View Full Version : TMJ and related problems

29-04-17, 12:31
So here I am asking for reassurance again after I said I won't do it anymore.

I'm pretty sure I have TMJ from anxiety, I've not been officially diagnosed but it'/ been implied by multiple doctors my problems were from jaw muscle tension and I have all the symptoms.

My main and most annoying struggle is ear fullness. However the newest symptom I got is that (this will sound crazy) as if there was pressure in my nose too like sort of moving there from my ears. My nose feels blocked but it's not - it's clean, but I struggle to breathe through it. My sinuses feel fine and generally I have no cold symptoms.

Do you think that could be a side symptom from TMJ? I googled a bit (I SHOULDNT I KNOW) and it did say TMJ can be associated with sinus related symptoms but at the same time googling stuff triggered a new-born fear in me - what if something else is wrong..... I had a very wide range of blood tests done, including some tumour markers and it all came out good. Surely if I had a hidden problem with my nose/sinuses something would show up in my blood tests right? And I also feel fine minus the very annoying pressure in my ears and now in my nose apparently (???) and some muscle tension pain around my jaw, so I'm not being naive telling myself not to worry right?

Also for those of you who struggled with TMJ (i imagine theres few people on this forum) anything that you found helpful? I'm not on any medications for it, I've been going to a chiropractor to relieve my neck tension (which he said is really bad), but generally I've been feeling better and I feel like I'm not tensing my jaw as much anymore but the feeling of pressure in my ears is staying the same :/ I could use some advice

---------- Post added at 11:31 ---------- Previous post was at 11:11 ----------

also if i try to blow my nose nothing comes out but it feels like pressure goes back to my ears & it clears my nose for a couple of seconds but then it goes back to being blocked

29-04-17, 13:50
I have worked for an oral surgeon and dentist thought she had TMJ. Turned out that it was her wisdom teeth that were bothering her. You state you have tension in your back in addition to clenching your jaws. Maybe try doing some walking to release all this physical stress. The fresh air will help too. Your blood tests are normal, talk to the doctor about your anxiety.

29-04-17, 14:10
yeah i am doing wll of that already, i'm just getting really impatient which i know i shouldn't, but while my moods are improving my physical symptoms aren't which is frustrating

and then i freak out over every single new symptom i get (like the 'blocked' nose sensation)

01-05-17, 02:39
I was technically diagnosed with TMJ when I was a kid, Ive always had dental issues I could say. Had braces, root canal, wisdom teeth removed...lets just say Ive spent a lot of money on my teeth! TMJ can vary in severity...with mine my jaw is just a little too tight sometimes and being anxious can make it worse because I tend to clench my jaw when Im stressed.I have always had sinus issues so that could be stemming from the TMJ....not really sure to be honest. As far as the ear pressure..maybe go to an ENT and get the waxed removed...and I'm not talking about a q-tip job I mean where they stick the thing is year ear and really get the stuff thats deep in there. I haven't had it done before but people that I know who have say its the most relieving feeling in the world.

01-05-17, 15:48
Yeah I had it done before its good. Multiple doctors have checked my ears though and said there is nothing they could see that is causing pressure and put it down purely down to anxiety and jaw clenching :/ I'm going to see an ENT doctor in a couple of days tho see what he says.

It's annoying though I was doing better mentally already but the persistance of these annoying symptoms it's making me relapse a little bit and worry that there might be an underlying problem not just anxiety (even though I was completely confident that was the reason at some point already)

01-05-17, 22:13
Have you seen an oral surgeon? teeth problems can make your whole face uncomfortable. i would say get checked for an infection, and see if you need your wisdom teeth out. when i first needed my wisdom teeth out the pain was so bad i was getting facial pain and headaches, as well as earaches. this time when i needed another two out i couldn't open my jaw

02-05-17, 04:21
I personally have never had TMJ, although I have a close friend who suffers from it. I am not a doctor, but my friend (who suffers from TMJ) does also have issues with her sinuses. She has fullness, PND, painful ears, and a cracking/locking jaw along with severe headaches. She is 16 and has suffered from TMJ for months, but it hasn't noticeably diminished her quality of life.

However, TMJ related symptoms can be caused from anxiety alone. I do not have TMJ, but I do suffer from tight/twitching muscles in my face, and a cracking jaw/neck. I have been evaluated by a GP along with a neurologist, and both have said my symptoms are solely anxiety related.

03-05-17, 16:41
Okay thank you for your responses :) My anxiety surrounding TMJ is really getting out of hand it's like every day I find a new strange symptom around my face (nose pressure, tooth ache, etc. you name it). I'm seeing a dentist tomorrow hopefully they can help also check if if could be my wisdom teeth although I'm 22 and I can't see that they would start growing so I think in the end it will be just TMJ blamed again.
I've not been to any specialists (like neurologist) but I've been looked at by a gazillion of GPs, psychotherapist that all said it's just anxiety induced TMJ, I've also had a very wide range of blood work done and it was all clear, but there's always a voice in my head saying it must be a brain tumor lol even tho I doubt these are brain tumor symptoms... But I guess even without more serious tests someone would have picked up on something suspicious by now right? Health anxiety is just so tiring :/

06-12-17, 11:17
Hi, just found this when googling blurry vision. I have TMJ and hadn't realised it was connected to sinus stuff! I have pretty much all of the symptoms. Tinnitus on and off for years (although once it stopped for months after a specialist 'hoovered' my ears so I guess it's also wax-related).

I've realised recently I have a lot of anxiety symptoms again, although I am not consciously anxious about anything at the moment, so I'm going to try and go walking more and cancel some of my evening activities.

Blurry vision is both anxiety AND TMJ-related so I have an answer there!

I've just started using my night guard again (I hate it!) and there is also a really easy exercise which involves slightly opening your mouth, rolling your tongue backwards, touching the soft palate (at the back of your mouth_) with the tip and holding for a few seconds, about five times every so often during the day.

I also sing in a choir and I remember being told not to open my mouth too wide when I sing, to help the TMJ.

Hope some of that helps!