View Full Version : Still worrying about yesterday's examination, help please.

02-08-17, 08:41
Hi everyone, woke up this morning still worrying about what happened yesterday at the docs and whether I need to go back for a recheck under my armpits? Really getting me down.

Copy of my previous post here:
Just been to the Docs about pain along my rub under my bra and he said it was muscular (costochondritis?) probably brought on from too much yoga! I also asked him if he would do a routine breast examination whilst he was at it (not that I have felt anything) but I hate doing them myself as I tend to prod and poke for hours! He gave me a thorough examination and said everything felt fine BUT he didn't check under my armpits! Is he not meant to check there as well?? Now panicking that he may have missed something and feel that I should go back. Rational mind says - don't be silly, irrational mind is working overtime. Does anybody have any advice please. Was so pleased when I came out of the practice and now I'm feeling agitated again because he didn't check my armpits as part of the examination!

02-08-17, 08:51
I think you should check your armpits yourself ONCE. The fact that your breast check was fine and normal should be very reassuring (I know it's not because you think something has been "missed"). I don't think you should make another appointment.

02-08-17, 11:48
Thanks Pulisa, kind of you to reply.