View Full Version : Don't know what to do, so scared

31-05-17, 10:11
This all started over a year ago, when I noticed that my right leg was bigger than my left. Went to the ER, but they couldn't find anything wrong with me, they took chest x-rays and all but everything was fine.

On Christmas eve I woke up and felt pain in my neck. I found a swollen lymph node in my hairline, and an other one on my neck. I had just been sick so I didn't worry too much.

Talked about these swollen nodes to my endocrinologist, who told me not to worry. But then I found more swollen nodes all over my neck, got really worried again but my endocrinologist couldn't even find these nodes I was obsessing over. I found one on the right side of my neck, poked it a lot and when I woke up in the morning, the whole right side of my neck was swollen and hurt really bad. I left that node alone, and the swelling went down in a few days.

In the beginning of May, I started having weird sensations on my scalp, right ear and on the right corner of my mouth. My right hand felt pretty weak and I got pain in my knees and elbows.

2 weeks ago I woke up to a really bad night sweat, I had to change my t-shirt and my mattress was wet. I was scared to death. I was so sure I had cancer and was going to die that I started to think about writing a will.

Two days ago I just couldn't take it anymore. I felt pressure on my chest and neck and had no appetite and my heart was beating really fast. I also had started to have weird feelings all over my body: my skin felt like burning and tingling. I went to a neck/throat/ear specialist who told me not to worry, everything seemed fine.

But I was so scared that I went to the ER. They couldn't find anything wrong with me. After that I couldn't sleep at all. Yesterday I got my thyroid bloodtest done and everything was fine. Also had a whole stomach area ultrasound and everything was normal. But I felt so bad that I booked an oncologist appointment.

I told her every symptom I've had, my aunt died of lymphoma so I was scared to death. She told me she was almost 100% sure I don't have cancer. But I begged her to sent me to a neck ultrasound and she did. A radiologist did the utlrasound, found a lot of swollen lymph nodes, over ten all over my neck and throat. But they were all under 1cm and he said that they seemed completely healthy and normal. He said that there is no reason at all to do a biopsy since they were so small and have not grown in the past 5 months.

I was sent home, and I have just cried after that. I feel that I can not trust these doctors and there must be something wrong somewhere and I have lymphoma. I am so sure about that. The burning and tingling sensation hasn't gone anywhere and last night it got so bad, that I couldn't sleep because of it.

That sensation gets really bad if I lay down, but gets better when I move around, have something else to think about, apply cold packets on the places I feel it or go to the sauna.

I still feel there's something pressing against my throat and sometimes my chest feels heavy.

I am going crazy with this all. I don't know what to do....

31-05-17, 12:39
I think it's all anxiety. Why don't you follow up with that as extensively as you did medically? I bet you might be cured. You haven't mentioned that you've tried to treat the anxiety. Have you? It will be so helpful. Good luck.

31-05-17, 13:35
People with HA always think that the doctors have missed something. They are so sure there has to be some underlying disease that doctors etc haven't considered or have missed. At some point you have to accept that the doctors know what they are doing. They aren't looking for normal they are looking abnormal. All your tests have shown no abnormalities. See someone about your anxiety.