hey I noticed the crying too I don't cry nearly as much in fact I've only done it twice maybe in three weeks where is before I was crying probably every day really weird

I'm on day 23 and I've recently upped my dose to 50 mg the doctor wants me on 20 so I'm working my way up to that I haven't been able to leave my regular safe zone yet but they say it takes 6 to 8 weeks to really kick in so I'm just doing what I can

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20-09-17, 21:55

20-09-17, 22:17
I was on 10mg for months before increasing to 20mg. Apparently 20mg is the lowest therapeutic dose, and I agree with that because 10mg didn't really do much for me and it wasn't until I went up to 20mg that I really noticed the difference.

20-09-17, 22:48
Every ones different .. because ten milligrams for me is fine.,

21-09-17, 19:49
Only you can answer this.
I went from 10mg to 40mg over the course of a couple of months. 40mg got too much and I ended up weaning off them, I’ve since realised that 20mg was the sweet spot and am going to ask the doc to put me back on them. It’s different for everyone though.

22-09-17, 11:55

15mg whoops typo

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