View Full Version : Blood from stubbed toe or melanoma??

25-03-17, 19:32
About a week or two ago I stubbed my toe. A day or two later I noticed a dark spot under a nail on the foot I hit and chalked it up to being little bruise from hitting it. Didn't think much about it until giving myself a pedicure a few days ago and it's still there. Trimmed my toenail short thinking the dark spot might come off with the nail but now it's there on my toe. It's not bleeding or anything and it's a dark purplish color so now I'm convinced it's melanoma! I have fair skin, blue eyes and have had my skin checked in the last year by a dermatologist, but this is really scaring me. I know how quickly melanoma can spread and even though I wear sunscreen I have had bad sunburns in the past. Going to make an appointment for early next week but in the meantime some words or reassurement would be great!

25-03-17, 19:52
Does sound like a blood blister/ bruise from the bump & these things can take a while to clear. There's no harm in getting it looked at just to put your mind at ease :) Take care xx

26-03-17, 00:03
Does sound like a blood blister/ bruise from the bump & these things can take a while to clear. There's no harm in getting it looked at just to put your mind at ease :) Take care xx

While there's "no harm" in getting it looked at, the key is to accept the most logical explanation and move on instead of perpetuating the anxiety and getting paid reassurance at the doctor.

Positive thoughts

26-03-17, 00:19
I had the very same thing occurred when I banged my toe. Keep an eye on it, But it sounds very normal.

26-03-17, 11:25
While there's "no harm" in getting it looked at, the key is to accept the most logical explanation and move on instead of perpetuating the anxiety and getting paid reassurance at the doctor.

Positive thoughts

The op said she was making an appointment, I'm not going to say you mustn't do that. Yes it sounds like nothings wrong & I agree somewhat with your comment, but it is up to the individual to do what's best for them & none of us are medically qualified to tell others what they should or shouldn't do.

26-03-17, 12:07
The op said she was making an appointment, I'm not going to say you mustn't do that. Yes it sounds like nothings wrong & I agree somewhat with your comment, but it is up to the individual to do what's best for them & none of us are medically qualified to tell others what they should or shouldn't do.

I agree with both of you. Constantly getting checked for seemingly innocuous symptoms with logical explanations is a symptom of HA much like constantly checking Dr. Google. But, if a person feels that they should be seen by a Dr. we should not discourage that. Here's the key, if you don't tell the Dr. about your anxiety, however, you are not giving them the full diagnostic picture. Just my two cents.

26-03-17, 12:35
Here's the key, if you don't tell the Dr. about your anxiety, however, you are not giving them the full diagnostic picture. Just my two cents.

Good point but I can assure you that if you go to the doctor about a blood blister from a stubbed toe, they're sure to suspect anxiety ;) The key, as you said, is to discuss it and ask for help.

Positive thoughts

26-03-17, 14:36
And good two cents they are Pablo:)x

26-03-17, 17:04
Thank you everyone. I know it seems (and probably is) ridiculous, I told my husband and he just kind of looked at me with his "really?" face and said it was fine. Even I didn't think anything of it until I gave myself a pedicure and remembered I read something about melanoma on fingernails on Facebook. :blush:

I hate how triggered I get when on the internet even when I'm not search Dr. Google for symptoms. I mean why can't we check our Facebook feeds without learning about symptoms to diseases?

I even keep telling myself give it awhile before you make an appointment, but then I remember how quickly melanoma can spread and then I panic all over again. I will give it some time before I call the doctor, who is also well aware of my HA issues.

26-03-17, 17:08
My sister smashed her toe on the door and the nail turned black afterward. Went away after a while.

29-03-17, 22:57
Update.. my "melanoma" was scrubbed off in the shower yesterday. Must have been a blood blister.


29-03-17, 23:15
Ah fab , panic over!:) xx