View Full Version : Not so good today...

16-05-17, 22:39
Last week I had to commute for my work and was really nervous. I felt weird for most of the day and was worried I'd have heart issues when I got home.

This was because the same journey had ended in me calling an ambulance when I got home because my heart had gone jingle jangle on me, lol....on reflection it had a flutter but I panicked and then it started racing and wouldn't stop.

Anyway I was pleased with myself in getting back on the horse last week....but today, doing it again it was harder.

All day I've had a really flushed face (which as yet the doctors can't explain but think it might be the start of hormonal changes/menopausal symptoms), then I felt weird every time I had to get out of my seat at work and grab a file, or walk about helping others, etc, which was frequent. Part of me thinks my dose of beta blocker is a little high at the moment, because I was fine walking to the train afterwards, it was just movements from sitting that were the bigger problem.

I'm also getting palpitations a lot around meal times and for a while afterwards.....suggesting a vagal nerve issue.

All I know is that it didn't feel like just anxiety. My friend there said at one point, 'should I get an ambulance?' and I also felt hot and glowing and then nauseous......but when he said that I said no and went outside for fresh air. I calmed down enough to know that I didn't need an ambulance.

But...not a good day. It's knocked my confidence about moving around. I'm working from home at the moment apart from these commutes, so I've been getting myself to calm down by not moving much.....but today, instead of increasing my confidence, it's knocked it.

I'm telling myself it's a positive because I did it and now I just need to calm down and continue to allow myself to improve. (I've had 4 ecgs recently, a normal chest x-ray and I've had a normal stress test 5 years ago, and normal holter and event monitors then too (but of course none of these problems occurred then)).

If anyone has any words of wisdom I'm all ears at the moment. Up to a point I can see it as anxiety because I improved once I was on the train home, but I've still got symptoms going on, so I feel there is something else. It might not be anything to worry about, it might be hormonal changes, but it's something more than anxiety alone.

Thanks for any thoughts.

17-05-17, 12:20
I'm telling myself it's a positive because I did it and now I just need to calm down and continue to allow myself to improve.

Well that was a bit of a ramble last night, but this is the main bit.

I'm trying to get over a bad day so that it doesn't send me back down into an anxiety spiral. It's hard because the symptoms all felt really physical.

As soon as I get symptoms it feeds the belief that there's something really wrong.

24-05-17, 16:58
I can relate rosanna. Last night I hate a lot of food with sugar and just gobbled down my meal. My heart was racing---it was trying to digest my meal. I then started feeling shaking. I was focusing too much on my heart and kept watching my fit bit heart monitor. I was about 90-- so within normal range. Now i'm worried about eating big meals again, so i'll have to go back to eating like a bird- slowly and with small meals. I think I was just so hungry when I got home that I ate everything in sight.

Today i'm feeling anxious, and it's going to be a VERY long day at work. I work until 7pm tonight and won't be home until 7:30pm. Hopefully, I can find some time to meditate during lunch or something.

I hope you are feel better?!

24-05-17, 20:09
Last night I hate a lot of food with sugar and just gobbled down my meal. My heart was racing

This is pointing to the vagus nerve being activated. I've discovered that I cannot let myself get too hungry. If I do, my hungry stomach activates the vagus nerve and I get ectopics. I also get weird chest sensations. I'm better if I keep meals regular and do my best not to have an empty stomach for very long.

So it sounds like vagal stimulation but also I think the sugar rush was adding to it. But I think mainly vagal, your stomach nerves would have been firing off because of all the food and hunger and triggering the palps. The good news is that the heart was probably happy, just doing its job. :D

Easy to say, I know, it's not nice when it's happening.