View Full Version : Panic attack triggered by sounds?

29-04-17, 18:25
Does anyone also experience a panic attack triggered by sounds? Today I was about to have a meal in a restaurant with my family, but it ended poorly...

Upon entry I greeted the staff. They looked me up and down but they didn't respond. I am obese, therefore I assumed that they are judging me for my looks, and that made me very self conscious... It just went downhill from there. The restaurant was crowded, and very loud. Sounds of conversations mixed with sounds of people eating, espresso machines continuosly working, and staff talking. I felt uneasy there but didn't want to ruin a family lunch so I sat down and looked at the menu. 2 minutes later I felt the urge to run away, with my heart racing, my legs weak and a feeling that something horrible is about to happen to me.

I stood up and told everybody I have to leave this place, and I ran out with tears in my eyes. I ran to the parking lot, and cried in the car. My family followed, and we went home where I took xanax and cried some more as the panic continued. I feel pretty bad for this situation, since I live abroad and I see them only twice a year...

I'm not sure if it's the self consciousness, the sounds of the restaurant, or the fact that on our way we passed by a place where I once got verbally assaulted (people passing by helped me, and the assault didn't turn physical).
I passed by this park after the event many times, and never had any fear issues so I am not sure if that had anything to do with the attack, but I did think about this assault before going into the restaurant...

Did anyone also experience a panic attack triggered by sounds? If so, what are your tips to deal with it?

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30-04-17, 02:13
Sorry that your panic ruined your meal out with your family :-( I live abroad and visited my family back home recently also, and the same thing happened to me multiple times. It makes you feel so crappy because you just want to make the most of the short amount of time you get with them. For me personally I feel like maybe that is where some of the pressure and anxiety comes from - the intensity of being back where I grew up and around my family for such short bursts of time after being away for so long in between. It can be surreal and overwhelming to be thrown back into your old life overnight. But not being able to relax or get used to it because you know you're leaving again. We revisit old places that bring back memories, both good and bad. It probably affects us more than we realise and contributes to an overall feeling of being overwhelmed... and when you get to that point even little things like sounds can set you off.

I'm sorry I don't have better advice, but just know that you're not alone and try to be kind to yourself right now

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01-05-17, 00:51
Yes, hearing sounds can certainly be a trigger for an anxiety or even panic response (just like any other of your senses individually, or a combination thereof). For me personally, this is mostly true for loud sounds, either sudden (think e.g fireworks, truck or train passing close by) or long-lasting (e.g. construction work, places with music or lots of chatter, etc.). Also sounds that cannot be directly explained but that somehow get your attention can cause anxious feelings, either during a conscious or unconscious process.

01-05-17, 11:45
Yes! It's horrible!

I was watching a movie last night. I glanced away from the TV for a moment and I heard what sounds like people talking underwater. It was on the TV, but because I was looking away I thought my hearing got messed up and instantly set up panic.

Stupid me didn't think to look at the TV so I jumped up and ran out the room to get some water. When I came back I realised it was the TV.

It happens a lot to me. I am sensitive to sound (I have aspergers). If too many sounds are around me I can have panic attacks too. Like people talking, at the same time as cars driving by, at the same time as a baby crying. That's enough to set off a panic attack.

I think everyone gets scared by loud sounds (car horns, fire alarms etc). I hate it when I walk past an ambulance and they let of their siren. Scares the living daylights out of me. Enough to cause a bad panic attack.

06-05-17, 22:49
Hi guys, I read your answers earlier. They helped me during my stay with my family, and I very much appreciate them although I'm replying only now.

Since the initial panic attack it got better. My family and I were trying to find some humour in the situation, and I knew they didn't blame me for the event. We didn't eat out anymore and staying at home took the edge off a little.

I'm back at home now and I am trying to expose myslef to various noises again. So far it is going quite ok. I went to a restaurant with some friends today. We sat outside and there were some people listening to techno music nearby. At first I was a bit anxious but it went very well. The noise became just that - a background noise.

I also went to see an action movie. It was loud but I prepared myself by taking ear plugs with me, and following an advice I found on another forum (get some water and get a snack to take the attention from the anxiety to something elese). It worked!

Citydeer, thanks for your kind words, I'm often very harsh on myself. When visiting my family I set myself a goal of having "the perfect time", hence the pressure and the resulting panic.

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