View Full Version : Hi I'm Pips

04-05-17, 21:05
Hi I'm Pippa or Pips for short.

I struggle with really low self esteem I get paranoid thinking people will get bored and not want to bother with me. I try and please all the time which I know isn't a good thing. I just take everything so personally and am so emotionally over sensitive. My mind overthinks all the time. It's like a rollercoaster. I live alone well with my cat Tango. (Crazy cat lady lol) and don't have many friends.

My best friend just told me our friendship was struggling which has hurt and shocked me as had no idea I think it's because my low self esteem.

I feel unfulfilled in a way and just really sad a lot. Plus doesn't help with anxiety/depression these feelings.

Just wondered if anyone else experiences any of these symptoms of not feeling good enough or never really fitting in and taking things personally?

Any advice greatly received. Sorry to waffle and Many Thanks for listening.

Pips.Xx :)

04-05-17, 21:11
Hiya Pipsy and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

Clydesdale Epona
05-05-17, 07:52
Hey Pips and firstly welcome to the boards :)

(without trying to get deep into it like a life story :roflmao: )
I completely understand how you feel, apart from the odd friends that come along I am alone but I've grown to like it because then nobody can betray or hurt me. I have a few online friends who I love to bits but just not offline, I think my (deep life story) issues and possibly BDD definitely makes it worse but at the same time I believe I've always been that weirdo who's not like others, I can't fit into regular conversations and I don't believe I cam do the same things as others for simply "not being good enough" its hard, but I like to think I'm getting there, I used to be completely shut off but now online I'm the most open person you could meet, I just have to work on not hiding the outside me. and I know you can get there too :) feel free to private message me any time if you need to vent or talk about it more I'm.always happy to lend a hand x

All the best :hugs:

09-05-17, 20:10
hello there

09-05-17, 20:20
Hello pip

09-05-17, 21:01
Hey, I have felt like this so often. It's such an unpleasant, difficult feeling. First of all, when it comes to overthinking I do try and use my 'voice of reason', I just tell myself to stop thinking that way and try and focus on something else.

12-08-17, 12:36
Hi Pips I used to feel like you do all the time and boy it does crush you :eek: but I believe and know things are getting better for me so that gives me hope, it will get better for you too :) Cheers