View Full Version : scared that citalopram is working for me

11-07-17, 20:18
I find that I have good day and bad days, but still suffer from morning anxiousness and occasional skipped beats (like today). I've been on the meds for 3 1/2 months (10 weeks on the highest dose of 40MG). Why am I still feeling low level anxiety. I have had lots of extra stresses in my life right now. Is that why the medication isn't working as good as it should. I haven't been exercising lately, or meditating like I have the past few weeks.
Does it normally take awhile to feel great on Citalopram, or is it time to switch meds? I'm so scared of going back and forth between meds, feeling heightened anxiety, etc. What would you do? Any advice for someone who's scared their medication isn't working? My doctor said I can't just rely on meds to get through this....I need to do other things to improve my lifestyle.

11-07-17, 21:09
I agree with your doctor. Are you in therapy?

11-07-17, 21:24
I am the same Ethansmom. Some days I don't think the Nortriptyline is doing its job and then other days I think it is. I think it is more the Clonazepam than anything else. I have a psych appoint to discuss today. I have asked before to swap to Clomipramine, but she was just about to go on holidays for a month, so we didn't think it was a good time. My partner is going on a fishing trip at the end of this month for 10 days, so I don't think it is a good time for me to change right now. I will see what she thinks and let you know. Such a pain in the arse changing meds. I have changed my diet and have been exercising regularly. I find this does help, because I can be feeling anxious and then once I have exercised the anxiety improves. Take care and will let you know how I get on today. xx

11-07-17, 22:32
Thanks to both of you for replying. Yes, antsyvee-- I see a therapist every week, however with the holiday and everything, I haven't been able to see her in two weeks. AND mermaid- I'm in the same boat as you exactly! My husband has been out of town for the past 5 nights and is arriving today. I find myself feeling anxious about him even flying. I hated being alone and relied on clonazepam to get me through. I might even need to take a Xanax today for a panic attack I feel brewing. This is horrendous.

I think it's been an overly stressful week. My car broke down, so now we also have to go car shopping when he gets back. That's the last think I want to do! I have been getting weird palpitations on and off today. I'm trying to distract myself, but finding it hard to get out of my mind. I don't want to start another med until I have the support of my husband. I need to someone else to be around me. my doctor apt is in a few weeks. Let us know how the appointment goes mermaid.

12-07-17, 00:55
Yeah, it sounds like everything has just come together into a $hit storm. You're just going to have to grit your teeth and bear through it. Maybe try to get in a walk, a meditation session or a nap. Have you tried journaling? That has really helped me before as well.

12-07-17, 02:27
Hi Ethansmom. I had my psych appoinment. We discussed swapping from nortriptyline to imipramine, but will be waiting till my partner comes back from his trip away. Not really sure what to expect. She said imipramine is better for panic attacks, but nort is better for anxious depression (which is what she thinks I have). So I'm a little apprehensive, but have a good month too think a bit more about it. I would love to have some imput from PanicDownUnder, on what his thoughts are. Hope you are doing okay.

12-07-17, 06:47
She said imipramine is better for panic attacks, but nort is better for anxious depression (which is what she thinks I have).

I'm wary of such blanket statements. With the possible exceptions of fluvoxamine and clomipramine for OCD, and MAOIs being generally a little more effective than TCAs which are in turn a little more so than SSRIs, no antidepressant is intrinsically better than the others, either generally, or for a specific disorder. But some usually will be for an individual.

On the specifics, imipramine can be a very effective anti anxiety med. It worked great for me, although I did need to take a lot of it, but that has been true of every antidepressant I've taken so probably says more about how I metabolize these meds than the drugs themselves.

Unfortunately, the only way to know whether imipramine will be more effective than nortriptyline is by trying it. While imipramine itself has only a moderate noradrenaline/norepinephrine (NA) reuptake inhibitor, its active metabolite desipramine is the most potent NA inhibitor available so you won't lose all the benefits of nortriptyline, assuming there were some.

In terms of side-effects, imipramine is a weaker antihistamine so generally less sedating. That could be either a negative of positive depending on whether insomnia is an issue. If the other common TCA side-effects of constipation and dry-mouth were a problem then you're unlikely to see much change, unfortunately.

12-07-17, 17:57
Hi Antsyvee,
Yes, I've been journaling everyday. My husband got back from vacation yesterday and I just started crying. I was so happy to see him and wanted to tell him what a bad day (anxiety wise I had yesterday). He is holding me accountable and encouraging me to exercise everyday on the treadmill. I did a half hour run this morning and I do feel a bit better. I really want to get off of the tranquilizers, but need to feel stable first. I cant live my life with constant anxiety. IT's very uncomfortable.

Mermaid- we're in the same boat & i'm here for you! Let's keep exercising and meditating to see if improves a bit. We have nothing to lose.

12-07-17, 18:31
Hey, it's okay. Every so often I have to take the Xanax, usually it coincides with hormonal changes during that time of the month. We do what we have to, but it sounds like you are making tons of positive changes. Be patient with yourself