View Full Version : Crippled by HIV fear

17-04-17, 15:24
Can somebody please offer me some reassurance? I am going out of my mind :( this is a shortened and more to the point post of one I put up the other day.

A few weeks ago I had a sexual encounter with a girl I had been chatting to for a few weeks. We used protection at first but then we were, put it this way, less than careful and ended up having sex unprotected.

Since then I've been going out of my mind with worry. Mainly because of my physical symptoms, but I am not sure if the physical symptoms are because of how much I am worrying. My symptoms have been:

- Sore throat and cough which just will not go away, although this did develop before the encounter and I've now had for a month
- Dizziness, lightheaded, light on my feet type feelings
- Tightness and weakness in my head and arms and legs, as well as headache
- Swollen glands in my neck and awful tight feeling in my neck (I had a total thyroidectomy in 2015 due to thyroid cancer, and my neck has struggled to recover fully since and is often stiff, but since this recent encounter my glands and neck area has felt VERY tight and stiff and uncomfortable)
- A noticeable shortness of breath, my breathing feels different, can't put my finger on it

I feel absolutely sick with worry - and all I keep thinking is those 3 letters I can't stand typing, HIV. How the hell do I get that out of my mind, because I went to the GUM clinic a week after the sexual encounter but obviously I am aware that it can take 1-3 months to show up in blood tests, so I am going out of my mind worrying about it. And I just want some reassurance! I don't think she was a particular "risk" but then you never know and I can't stop worrying purely because of the above symptoms, but likewise I don't know if I've created them with my worry if you get me?? What would be the chances of catching something that bad?

I don't know what to do and I can't stop worrying, I actually feel like death! Constant sore throat, dizziness and swollen lumpy neck area (which is a concern in itself as I had lumps there when the cancer was diagnosed) I've been to doctors and had checks, including blood test and even went to A&E where the blood tests apparently showed I am a "clinically healthy young man" - but I just feel anything but. It actually feels like my body is shutting down, and I just need to know if it's my mind doing this or not!

Any reassurance or advice would be massively appreciated, I am supposed to be starting a part-time job this week (which is HUGE for me) and now I feel like I am not going to be able to do it :(

17-04-17, 16:16
Most of the symptoms sound like anxiety - definitely the dizziness, tightness/weakness, shortness of breath.

In terms of the sore throat, it's probably just a virus (or one after another - it happens), which would probably explain the swollen glands. This is also probably being exasperated by your anxiety as you're hyper-focussing on your body and any signs of illness.

Wait a while and maybe have another HIV test done just to put your mind at rest. But I would severely doubt that your symptoms are related to it, except that anxiety is playing tricks on you. It is the greatest liar of after all.