View Full Version : Why do I see neurologists as the boogey man.

04-09-17, 17:16
I'm scared to death of neurologists now ever since I have learned of Als. I picture walking in a bright white room and he or she is standing there waiting to do and EMG on me saying " Now let me see if I can get a twitch out of you". I might faint if I ever step foot in a neurologists office. Never felt this way before. Anyone else feel this way?

04-09-17, 17:19
Not at all. My wife sees a neurologist specializing in oncology and rare neuro issues (he's one of the foremost experts on the rare form of encephalitis my wife had). He's a freakin' genius! I could see being anxious if there were a real reason to be anxious about but in this instance as well as every other ALS fear thread here, it would just be paid reassurance.

04-09-17, 17:30
I saw a neurologist last year. She was lovely and diagnosed me with derealisation and dissociation episodes. I went in there fearing epilepsy. The room was much less oppressive than you describe. She was very professional. At the end of the day, if you need to see one, you WILL go, and you'll deal with the outcome, whatever it happens to be.

05-09-17, 06:27
They can be odd ducks. It attracts really smart but not necessarily the most socially gifted individuals.
However, they are not going to diagnose you with anything you don't have. And you don't have ALS!

05-09-17, 08:59
I think a lot of people on here may feel that way about doctors, surgeons, specialists in general. I know I do! It's part of health anxiety - dreading what they'll say and not trusting that what they say. One of the biggest lies of health anxiety is that medical professionals are to be feared - they're the ones that help and save us!

05-09-17, 10:05
Not me,my Neurologist is a spunk if only I was younger, I have told him he should be on the cover of Vogue,he just laughs and tells me to calm down so my blood pressure doesn't o through the roof.I wish my GP was a spunk,he wears shorts long socks and a bow tie! :D