View Full Version : Obsessing over blood test results

05-04-17, 20:08
I have full blood count every 6 months together with liver and kidney and thyroid ( I have underactive thyroid) and my results are always within normal range. I have always had a slightly elevated esr result but that seems normal for me so haven't worried.

In Feb I had my usual tests plus esr and was horrified to get esr of 37 ( normal is up to 20 and I am normally23). I had had an inflammatory eye condition 4 weeks earlier so Dr thought this was cause. I had retest 4 weeks later and it had gone down to 27. They weren't worried.

I then saw my GP with upper stomach pain 2 weeks ago and she did loads of blood tests - all the above plus pancreas and all was within normal range exccept esr of29 but she is not concerned.

I can look at my results and in my full blood count I found that my white blood cell result was at very low end of normal and my haemocrit at very top end of normal. Still within range but only just!!

So of course I am now convinced that the raised esr , low white blood cells and high haemocrit means something very nasty is going on.

I am seeing GP again tomorrow and will be brave and ask more about my only just normal results and tell her that my elevated esr is worrying me but wondered if anyone can tell me more?

05-04-17, 20:12
ESR is a test that can show inflammation. Chronic stress leads to inflammation.Work on stress and try your best to remove inflammatory foods (processed stuff) from your diet as much as possible.

I went through a couple of years of going to the Dr's on a weekly to monthly basis every time I got a new symptom. But it becomes an obsession and often provokes more anxiety than it relieves.


05-04-17, 20:59
Thanks. I hadn't thought of stress but now you mention it a few weeks before my first test I had had a close friend die and this triggered severe insomnia and panic so def very stressed!

06-04-17, 11:30
Saw GP again today and she was reassuring about blood results and said she rarely sees anyone with all full blood count results in normal range so thats a real plus for me! She also reassured me re esr.

I have been having pain around my left rib and stabbing pains below rib near my middle for weeks so I have to have a chest x ray/ an abdominal ultrasound to check pancreas and because I have a hiatus hernia she wants me to have gastroscopy. One part of me is glad she is being so thorough but I have worlds worst white coat syndrome and they always take bp before the gastroscopy. I of course always worry about the small risk of something going wrong with the test like puncturing something!!!

Because I have alot of genuine health problems ( prolpased spinal discs/partially sighted/hiatus hernia and super ventricular tachycardia to name a few) I am forever having tests to make sure my symptoms/pain are not due to an undiagnosed problem and this does not help my health anxiety. I have just started CBT for it.

06-04-17, 12:06
I am forever having tests to make sure my symptoms/pain are not due to an undiagnosed problem and this does not help my health anxiety. I have just started CBT for it.

Countrygirl I can 100% relate with you, just to let you know you are not alone and I am currently undergoing (more tests) too!

I am pleased you are starting CBT too, are you on any anxiety meds? I am on citralopram 20mg just for the last 6 weeks or so, still waiting for them to work on me 100%.

Let us know how you get on with your chest xray & gastroscopy for which I have had both last year.

You will be fine :) x

---------- Post added at 12:06 ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 ----------

I of course always worry about the small risk of something going wrong with the test like puncturing something!!!

This is very very uncommon, I had a colonoscopy last year October and feared this too, the chances are extremely unlikely

06-04-17, 16:39
Thanks Kay. I have had spinal problems since my middle 20's and just about every pain or symptom I have had to have tests for has turned out to be a result of my prolapsed spinal discs as the pain can travel very far from the problem and also cause other symptoms like vertigo if your neck is involved etc.

I accept I have health anxiety in always worrying about worst case scenario but without my spinal conditions I am sure I would not have had anywhere near as many tests!

06-04-17, 16:53
Thanks Kay. I have had spinal problems since my middle 20's and just about every pain or symptom I have had to have tests for has turned out to be a result of my prolapsed spinal discs as the pain can travel very far from the problem and also cause other symptoms like vertigo if your neck is involved etc.

I accept I have health anxiety in always worrying about worst case scenario but without my spinal conditions I am sure I would not have had anywhere near as many tests!

Sorry to hear of your continuous spinal conditions, its hard when we have a condition which can cause so many other pains that make us have this horrible condition called Health Anxiety. Even though I do not have your condition I have had quite a few health issues leading me in a way to have this HA, its horrible BUT we can try and overcome it with talking, meds & of course this forum which has useful tools.

I have access to my patient record too and I have to go for FBC every 6 months and LFT & Kidney tests every 3 months - the WORST thing I EVER did was look at my blood counts and comparing them.....try not to do that (if you can) it will honestly make the anxiety sooooo much worse! My WBC has been raising for the last year upon every test, I questioned this with the GP and he said nothing to worry about, my size of my RBC was slightly elevated and too he said nothing to be concerned about.

I want you if you wish to come back and tell us what the results were after the xray and gastroscopy :)


anx mum
06-04-17, 17:30
Saw GP again today and she was reassuring about blood results and said she rarely sees anyone with all full blood count results in normal range so thats a real plus for me! She also reassured me re esr.

I have been having pain around my left rib and stabbing pains below rib near my middle for weeks so I have to have a chest x ray/ an abdominal ultrasound to check pancreas and because I have a hiatus hernia she wants me to have gastroscopy. One part of me is glad she is being so thorough but I have worlds worst white coat syndrome and they always take bp before the gastroscopy. I of course always worry about the small risk of something going wrong with the test like puncturing something!!!

Because I have alot of genuine health problems ( prolpased spinal discs/partially sighted/hiatus hernia and super ventricular tachycardia to name a few) I am forever having tests to make sure my symptoms/pain are not due to an undiagnosed problem and this does not help my health anxiety. I have just started CBT for it.

Hi my blood tests come bk raised esr 26 and crp 30 been really worried about it dr says it means inflammation or infection

06-04-17, 17:40
Thanks kay and anxmum.
My crp is always bang on middle of normal so its only the esr that is up a bit. Crp tend to rise with infection so anxmum hope they can find out what is causing yours but if your Dr is not overly concerned then we have to trust them ( says she!) as they see this day in day out and have the training and experience.

anx mum
06-04-17, 17:48
my crp was 30 I was so worried never has my crp been that high dr repeated them they were now 19 still how but better. I asked dr about antibiocs he said he thinks it a inflammation?