View Full Version : Dont know if i can do this

01-06-07, 11:46
:weep: I am on day 3 on citroplam, feeling really sickly, unreal ,tiered, anxious and panicky , I just cant see this getting may better......feel out of it.

How can it just stop making me feel this bad, part of me just wants to stop taking it. It just dont make sence, I feel terrible.

will it get better ?

01-06-07, 12:15
Hi Mirry

Meds can make you feel worse (more anxious) before you start to feel better. So it may last a few days before they kick in. But don't suffer too long (like I did) if there is no improvement soon, or they make you feel worse for too long get back to the GP and let them know.

Meds are a good thing, but can take a wee while to find the right one for you.

I hope you feel better soon (it will get better).



01-06-07, 12:36
Hi Mirry, I totally agree with Jaco, new meds can make some people feel really awful at first till your body adjusts to them.

Am I right in thinking these meds are an SSRI?

If so I know quite a few people who have taken an SSRI and felt more anxious at first, which is why a lot of Dr's will give you a short course of benzos to take with them for the first week or so.

Having said that a lot of people take SSRI's and are absolutely fine with no side effects, I guess everyone is different.

Hope you feel better soon though :hugs:

01-06-07, 13:38
hi mirrry... taking any form of medication - espaecially this kind - you gotta expect it to be cr*p to start with.. i think they say it gets worse for about 2 weeks isnt it before it gets better??? just try and not get anxious about your symptoms and tell yourself 'you went on the medication for a reason, you knew it'd be tough to start with but it will get better'... if you are having real doubts then you need to talk to your doctor... even though we know how you're feeling we're not quialified to tell you what to do...

01-06-07, 13:50
Thanks for the replys , The sick feeling is not so strong this afternoon, so hopefully thats getting beter ?

got to go out to work now (what a joke ) its only a couple of hours but I could even walk down the street this morning. I may take a diazepam to help me out. Thanks for listening to me moan.

take care

01-06-07, 14:30
Mirry, it makes me quite angry that Dr's don't explain when they prescribe SSRI's that there is a possibilty of feeling worse before you feel better and that a few benzos could be of benefit for people who do feel bad. I know Dr's don't want to scare patients by telling them negative things, but there must be a diplomatic way for them to give patients the facts about SSRI's without scaring them. I've known so many people stop taking them during the first few weeks for exactly the very symtpoms you are suffering with now.

01-06-07, 14:59
I was very rough for the first 10 days. Then gradually I began to lose the symptoms, but it was gradual and mixed in with feelings of anxiety. So I couldn't work out what was what.

Give them at least 2 weeks. My Dr said I needed 1 month taking them to see if they were going to be any good for me.
What dose are you on? I started on 10mg and when I went to 20mg the side effects were a lot less trouble.

01-06-07, 16:04
I took 2 days of 5mg then today 10mg , so will stay on the 10mg for a while yet,,, did you feel dazed and spaced out alot ?

I managed to go to work and do it, then even stopped off at a shop but felt very anxious and hot with a few mini panics.

01-06-07, 16:44
Yes I did feel dazed - sometimes floaty and I'd have to grab a chair cos' I thought my feet might leave the ground ( wow - would have a brilliant trick!).

Make sure you have lots of free-time with nothing stressful for the next few weeks. Long baths and cheesy TV. Avoid alcohol if you can whilst your body adjusts to the tablets.

There are no guarantees that these are the tablets for you but the symptoms you are discribing seem very text-book like as side-effects. You are doing really well, impressed you got to work. I couldn't when I started taking them. xxxx

01-06-07, 18:01
Lyn-yes, citalopram is an SSRI.

Mirry, I think you're being brave but it's still really early days for the meds to be showing any effect. Most SSRIs will take about 4 to 6 weeks before they really start to kick in and the weeks in between can be pretty gruelling. As Sam says, you are having pretty text-book like side effects. Make sure you take your meds with your breakfast. I remember when I started on duloxetine I took it first thing in the morning which gave me a very queasy stomach. Do persevere-it takes time to see whether you're on the right med or not, but once you are, it's well worth it!!!

01-06-07, 18:33
except benzo dont work for me so what else would i take for the start up effects

love Joy

01-06-07, 19:37

I tried Citalopram once many years ago and felt absolutely dreadful on it and stopped after 7 days cos I couldn't tolerate the side-effects.

There are other ones you can try or stick with this one and see how it goes.

01-06-07, 19:45
except benzo dont work for me so what else would i take for the start up effects

love Joy

Hi Joy, well not everyone does get side effects on them. As other people have said there are a lot of other SSRI's out there too. There also other groups of anti depressants which work in different ways and it's often a case of trial and error before someone finds the med that works for them.

01-06-07, 23:46
Hi Mirry,

Hope your feeling better. How was the rest of your day?

I had a better night last night, had anxiety most of the night but no big attacks. Went to bed feeling more normal and breathing was ok. Woke once in night racing herat but got up read book for hour and went back to sleep for the rest of the night :) (felt hungry for some reason so had kiwifruit that helped)

The dizzyness and floating feeling in the day has gone down a bit for me, so theres hope :)

I've been keeping a log of how i feel each day, my doctor said it might help.

Just had my day 5 tablet.

02-06-07, 13:50
had terrible morning, going to doctors now cos its not good , will explain when i get back.

02-06-07, 14:05

Piglet :flowers:

03-06-07, 09:44
Thanks piglet x
Been to gp , wrote about it all on another post named "where do i begin".

Woke up at 4pm feeling very sick an then had a ssevere panic attack cos i felt sick ??? never done that before:shrug: .
Then woke again at 6.30 with severe cramp in my leg, it was dead and i started crying with the pain and felt panciky.
I cant take another pill, its been the worst experiance ever , my husbands just popped out and i feel panicky.....usually it doesnt bother me.

I hope its the pill making me like this cos ive got very bad.