View Full Version : Cancer worries

18-03-17, 22:11
Hi all,

A while since I posted with my asbestos worries.
Now it seems to be generally centred around my health and in the last week I have diagnosed myself with breast cancer, ovarian, a broken foot as pain and now horrible worries about the hantavirus from mice as we cleaned out our summer house today which had a mouse in (literally chasing it out) who has been eating the contents inside.

Googling lots and generally feeling down:(

19-03-17, 00:54
Welcome to the club nobody wants to be a part of... the "Cancer Worries" club.

Its pretty obviously that you are looking for something to be wrong. 2 cancers and two other ailments in a week.

I would really focus on not googling. I know its really tricky to do, but not googling makes me 100000 times happier. I still have relapses where I'll google horrible diseases, but for the most part I don't anymore.