View Full Version : Constant worry, fearsome but invisible symptoms, need help

18-04-17, 01:41
I am depressed, lost interest for everything. I have had health anxiety for 7 years now. I am only 19 at the moment, although I was doing quite well for the past 2-3 years I have been hit once again, this time more fearful symptoms appeared. I am not even caring about anyone at this moment, probably gonna loose this year in university. Even while working I keep doing mistakes because I am CONSTANTLY looking and hearing everything that moves around my body. I have had intense stress, so here I will give a list of my symptoms, starting from mental to physical:
- Constant fear of death, every single moment.
- Urgency to read on google
- Feeling urgency to go to the hospital cause last time I "missed a certain symptom".
- From all those illnesses possible, I surely must have some.
- Incredible fear when hearing medical stuff on TV, media.
- Fear of ambulances.
- Feeling that everything is bad and I am doomed.
Now to continue to the physical ones:
-Constant upper back, shoulder and neck tension, have had this for years although it maybe related to my bad posture.
-Body feels sore to touch, Like almost every part of my body feels sore to touch including scalp and ribs.
-Tension headaches (not always) The headaches I seem to get are different, unlike those painful migraines, this is tension radiating from my neck to the back and then maybe even front of my head.
- Jaw tension/pain.
- Chills in my head, weird movements in my head, sometimes behind the right eyebrow, sometimes left, sometimes in cheeks, sometimes in chin, sometimes in scalp.
I used to have them before with my anxiety but now I have developed new ones.
- Tongue used to feel weird, sometimes it was in the front like I had burned it with hot coffee, sometimes in the sides which was terror, and sometimes in the back where it kept triggering my throat, thankfully this is 95% better now.
- Woke up with different stuff every night in the middle of the night, once I woke up at 4 AM with heart palpitations and chest pain, the next time I woke up with sweats, the next I woke up so dizzy, the next I woke up with shaky vision/ pulsing vision which I still get now but it's a lot more mild, the next it was I woke up shaky, like even my head on the inside was shaking, luckily I am able to sleep well again after an horrible week of sleep, for the last 3 weeks my sleep is good.
- Difficulty talking/pronouncing some words correctly. Yea I still have this but it's a lot better than it first showed up with those tongue symptoms, like it feels difficult to keep on talking and some words seem tougher to pronounce. Sometimes it feels like there is huge tension in my jaw that makes me feel like this, guess what? NONE ever noticed changes in my speech, huh?!
Well these symptoms have kept me worried recently, nothing helps it if I have constant slightly congested nose, either right or left, sides and back of tongue feel worse to bite, the front is no problem though, the same goes to my throat, the sides feel mildly sore, and the lymph nodes that are just under the jaw, the ones on the right side are bigger than the ones in my left, it's pretty easy to tell the difference, although I have always felt like this for 7 years if not more? yea the nodes are swollen for 7 years just in that size, never grown more. I have no problems eating, drinking anything though. Maybe this is normal? Because I don't even know what normal feels like?
I've had numerous full blood tests done - all perfect.
Had numerous EKGs done, some at Emergency Room where I rushed thinking I was dying of heart attack. - My heart was perfectly fine.
X-rays of back and neck - mild scoliosis.
Urine tests - clear.
Had a private ENT specialist visit when I had a panic attack about my tongue, he looked into my mouth and said that I should stop doing this to myself, my tongue looked incredibly healthy. Like seriously?
I do not feel ill, dizzy, no fever, no nausea/vomiting, good balance, good reflexes, no fatigue, energetic. This is why no one believes me how sick I feel. Please help me, I am about to die!!!!!!

---------- Post added 18-04-17 at 00:41 ---------- Previous post was 17-04-17 at 23:08 ----------

Would also like to add that I sometimes get pulsating vision with my heartbeat, mostly when I wake up from sleep or when my vision gets out of focus. Or sometimes when I turn my head left and have weird right ear pressure

18-04-17, 01:46
You are 19 and have had HA for 7 years. Time to see a doctor about your anxiety.

18-04-17, 02:19
Have you seen a mental health professional?

Positive thoughts

18-04-17, 08:00
I've had every single symptom of those during my first anxiety/panic episode, including numbness in my right part of face/body and some more symptoms. The doctor gave me an SSRI and I went to a psychologist. Turned put that I was chronically hyperventilating and with relaxation techniques and breath exercises every symptom went away within a month. :)