View Full Version : No moons on fingernails...?

17-04-17, 18:05
I was just wondering if anyone else is missing the pale half moons you get on your fingernails?

I only have them on my thumbs.

I read it could be a sign of vitamin b12 deficiency...

Kinda worried :(

17-04-17, 18:50
I only have them on my thumbs. I've had loads of tests. Always told I'm fine.

17-04-17, 18:51
Same here only on my thumb nails and has been like this since I was a child and I don't have B12 deficiency either. Everyone is different but its not necessarily a sign of anything wrong.
If you had always had big moons on all your nails and then they suddenly disappeared then its time to ask!

17-04-17, 19:02
I'm the same way, always have been. I know some people who have them that are huge but mine are really only visible on my thumbs.

17-04-17, 23:07
I only have them on my thumbs too and one on my pinky finger. My mum is the same 🙈 Xxx

17-04-17, 23:44
I noticed mine had disappeared a few months ago. I took a B12 supplement and some of them reappeared. But I spoke to my doctor and he said it's all nonsense and not to worry... No idea what the truth is but he certainly wasn't worried...

Catherine S
18-04-17, 00:18
Same here...thumbs only :)


18-04-17, 04:58
I'm not sure I can see any on mine. Some fingers are just pail, some part red. My thumbs are part red.

I can do full moons though...but normally when on a coach heading for a works outing...:whistles::winks:http://www.bestemoticon.com/smiley/grossier/10_2_14.gif