View Full Version : ... just not doing well

24-06-17, 08:04
Hey everyone so here I am freaking out again...

Right when I'm accepting this whole food poisoning thing... I wake up to a bruise on my left breast. It's huge. I don't remember getting hit there. I freak out about possible cancers or blood clots...

Went to water my plants it's not much but this week my heart starts pounding away like if I'm sprinting. Today it happened and I just went up to my room. We do have a steep staircase. Made it up panting my face got red but my lips got white. Went to lie down to catch my breath and then this heaviness washed over me and it just felt like my head wasn't getting anything pumped up to it. And right now I keep feeling like my heart is slowly and pumping hard to get my heart beat going. My whole body pulses.

With the food poisoning I only vomited I didn't really get a loose stomach until today I'm dealing with it. Now I was told here that it can take a week to recover. Okay so I could still be "weak" from that right?

I can't help but feel as if my symptoms are warning symptoms for a stroke or heart attack. Or something of that sort.

I get this spaced out thing that my husband has finally told me that this week has him worried about me.
But he is trying to calm me down.
He says the breast bruise could be that last night I slept on the floor. I was having back pain and I like to sleep on the floor when that happens. Back felt better in the morning but as I took a shower I noticed the bruise.
Feeling weak he tells me it's from my stomach thing.
Headaches not drinking enough water and so on... but he scared me today because he normally doesn't like to feed the dragon (thank you Fishmanpa, this has become one of my new favorite sayings) so he doesn't ask about the anxiety. But today he asked multiple times if I was okay, because I looked sick. I did feel run down. And I kept thinking about the bruise. So coming home dealing with the garden and going upstairs he just stood back and let me have a moment to just lay down, he took the kids out.

This stomach thing has me fearing a cold or other illness. If I react like this to these symptoms imagine when I can't breath because of the mucus and gunk from having a cold??

How can I turn food poisoning into heart attack??

Doesnt it help that these last few weeks I've seen show of women describing in detail how they had a stroke, PE, heart attack, and cardiac arrest brought on by myocarditis. Stomach thing brought myocarditis fear in me like you wouldn't believe. I refrained from writing about it cause I am being to much... every deep breath I take I feel my heart beat hard that it rattles my breath.

Man why am I like this??

On here I'm mainly mention my HA fears but I do fear other things.
And I know I've been having anxious thoughts about my kids lately. I just want them to be safe and not have bad things happen to them. Example accidents while rough housing, their future, their health.

There is lots.
And maybe all this worrying is finally catching up to me.
I feel like this year will be my year where I do end up in the hospital due to stress induced cardiac event.

My eye "twitch" continues.... my heart pounding so hard it shakes my breathing.
Constant stomach issues. I'm half way there right? I have 14 Ativan pills left only for extreme cases. But after all this I feel this is a time that I do need it to just help me calm those thoughts so I can finally relax my body. should I?? Would you??