View Full Version : Painful freckle - trying to remain calm

06-04-17, 19:36
I have a light but prominent freckle on my arm it's very round not scaly or sore but when I touch it it feels tender like it's bruised. Could this be anything sinister? I don't think it's changed and isn't scabbing or bleeding. I have become obsessed with skin cancer at the moment. I am fair skin and red hair and haven't looked after my skin th best I should of, when I was 11 I severely burn and blistered on my arms and have burnt there often afterwards xx

07-04-17, 21:28
Doesn't sound like anything to worry about. Is it a lot darker than your other freckles? Blurred edges? How long have you been aware of it?

My advice is to keep an eye on it. Take a picture of it in good light and in a months time take another (at a similar time of day and light) then compare the two. That's what I did for a worrisome mole. The thing flaked away and disappeared in the end but my derm was glad for the photos as it made her job easier.

Oh and cream up in the sun :D

11-04-17, 17:20
Thank you for the advice, the freckle doesn't seem as tender now and my new obsession is factor 50!