View Full Version : How much can an ECG show?

25-04-17, 10:56

Exactly how much can an ECG show?

Does anyone know?


25-04-17, 11:03

Exactly how much can an ECG show?

Does anyone know?


I'm wary of this kind of question as it reads to me as "How much uncertainty is there in an ECG result for me to continue to worry about it even if it's reassuring?".

25-04-17, 11:05

Yes, I understand that.

It's just my son is having palpitations and is being referred to a cardiologist.

I really just wondered if it would show problems.


Gary A
25-04-17, 11:06

Exactly how much can an ECG show?

Does anyone know?


I think you're beginning to use this forum in the wrong way.

If this is about your sons symptoms, you need to start asking these questions of his doctor. It's innapropriate to comment on something like this whilst his health is under investigation.

25-04-17, 11:07
I've had several ECGs and several operators have told me it shows an incredible amount, more than you think.

25-04-17, 11:07

Yes, I understand that.

It's just my son is having palpitations and is being referred to a cardiologist.

I really just wondered if it would show problems.


I would have thought so yes, but questions like this should really aimed at the people doing the tests as no-one here is qualified to have any real knowledge on these things. I hope all's OK.

25-04-17, 11:12
Thank you


Gary- OK, Ill leave the forum then.

Im just worried and wanted some support. Youve been great in the past but sometimes your way with words is a bit harsh.

Gary A
25-04-17, 11:15
Lizzie, don't be dramatic. Nobody asked you to leave the forum, I simply advised you to try and use it a bit more sensibly.

Your son is under health investigation and someone here may inadvertently scare you when commenting on such a worrying subject. Your sons doctor will be able to tell you far more than anyone here.

25-04-17, 11:17
Thank you


Gary- OK, Ill leave the forum then.

Im just worried and wanted some support. Youve been great in the past but sometimes your way with words is a bit harsh.

It's not the right time to get into any Internet spats, as you have real things going on you need to deal with. Gary may have been abrupt but he's right, this forum's about anxiety not giving medical advice about real health issues, as there is nothing anyone can say that can help you more than your doctors can. I'm sure everybody on the forum wishes you all the best and a quick and happy outcome, and are here for support, but it would be very inappropriate for us to give any real medical advice.

25-04-17, 12:50
The test showed enough to warrant further investigation and that's what's happening.

Positive thoughts