View Full Version : Question about body checking

14-04-17, 16:19
Do any of you have a rule on checking your body for lumps? Or your blood pressure/ heart rate? I am seeing a psychiatrist for the first time Tuesday so I am hoping this helps with my anxiety- but also I am trying to make a plan for myself to follow, like not googling symptoms(something I will really really need to work on) find a good doctor I trust, but one of the major things I want to tackle is my body checking- I feel anxious until I check for lumps, then I will feel ok that I didn't find anything but then 5 minutes later I will think- well you just didn't check good enough so you need to check again- this continues on and on and keeps my anxiety going- then on the other hand it's like you are supposed to check your breasts for lumps once a month.....so did anyone's doctor give them any advice on how much to check?

14-04-17, 16:23
I can say I check the ones I know are there right now but I don't go feeling around anymore because any lump or bump will send me into a frenzy!!! I also try my hardest to stay of google cuz we all know that never ends well! But I would say once a month seems good!

15-04-17, 04:44
I'll paste this in as I was talking about strategies against compulsions in HA on this thread yesterday:


See what you make of that. I expect your psychiatrist will have plenty of ideas but the ERP (CBT) is very likely.

15-04-17, 13:10
I do self breast exams once a month. Because I know I have cancer anxiety, I literally pen it into my schedule to deter me from having a go multiple times a day.

Other than that I recognize everything else is a compulsion or just an irrational fear.

15-04-17, 18:02
I am a nightmare when it comes to this. I having a testicle cancer anxiety, even the GP on Wednesday did not feel any lumps, hardness (I know the other symptoms I was asked about) sometimes I check and check and repeated check until I ache because I am so worried about testicle cancer. I had an ultrasound last year which just told me I had cysts releating to the epdidymis.
Because I suffer from NF, I have to be extra aware of any lumps I get, just a small increase risk of certain types of cancer(s) thankfully I only had one lump which I have asked to be removed and was not serious.
One of the GPs told me off for checking too much last December, he was the one was sent me for an ultrasound because he thought he felt a lump and got me panicing as I thought I had cancer last year down there, as at first a lump = cancer not thinking there were things like cysts

---------- Post added at 18:02 ---------- Previous post was at 14:35 ----------

My problem is every ache, twinge, pain I get I automatically thing is this a cancer, or it spreading. I have had clear scans and test so far. I have read so much in the past 6 years on the internet. I want a season ticket at the GP offices.

15-04-17, 18:57
Thanks for your replies- I don't know why I have such a bad time not checking- I keep feeling around my collarbone trying to find lumps- I am not even sure why I do it because I have no idea anatomy wise what is normal and what isn't- I haven't found any lumps but while I am checking I get this insane rush of fear and then even though I can't find anything I am still convinced that there probably will be something there eventually- why can't I just accept that nothing is there and just move on

17-04-17, 20:59
I have been trying to reply to you but have had problems logging on as I haven't used the site recently. Just wanted to sympathise and say you sound EXACTLY like me. The collar bone checking has improved but still obsessed with breaststroke. I wanted you to know that you are motivated alone because I do take comfort from knowing I am not a total freak.

19-04-17, 21:54
I meant breasts not breastrosers. Are you feeling any better?