View Full Version : Is this Anxiety

28-04-17, 16:10
Hey guys,

Im new to this forum i will give you a little intro about me.

Im Male 35 VERY overwieght and have been having ongoing health issues.

Mainly the issues are dizzyness, blured vision, random tender spots and sometimes just feeling crap / hangover type feeling, i also have some chest pain but more like a muscle pain than a squeezong on the chest.

Everynow and again i get what i call a funny turn when my brain just goes fizzy and i have what i call a seizure. Things alwasy seems worse in the evening and is always best when i wake up.

I have seen my GP a Private GP and have been refererd to a cardiologist, CT scan, Eye test, 48 hour heart monitor. Private GP picked up last time BP was a bit high so i have been refered to ENT and BP specialist and have appointments next week.

I can almost pinpoint the day this started - I went up around 300 stairs at Covent Garden tube walked maybe 10 minutes after and i had massive heart palpitaions and felt like i was going to pass out, i then felt terrible for most of the day. Since then i have had dizzyness quite regular from a general spongy floor type feeling to full on hands in the head i feel awful feeling.

I literally think about avery ache and pain almost every second of the day and recently everyday seems to be getting harder since ive picked up a sickness bug too (not sure if also anxiety related) anyway i wanted to know if anyone has had similar, Ive never had a fully blown panic attack but i think ive come close sometimes with that lump in my throat type feeling.

Ive also been to A and E a few times incase its been a heart attack and have had the all clear everytime (they have check bloods, HR and BP) i take relief by the fact that if it was a heart attack its a bloody long 3 year one.

What im wondering is in fact if the symptons i have is actually Anxiety, I have a stresfull job but dont feel particlaury stressed, have a good lifestyle without many troubles so i just cant understand it.

I have read the the random muscle pains can be my body reacting with the stress hormone... Cosidering the length of time this has gone on could this be anxiety and how can i deal with it !

Thank You

---------- Post added at 15:10 ---------- Previous post was at 15:09 ----------

I forgot to add sometimes i get emotional / tearful at stupid things like watching a parade or seeing soemthing at the theatre - not even anything thats sad but i can feel my eyes start to go.

28-04-17, 19:09
Dave, welcome

I can relate with what you are saying about all your symptoms yet the tests are all clear. YES it absolutely can be purely anxiety - read my posts from 3 years ago, I was convinced I had cancer, I even came to a final diagnosis in my mind of melanoma. Every test gave me the all clear but I would not believe it.

I have since recovered from these health worries and can now 100% say it was anxiety

The mind is a powerful thing

28-04-17, 23:10
Hi Dave :welcome: to the forum!

All the symptoms you mentioned can indeed be caused by anxiety, the range of symptoms for it is ridiculous and it's amazing how awful something caused by your mind can make you feel.

I hope you don't mind me saying, but it could also be a combination of anxiety along with your weight. I'm a bit overweight because of the medication I'm on and I've found that my general unfitness doesn't help with my anxiety symptoms. The fact you get palps and feel faint after climbing stairs is likely a combination of anxiety and your weight. If your heart has been cleared then I don't think you need to worry.

I imagine if you got treatment for the anxiety you will feel the symptoms fade over time, it might also be a good plan to try and shift some of the weight as exercise and good diet have a good effect on stress levels and mood.

I hope you find something that works soon Dave, there's lots of good info to be found on the forum and lots of helpful people too if you have questions!